
Is the IRAQ WAR over yet?

Yes25%25% - 8
No48%48% - 15
More time is needed to truly tell25%25% - 8
Total: 31

eleven bravo wrote:

you know, apparently it isnt common knowledge that public support for American involvement in WW2 was dwindling fast during the last two years.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge that public support for American involvement in Vietnam was HUGE during the first few years.
The people who protested against vietnam was small... News media being new at the time didn't have shit to report except for the hippies.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge most Americans supported the Iraq war during the first few years as well.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
I never did, but thats another story.

Public opinion was on the governments side during the early 60's involving indochina
Tu Stultus Es
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5541|Fuck this.
Phrozenbot pretty much took the words out of my mouth. Every conflict we've been involved in since WWII has been an illegal (constitutionally) conflict. Usually being an invasion, which is also against the constitution. But of course, the Constitution is just a piece of paper, why should we care about some shit written by dead guys 200+ years ago, right?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
You with the face!
Really?  I missed the part about invasions being illegal.  Where was that?

RAIMIUS wrote:

Really?  I missed the part about invasions being illegal.  Where was that?
+632|6768|do not disturb

eleven bravo wrote:

you know, apparently it isnt common knowledge that public support for American involvement in WW2 was dwindling fast during the last two years.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge that public support for American involvement in Vietnam was HUGE during the first few years.
Can it not be said of most wars, that public support gradually falls? The will to fight becomes more political when the people feel less involved. We all know how well politicians stand to their principles.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

Phrozenbot wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

you know, apparently it isnt common knowledge that public support for American involvement in WW2 was dwindling fast during the last two years.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge that public support for American involvement in Vietnam was HUGE during the first few years.
Can it not be said of most wars, that public support gradually falls? The will to fight becomes more political when the people feel less involved. We all know how well politicians stand to their principles.
It most certainly can, but I thought you were saying something otherwise.  WW2 could have easily been just like vietnam.  Isolationism used to be a key aspect in American political culture.
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

ROGUEDD wrote:

Phrozenbot pretty much took the words out of my mouth. Every conflict we've been involved in since WWII has been an illegal (constitutionally) conflict. Usually being an invasion, which is also against the constitution. But of course, the Constitution is just a piece of paper, why should we care about some shit written by dead guys 200+ years ago, right?
If you wanna go about the consitutionality of militarty actions after ww2, then you also have to admit that having a standing army is also against the constitution.  That being said, the constitution allows change.
Tu Stultus Es
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5541|Fuck this.
Yes, but the purpose our our standing military is to protect against foreign invaders and the like. Not to launch attacks on smaller countries to "promote democracy and peace".
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5511|London, England

ROGUEDD wrote:

Yes, but the purpose our our standing military is to protect against foreign invaders and the like. Not to launch attacks on smaller countries to "promote democracy and peace".
How would you know? This entire thread has shown that you don't have a thought in your head that can be considered true. Everything you've said is just a mishmash of garbage and half-lies that people have taught you. Do some damn research on your own.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

ROGUEDD wrote:

Yes, but the purpose our our standing military is to protect against foreign invaders and the like. Not to launch attacks on smaller countries to "promote democracy and peace".
Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary.

And what the hell do you think the President being the Commander in Chief of all the armed forces mean?
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Hard to say, the invasion objectives - removing Saddam and installing a US/Israel friendly govt, opening up the oilfields to Western companies - have been achieved.
The real powesr struggles will start when the coalition leaves, need to wait about a decade to see if it was all worth it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Commie Killer

Dilbert_X wrote:

Hard to say, the invasion objectives - removing Saddam and installing a US/Israel friendly govt, opening up the oilfields to Western companies - have been achieved.
The real powesr struggles will start when the coalition leaves, need to wait about a decade to see if it was all worth it.
Russia seems to have come out on top in the auction for the oilfields, and I wouldn't call the Iraqi government friendly with Israel. Nice try though.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Cybargs wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

you know, apparently it isnt common knowledge that public support for American involvement in WW2 was dwindling fast during the last two years.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge that public support for American involvement in Vietnam was HUGE during the first few years.
The people who protested against vietnam was small... News media being new at the time didn't have shit to report except for the hippies.

Apparently it is also not common knowledge most Americans supported the Iraq war during the first few years as well.
There was also a huge pacifist movement in the US during 39-41. Roosevelt was under immense pressure NOT to support England or the USSR with lend-lease...it was damn near a deal-breaker.

@ the OP: The overall operation is winding down. Major combat operations have (obviously) stopped. There hasn't been an airstrike there in quite some time. There is rarely a TIC situation any more. Any support for the insurgency is rapidly waning...momentum is on the side of the Iraqi government and people. For now, at least.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

Commie Killer wrote:

Russia seems to have come out on top in the auction for the oilfields, and I wouldn't call the Iraqi government friendly with Israel. Nice try though.
But more Western companies are extracting oil than before, and the Iraqi govt is no longer firing scuds at Israel, building superguns or making payments to the families of Palestinians killed by Israel.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5511|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Russia seems to have come out on top in the auction for the oilfields, and I wouldn't call the Iraqi government friendly with Israel. Nice try though.
But more Western companies are extracting oil than before, and the Iraqi govt is no longer firing scuds at Israel, building superguns or making payments to the families of Palestinians killed by Israel.
Sounds like a win all around to me. Oh, and the Iraqi government has pledged that the money received from the oil drilling will be shared out equally among the countries residents (which is pointless, but sounds nice ). Sounds awful to me.

Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-01-05 21:52:33)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

JohnG@lt wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Russia seems to have come out on top in the auction for the oilfields, and I wouldn't call the Iraqi government friendly with Israel. Nice try though.
But more Western companies are extracting oil than before, and the Iraqi govt is no longer firing scuds at Israel, building superguns or making payments to the families of Palestinians killed by Israel.
Sounds like a win all around to me. Oh, and the Iraqi government has pledged that the money received from the oil drilling will be shared out equally among the countries residents (which is pointless, but sounds nice ). Sounds awful to me.
As I said before, its far from over, we need to wait and see what happens once the coalition leaves.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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