I'm just saying... it's surprising...Shahter wrote:
and me being a black sheep in the russuan happy alcoholic flock does what to do with this discussion?
Granted, I go against the American stereotype. I'm a very health-conscious skinny person.
And yeah, I ironically am defending the right of others to be unhealthy, but that's because I'd rather not tell them what to do in their personal lives.
I'd prefer to do that AND party...Shahter wrote:
spend an hour in a gym, followed by half an hour in a sauna, then have a dinner and get laid afterwards. this will net you more "happyness" in the form of endorphines than any alcoholic or pot party ever could, and it will neither poison you nor will it fuckup your brain.
..except me, of course...Shahter wrote:
it's not, the social part of it that is. the problem is being unable to control this shit - and, as i said, nobody is capable of controlling their addictions, not without giving up the source.