Diesel_dyk wrote:
True enough, you should vote for the candidate based on issues. What I was refering to in the beginning was that people will vote for one single party their entire life whether that party is actually passing laws that are in that persons interest or not. In that case you get people in the seante for 30, 40, 50 years and then their son becomes heir to the throne... and then you get all this obivously corrupt legislation that harms teh country and harms the people and its not only sad its ridiculous. If these guys don't agree to term limits, the people should impose term limits on them by conciously shifting their votes to prevent senate squatters.
Absolutely. We should have a national referendum to pass term limits.
Although, I have to give the Republicans credit for one thing. Jim DeMint and some other Republicans have been pushing to pass term limits via a Constitutional Amendment. I applaud this effort, although I doubt it will pass.
http://demint.senate.gov/public/index.c … 379823cf1cDiesel_dyk wrote:
In the second part of the post I was referring to the way the financial and healthcare reform are looking and that we are likely to get higher taxes and little more than a forced private for profit health insurance rammed down our throats. Its a worst case scenerio and that mandate will cause increased costs which we will bear. So taxes are going up AND health insurance premiums are going to go up. And the leadership in Dems appears to be basking in thier newly found wealth of power while selling us all down the river. The insurance companies are going to win and the financial companies are going to win and we are all going to suffer now and in the future because of it. And then these is cap and trade... that hasn't really come up yet and I imagine we will have a huge push on that garbage in 2010.
Well, if it's any consolation, I agree. I believe that passing this bill may be a bad idea after all given its current state.
Diesel_dyk wrote:
I have to tell you that when I read the OP article, I was pissed, its one thing to affect policy and its another for Geithner to push 115 pages of loopholes for the benefit of the financial industry. His ability to do that has to come from agreement of the Dem leadership. So, when you have a crisis of leadership like this then the only way to cuff these assholes down is to smack them by voting the other way, just like in 2008. IMO in 2010, I think we will see a vascillation from pulling the blue levers to pulling the red lever. For me it would be a change from picking and choosing candidates to punishing all dems because in the end it will be their own damn fault. And the only one that makes any sense in this is Howard Dean, as head of the party he can see that if the Dems continue to corrupt their own policies they are going to be slapped right back to minority status in 2010. I predict that if cap and trade passes, energy prices will rise and as a result PBO will lose in 2012 if he runs at all.
And like I said, if the choice is between doing nothing for me and raising my taxes OR doing nothing for me and not rasing my taxes, then there really isn't a choice there at all when I analyze what is in my self interest.
Well, the problem with the past Republican leadership is that they spent a lot more than they got from tax revenue. Admittedly, the same is now true of Dems, but at least they are trying to account for it some by passing tax increases.
Either way, we're facing a tremendous amount of national debt, which is why I believe the only surefire way out is to move to another country. I highly suggest moving to Canada -- that's where I'll be within the next 10 years. I just have to continue making preparations within my company to get a transfer to Mississauga.
JohnG@lt wrote:
I trust no one that comes out of Harvard. The school breeds elitism and a superiority among it's student body out of all relation to their actual talents and skills. God complex doesn't even begin to describe it.
The same could be said of Yale.
Last edited by Turquoise (2009-12-19 10:28:37)