Jaekus wrote:
Ty wrote:
I just hope Tony Abbott gets a fucking clue.
I don't, I want to see him out of politics.
Don't get me wrong, so do I. It's just as things stand he is the most likely person to be the Prime Minister after the next election and I'd quite like him to try and show he'd be, you know, adequate as PM. Nothing he has done so far has shown this.
Alan Jones will always make these daft comments that paint him as the clueless irritable twit he is but while they are generally offensive they are mostly hyperbole and used for some point he was making to back up his twisted little world view. Like "I'm putting her into a chaff bag and hoisting her into the Tasman Sea" comment in regard to Julia Gillard last year. It was a dumbarse comment sure, but it was just an exaggeration, he could have said 'get rid of her' or something along those lines but he wanted to be colourful and came off as insulting. That's his game, that's fine. The comment, however inappropriate, served his argument.
But the comments about John Gillard dying because he was ashamed of his daughter are just mean. Not even a month since he died. My mother lost her father, (my grandfather,) last week, to joke about something like that is ridiculously mean, to joke about it in the way Jones did is even moreso. It serves nothing, it doesn't back up any point Jones was making. It's mean for the sake of being mean. And sure, Jones likely didn't know what he was being recorded, I don't think it's something he would say on his radio show, it just shows what a mean-spirited and hateful little man Jones is.
If the Liberals are so hooked on the love Jones gives them then that's their business I suppose. I just don't know why they would.