Spark wrote:
Ty wrote:
A message to the Australian media:
Stop talking about the fucking boy who cocked up and ended up getting convicted on drugs charges in Bali. We know the story and it's fucking boring. The idiot got caught, the idiot got tried, the idiot got a minuscule sentence that he served in a week, the idiot came home. The amount we've heard about this non-event is fucking ridiculous and now that it's all fucking over can you just leave the little idiot the fuck alone. It's over, no-one wants to hear from the kid, we all know what happened and we all don't give a shit.
The fuck.
so much this
It's ridiculous, today they interviewed some kid who was on the same flight into Australia. What the fuck? A kid shares a plane with another kid and suddenly his opinion on anything is relevant?
Sorry I'm going on about this but every time the media runs a story on this guy I have to note him down as
"the Australian teenager who was convicted on drugs charges in Bali" which is far more annoying than even
"the schoolgirl at the centre of the St. Kilda photo scandal". Fuck name suppression. I'll try to drop it now.
Tony Abbott's saying that the gay marriage is an issue that most Australians don't have a stake in. That's fair enough, the majority of Australians aren't looking to marry someone of the same gender but my point would be that it's this attitude that has led logical people to brush off the matter as 'something for later' while the Christian lobby, (mostly,) gets to smugly sit back and think everyone else is as backward-thinking as they are. Amend the Marriage Act, fuck the haters and rest easy in the knowledge that another bit of pointless discrimination can be done away with. Everyone wins except Christian fundamentalists and Julia Gillard who for reasons known only to herself opposes gay marriage.
I don't get that. I'd get why she might oppose
marriage given that she doesn't seem to keen on the notion herself, (like former NZ PM Helen Clark and that's not where the similarities end,) but we're talking simple personal freedoms here and allowing same-sex couples to marry doesn't have any relation to any feeling Gillard may have about the institution of marriage. Gillard's an atheist, it's not like she has any moral view on gay marriage driven by religious belief either. What else can it be?