The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Compared with actually making advances on and touching a govt staffer, or calling a journalist "a fucking witch" I'd say its pretty tame.
Fuck Israel
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
The whole backlash over this is astounding. And fining him 10k? Ridiculous. He made some harmless comments on TV. Boohoo. I'm sure by now everyone has seen the video of the sunrise weather girl hitting on the guy at the beach. Hilarious then wasn't it. Now? FUCKING OUTRAGE
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
$10k Fine - They're talking about a life cricket ban now.
Fuck Israel
this country is so fucking stupid at times. the fucking social witch hunts are top kek.


But VB on cricket and xxxx on rugby is a-ok and bet with tom waterfuck as well while your at it, odds are 1.78 for fuckshitteam.

dem double standards doe.
Mass Media Casualty

Less double standards, more just cognitive dissonance.

I do think it's a bit odd that Gayle's comments got such a reaction while Briggs and Dutton were treated with kids gloves - especially because the latter two are federal ministers and the former is a bloke that swats a ball with a lump of wood. Gayle captured the nation's attention in a very public way I guess while people like Briggs being inappropriate is a common occurrence - see also ALP National Secretary Jamie Clements. As for Dutton he's so fucking accident prone I wouldn't be surprised if you walked into his office and found that all his office furniture had padded edges. The journalist in question didn't make a big deal of it but she's News Ltd, she has no interest in making trouble for the LNP.

That being said I'm not going to waste any tears on Gayle. He's 36 years old, he gets paid a lot to play a game, and to some he's seen as a role model. He should have grown up enough to realise that he needs to hold himself in a manner different to that of a horny frat boy. It was embarrassing to watch, firstly for his squeamishly sleazy come-on and then his insistence of keeping it up after McLaughlin rejected the advance so he could be all laddish and jokey about it to mask the fact that he'd just made a dick of himself.

Also he won't be banned from cricket and he doesn't give a stuff about $10k, it's about 0.2% of his annual earnings. He won't have learned from it but maybe the next tit will. I agree that it's not that big a deal but I also don't think it's behaviour that should just be tolerated.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
99.9% of australia wouldn't even have know it happened if it weren't for the big blow up. and the people that did see it, most of them wouldn't have cared. If it seemed out of place at the time, the commenters wouldn't have been laughing. People out their hooks into it and dragged it out into the vocal minority. I didn't even know what it was all about until I went looking for it, and I'm a cricket fan.
Mass Media Casualty

The point was to expose it though. The reason the vocal minority wanted to make an issue of it was because they didn't want it to be dismissed or ignored as these things tend to be, (leading to a sway of people saying "why wasn't it offensive x months ago when x did it" as they have with the Gayle matter.)

Generally the reason stories like this get attention is timing. Gayle timed his schoolboy advances on McLaughlin to be in the same week the "Everyday Sexism" crowd were already riled up by the fact Briggs was being treated with kid gloves over making inappropriate drunken advances on a female subordinate and the fact Dutton was immediately forgiven for calling the one female journalist who acknowledged Briggs' behaviour for what it was as a "mad fucking witch", (Dutton apologised but for idiotically sending it to the Maiden rather than the content of the message.)

And I get why it's important to call it out, I get why people are angry that it is dismissed as harmless or that it generally escapes the notice of people who aren't even aware enough to consider it irregular or objectionable. The woman Briggs harassed shouldn't have to tolerate that from a superior, Samantha Maiden shouldn't be subject to bitchy insults from a federal minister, (who has a history of calling women he dislikes witches,) and Mel McLaughlin shouldn't have to accept "being hit on by cocksure sportsmen" as part of her job.

So yeah, not a "big issue" and Gayle's timing was unlucky but it's not as if he didn't deserve the backlash. Be nice if blokes acknowledged that instead of standing, (on their own I note,) with a big sign suggesting Gayle is in any way hard done by.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
No, he didn't deserve the backlash. It could have been a "nah mate that's not on" and he'd go "sorry I was playing around theres a good vibe goin on here my bad, mon. Probably not fair on you i apologise" and it'd be over. These bleeding hearts are more pain than its worth.

We live in a day and age where 'eye rape' is a thing and you can't compliment a woman or suggest you go out for a drink, even as a joke. Bad timing? Yeah, poor taste? Probably. Has he ruined this girls life? No. I bet he didn't even ruin her night. It's the people that go around feeling like they always need to be the victim of something that are making this a big deal.

HE said don't blush baby, she said she wasn't, and they carried on like normal. He saw it wasn't happening and played it cool. Jesus christ. I'm all for equality and women's rights but this is so far off base its embarrassing. I don't even care that im ranting its just such a stupid thing to get upset about.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Ty wrote:

The point was to expose it though. The reason the vocal minority wanted to make an issue of it was because they didn't want it to be dismissed or ignored as these things tend to be, (leading to a sway of people saying "why wasn't it offensive x months ago when x did it" as they have with the Gayle matter.)
After the event most people would have thought "what a dick" and that's where it would have been left.

Since the vocal minority - mostly angry lesbians and anyone they've whipped into submission - went after this issue most people have turned their ire onto the vocal minority.
Be nice if blokes acknowledged that instead of standing, (on their own I note,) with a big sign suggesting Gayle is in any way hard done by.
Be nice if blokedom weren't constantly bashed by the femininazis with their agenda and left-wing pussies. Mainstream Australia is sick of it TBH.
Its also interesting how people are now saying Abbott was right on many things - starting with 'asylum seekers' and muslim migrants.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2016-01-11 00:23:39)

Fuck Israel
Mass Media Casualty

Adams_BJ wrote:

We live in a day and age where 'eye rape' is a thing and you can't compliment a woman or suggest you go out for a drink, even as a joke.
This does exist but it's hardly common, and it's certainly not as common as men who do take it too far and deserve to be slammed for it. Most men are decent and respectful but the ones who aren't tend to get around. One out of every two women experiences some level of sexual harassment during their lives, they're certainly not all prickly harpies who grasp at the first excuse to castrate a bloke if he so much as glances beneath her cheekbones. How many men do you think have been victims of unfair accusations of sexism? Unlikely to be anywhere near 50% of them.

That's not to excuse that behaviour but things need to be kept in perspective. Sexism isn't an amorphous blob that's impossible for a sensible upstanding male to be able to navigate. It's not hard to treat women - or anyone for that matter - with respect. And when someone doesn't and gets called out real men should be okay with acknowledging it instead of acting all hurt about it.

But speaking of perspective I certainly think the Gayle matter has gone as far as it needs to. McLaughlin wasn't too bothered by it, it's been highlighted as unacceptable, acknowledged, now it's time to move on.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Be nice if blokedom weren't constantly bashed by the femininazis with their agenda and left-wing pussies. Mainstream Australia is sick of it TBH.
Not sure you speak for mainstream Australia, Dilbert.

Blokedom isn't being attacked, certainly not to any significant degree. It does receive criticism though. My main criticism of blokedom is that it's soft and can't handle this criticism - as shown by people like our sign-wielding friend acting as if Chris Gayle is deserving of a cause. Pretending to be under attack from "feminazis" is just an easy way to dismiss this criticism and act as if you're being victimised when the truth is that some people just need to grow the fuck up. Gayle isn't a victim, he's a twat that acted like a twat. And in this matter he's had the "nah mate, that's not on" message, he's accepted it and said his "mea culpa". Both sides need to move on, from the insaniacs who are calling for him to be booted out of the BBL to the weeping man-children who want to act as if it's proof that modern society is just so unkind to the straight middle-upper-class male.

Its also interesting how people are now saying Abbott was right on many things - starting with 'asylum seekers' and muslim migrants.
The only people saying that about Abbott are the same people who've always been saying it and still can't accept the fact he was unceremoniously turfed on his arse less than two years into the job.

It's hardly surprising. People who generally subscribed to Abbott's ideals, (or even sort-of did,) are much more inclined to accept them without Abbott around to put his hilariously incompetent face on things.

Abbott was a terrible PM. He didn't even compare well to his predecessors which is saying something. He will not be making a return no matter how many times radio shock jocks try to act as if "what did Abbott do that was so wrong?" is a rhetorical question.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Ty wrote:

Blokedom isn't being attacked, certainly not to any significant degree. It does receive criticism though. My main criticism of blokedom is that it's soft and can't handle this criticism.
Right, so blokedom is at the same time too hard and too soft. If it says nothing that's bad, if it says something that's also bad.

Typical media - once something is in its sights it can't win.
Fuck Israel
Mass Media Casualty

I don't know how you read that from what I wrote. I've certainly never criticised blokedom for being "too hard", in fact I think it's anything but. To me it seems insecure and whiny, at least in the context we're discussing it in.

People need to stop acting as if it's all too difficult, it's not. Gayle disrespected a professional female journalist trying to do her job. He embarrassed her and made her feel uncomfortable, and when he was given a clear indication she was not on board he continued to make hints so as to not harm his own ego. That's not the sort of thing that warrants anyone throwing up their arms and saying "well I just you can't do anything right around these feminazis". Gayle was being a twat. It's not the sort of thing that he needs to be run out of town over either but again, it's not as if he didn't deserve some backlash.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Australian politics sounds so fucking lame
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Wars started by Australia - 0
Fuck Israel
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
When we don't have school kids being massacred every day we have the luxury ofalmost  coming to blows over whether a guy came on to a woman innapropriatley as a point of national interest.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Wars started by Australia - 0
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
And the emus won

The machine-gunners' dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month
Fucking emus.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Thankfully the govt has this shit on lock.

Fuck Israel
Mass Media Casualty

Well Tones ain't going nowhere. Can't say I'm surprised. At age 58 with 22 or whatever years in Parliament it's hard to think he can pursue a new career, especially given the open display of his level of competence. Sitting on the backbenches claiming a pay cheque is about his level I think, long may the voters of Warringah tolerate him.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
invasion day makes the rounds again
Mass Media Casualty

As does the republican debate. Weird that Colin Barnett was the one not to sign the declaration given he is a noted republican.

Anyone watch that Stan Grant speech? Worth taking a look at. It's pretty shameful how back-asswards Australia is on its own history of... well, what was effectively genocide and the complete denial of one of the most ancient cultures on the planet. Which still bloody continues, (the Australian Constitution STILL acts as if Mabo never happened and Australia was terra nullius, i.e. unoccupied before the arrival of European settlers. The referendum to change that is still years off because apparently the public needs to be eased into the idea of changing it to recognise that there were people living there beforehand.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Why does the constitution need to mention Mabo? High Court ruling not good enough on issue of native title? You realize a referendum on what most of the population would consider a non-issue would be impractical. Hell we can't even get a referendum about a bill of rights let alone aboriginal recognition.
Mass Media Casualty

I'm not saying it needs to mention Mabo. Mabo was the case that finally overturned the notion of terra nullius but the Constitution has never been changed to reflect this, meaning it doesn't acknowledge Aboriginals as Australia's first people and effectively acts as if Australia started with the first fleet - as does Australia Day for that matter. As I understand it the only mention of Aboriginals n the Constitution was when they finally decided that they were people after all rather than fauna and amended the Constitution to reflect that bit of enlightenment. I believe that was in the late 1960s.

It's pretty simple. It's not going to change the world but recognition is a starting point. And the only reason a referendum hasn't been a straight forward process is because too much of the population is so dumb that they would actually object to it and the proponents of it want it to pass so they can tick it off.

And I doubt the Aboriginal population considers their situation a non-issue. The Indigenous people of Australia have an average life expectancy under 70. An Aboriginal kid has more chance going to prison than they have of finishing school. Australians needs to take some pretty fucking serious action if it wants to be able to don a Cronula Cape and bleat endlessly about their Lucky Country and how Australia's the best fucking place in the world and if you don't like it you can get out without looking like a bunch of oblivious bogans. There is a nearly sub-human class of people in Australia and the only time they seem to warrant a mention is when some right wing tosspot with a radio show declares he shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Ty wrote:

There is a nearly sub-human class of people in Australia and the only time they seem to warrant a mention is when some right wing tosspot with a radio show declares he shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.
No-one gives a shit about Lebos Ty.

How are Maoris represented in the NZ constitution? Or Indians in the 'Land of the Free' US constitution?

Aboriginals have equal rights don't they? How would amending the constitution change anything in any useful way?
Apart from helping the usual crop of Green and Lefty tosspots feel a bit less bad about it as they enjoy their salaries and tax-free entitlements and do exactly nothing about anything I don't see the purpose.
Fuck Israel
The constitutional change around aboriginals was for racial discrimination law. It made it so the state's were unable to discriminate against aboriginals, but left the power for the federal government to legislate on the issue. Fed gov can pass a law tomorrow and say 'xyz race are verboten' and it'd still be within constitutional powers.

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