Compared with actually making advances on and touching a govt staffer, or calling a journalist "a fucking witch" I'd say its pretty tame.
Fuck Israel
After the event most people would have thought "what a dick" and that's where it would have been left.Ty wrote:
The point was to expose it though. The reason the vocal minority wanted to make an issue of it was because they didn't want it to be dismissed or ignored as these things tend to be, (leading to a sway of people saying "why wasn't it offensive x months ago when x did it" as they have with the Gayle matter.)
Be nice if blokedom weren't constantly bashed by the femininazis with their agenda and left-wing pussies. Mainstream Australia is sick of it TBH.Be nice if blokes acknowledged that instead of standing, (on their own I note,) with a big sign suggesting Gayle is in any way hard done by.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2016-01-11 00:23:39)
This does exist but it's hardly common, and it's certainly not as common as men who do take it too far and deserve to be slammed for it. Most men are decent and respectful but the ones who aren't tend to get around. One out of every two women experiences some level of sexual harassment during their lives, they're certainly not all prickly harpies who grasp at the first excuse to castrate a bloke if he so much as glances beneath her cheekbones. How many men do you think have been victims of unfair accusations of sexism? Unlikely to be anywhere near 50% of them.Adams_BJ wrote:
We live in a day and age where 'eye rape' is a thing and you can't compliment a woman or suggest you go out for a drink, even as a joke.
Not sure you speak for mainstream Australia, Dilbert.Dilbert_X wrote:
Be nice if blokedom weren't constantly bashed by the femininazis with their agenda and left-wing pussies. Mainstream Australia is sick of it TBH.
The only people saying that about Abbott are the same people who've always been saying it and still can't accept the fact he was unceremoniously turfed on his arse less than two years into the job.Its also interesting how people are now saying Abbott was right on many things - starting with 'asylum seekers' and muslim migrants.
Right, so blokedom is at the same time too hard and too soft. If it says nothing that's bad, if it says something that's also bad.Ty wrote:
Blokedom isn't being attacked, certainly not to any significant degree. It does receive criticism though. My main criticism of blokedom is that it's soft and can't handle this criticism.
Fucking emus.The machine-gunners' dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month
No-one gives a shit about Lebos Ty.Ty wrote:
There is a nearly sub-human class of people in Australia and the only time they seem to warrant a mention is when some right wing tosspot with a radio show declares he shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.