haha my bodyfat is through the damn roof right now.. 15.6%! I dont really mind though because I've gotten so ridiculously huge and could probably deadlift a Geo Metro. I miss being lean, but goddamn I LOVE being this strong.
Best way to get fit in your situation is strength training 3x a week and then cardio once a week. You don't need to exert yourself in cardio to be fit or healthy.Uzique wrote:
IMO, i should listen to the doc and not do any serious exercise for at least another month
i need to regain lots of weight and, most importantly, rest. im fattening up like a goose and trying to get my body and chemicals back in balance.
im not going for the 'gain bulk -> cut the fat to muscle' technique. i just need to get out of drug-fucked territory before i can consider normal routines.
tabata workouts would fucking kill me, literally. i'd drop dead.
@ Jebus - You can notice a difference, but I suggest you concentrate on those pecs. They need some work and fast!
My advice? Drop the cardio and concentrate on muscle hypertrophy. You seriously need to start eating more - 5 meals a day, lots of protein, lots of veg.
I eat every 3 hours and trust me, you'll need that to get bigger. I have a pretty slow metabolism, so I can put on weight whenever I feel like it, but you have a fast one, and therefore you need to start eating like a fucking horse.
When I have time, I'll write up a little thing about gaining weight/muscle and increasing strength or size, as I've seen pretty huge improvements with what I've been doing (pics will come).
nutrition is my main problem when it comes to being serious about 'health'
im a fussy-ass eater, dont like most vegetables and have a serious sweet tooth. and i dig meat far too much. mmm meat.
i only managed to cut down on my super high-caffeine/sugar drinking habits about 6 months ago.
and yeah zim, i know cardio is the unnecessary part, but ive always been a long-distance runner and it... 'bothers' me that im so fucked now.
that's my main and only motivation/interest in fitness: when i can tangibly notice that ive dun got fucked up
im a fussy-ass eater, dont like most vegetables and have a serious sweet tooth. and i dig meat far too much. mmm meat.
i only managed to cut down on my super high-caffeine/sugar drinking habits about 6 months ago.
and yeah zim, i know cardio is the unnecessary part, but ive always been a long-distance runner and it... 'bothers' me that im so fucked now.
that's my main and only motivation/interest in fitness: when i can tangibly notice that ive dun got fucked up
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
this thread is in need of pics!
From a few pages back, like four months old. Gained like 15 lbs since then and a little more fat...
Exactly the same here. Meat & fish reign supreme in my diet. Most other food is just disgustingUzique wrote:
nutrition is my main problem when it comes to being serious about 'health'
im a fussy-ass eater, dont like most vegetables and have a serious sweet tooth. and i dig meat far too much. mmm meat.

Been starting with cardio as a stress buster/feelgood factor then hitting weights and protein shakes as a sort of experiment to see how much and how easily I can put on bulk without having to change my diet too much.
Figured I have 7months of routine I can easily fit the gym into every day.
How beneficial is it to have breaks rather than go 5 times a week?
Figured I have 7months of routine I can easily fit the gym into every day.
How beneficial is it to have breaks rather than go 5 times a week?

You have to eat veggies. Fruit isn't as necessary because of the high sugar content, but veggies are most definitely vital.
Grab baby tomatos and add them to your meal (a handful or so) and that should do the trick.
Spinach, peas, salad. Whatever you can eat that goes down easily. Grab a salad every day for a mid morning snack or whatever, then eat an apple at night. It's not hard to get in your system and once you start eating it, you don't really care about the taste.
My daily meal routine can go something like this:
Morning - 3 eggs, protein shake, spinach (occasional)
Mid morning snack - Full salad and or bag of nuts
Lunch - Tin of tuna/tin of sardines/4 chicken legs with cottage cheese and 7 baby tomatoes
Post workout meal - Shake + oatcakes etc
Dinner - Full course meal without the carbs - eg : Spinach/Broccoli/Ratatouille and Fish/Chicken/Steak
Always make sure to drink a gallon of water a day.
Grab baby tomatos and add them to your meal (a handful or so) and that should do the trick.
Spinach, peas, salad. Whatever you can eat that goes down easily. Grab a salad every day for a mid morning snack or whatever, then eat an apple at night. It's not hard to get in your system and once you start eating it, you don't really care about the taste.
My daily meal routine can go something like this:
Morning - 3 eggs, protein shake, spinach (occasional)
Mid morning snack - Full salad and or bag of nuts
Lunch - Tin of tuna/tin of sardines/4 chicken legs with cottage cheese and 7 baby tomatoes
Post workout meal - Shake + oatcakes etc
Dinner - Full course meal without the carbs - eg : Spinach/Broccoli/Ratatouille and Fish/Chicken/Steak
Always make sure to drink a gallon of water a day.
You don't go 5 times a week. End of story.PrivateVendetta wrote:
Been starting with cardio as a stress buster/feelgood factor then hitting weights and protein shakes as a sort of experiment to see how much and how easily I can put on bulk without having to change my diet too much.
Figured I have 7months of routine I can easily fit the gym into every day.
How beneficial is it to have breaks rather than go 5 times a week?
Fact is, the more you rest, the more your muscles will build up. You're overtraining with 5 gym sessions a week, and you're going to see very little gains.
3x a week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Strength training
1x/2x a week Cardio - Thursday/Saturday
You never do cardio before a workout, it's not beneficial and just tires you out. If you can, push yourself after a heavy workout for 20 minutes on the running machine doing quick sprints, but if you can't manage that, then have cardio on a different day.
You need to give your muscles a good 48 hours of rest to see noticeable improvements. Trust me, the day after a workout, you feel as if your muscles were never worked (once you've passed the pain stage) and then the next day BAM you can feel your muscles pumping properly. Rest is THE most important thing for muscle building.
Changing your diet really is key to gaining bulk - If you have a fast metabolism (how much do you weigh? How tall are you?) then you're going to need to eat a lot.
Remember, you can't build muscle and put on weight properly unless you bulk up with fat first. It's very hard burning away current body fat without putting more on and then shaving it off.
Well I didn't really want to get into the whole lifestyle change mentality, have too much to concentrate on at the moment without having to reorganise how I eat etc.
I am pretty slim, I weigh about 9st. now and about 5'6" and I eat as much as anyone I know if not slightly more, so I guess I need to be eating a lot more? That's where it starts getting time consuming and expensive making and eating more healthy meals.
I didn't know about putting on fat first before you get muscle though, I thought it got made direct from the daily intake etc.
I am pretty slim, I weigh about 9st. now and about 5'6" and I eat as much as anyone I know if not slightly more, so I guess I need to be eating a lot more? That's where it starts getting time consuming and expensive making and eating more healthy meals.
I didn't know about putting on fat first before you get muscle though, I thought it got made direct from the daily intake etc.

yeah you're like me. have to eat a shitload, eat is regularly, and eat stuff that only tastes like shit.
serious muscle-gain = lifestyle change.
im happy with my cardio fitness and lean build. it's getting back the bulk that im interested in. think my BF% is like 5% at the moment- but it ain't natural or healthy. underweight. i blame amphetamines/cathinones the most. could literally see myself losing weight from one day to the next- especially around my wrists and forearms and whatever. emphatically: fuck. that.
back when i ran i used to go jogging every single day for 20-30 minutes. i reckon i'd be lucky to find the time and effort to go 2/3 now.
serious muscle-gain = lifestyle change.
im happy with my cardio fitness and lean build. it's getting back the bulk that im interested in. think my BF% is like 5% at the moment- but it ain't natural or healthy. underweight. i blame amphetamines/cathinones the most. could literally see myself losing weight from one day to the next- especially around my wrists and forearms and whatever. emphatically: fuck. that.
back when i ran i used to go jogging every single day for 20-30 minutes. i reckon i'd be lucky to find the time and effort to go 2/3 now.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Uzi youre a smart fucking cat man. Im sure if you put your energy and effort into regaining your fitness you will succeed.
There is one cheaper way of gaining mass.PrivateVendetta wrote:
Well I didn't really want to get into the whole lifestyle change mentality, have too much to concentrate on at the moment without having to reorganise how I eat etc.
I am pretty slim, I weigh about 9st. now and about 5'6" and I eat as much as anyone I know if not slightly more, so I guess I need to be eating a lot more? That's where it starts getting time consuming and expensive making and eating more healthy meals.
I didn't know about putting on fat first before you get muscle though, I thought it got made direct from the daily intake etc.
GOMAD - Gallon of milk a day.
If you do that (and that's the full fat milk, mind you) then you're going to put on weight and fast. Now, if you're willing to have a bit of fat with that as well, then I suggest you try it out (watch out for the side effects though - Sleepiness, farts, bad shit for the first few weeks). You'll end up craving milk, but it's a guaranteed solution to gaining weight, and if you keep up your strength training then you'll be fine.
Well, don't change your lifestyle then, but adding an extra 2 workouts a week isn't going to make you gain weight or do anything to your muscles - it will infact make them stretched and worse off than if you go 3x a week.
You're clearly not eating nearly enough. Eat more. Simple as.
Pasta, rice, etc will get you weighty. Have a massive bowl of pasta with tuna, pesto and tomatoes for lunch, for example. When I say massive, I mean like a cooking bowl.
OK I'll see what I can do, not really practical to be buying that much atm, but as I have to have a lunch-box every week day, I guess I could make a shit-ton of pasta each night, eat half then, then the rest for lunch the next day.
So Pesto is good? Sweet. Chicken over meat like Bacon and chorizo etc. ?
What about food that isn't 'healthy' but isn't junk, like cheese etc. Better to just put on the weight or to eat more of the right food and put less weight on?
So Pesto is good? Sweet. Chicken over meat like Bacon and chorizo etc. ?
What about food that isn't 'healthy' but isn't junk, like cheese etc. Better to just put on the weight or to eat more of the right food and put less weight on?

You'll put on more weight by eating good foods than bad foods, if eaten properly.
Dairy foods are great, I especially recommend cottage cheese (it's a fantastic source of protein and tasty) but it's not very fattening. You can most certainly go for cheese s and stuff, who said that wasn't healthy? It's very healthy.
Remember, that when you see "Fat: 9.1g" on the label, that's GOOD fat, not bad stuff.
Dairy foods are great, I especially recommend cottage cheese (it's a fantastic source of protein and tasty) but it's not very fattening. You can most certainly go for cheese s and stuff, who said that wasn't healthy? It's very healthy.
Remember, that when you see "Fat: 9.1g" on the label, that's GOOD fat, not bad stuff.
I thought I was in getting-close-to-decent-shape until I tried the first part of P90x. I collapsed half way through.
I thought I was in getting-close-to-decent-shape until I tried the first part of P90x. I collapsed half way through.
Since I got my drivers license over 3 years ago, I've grown 2 inches and gained 5 lbs., putting me just into the Lightweight category were I a boxer. Luckily, I'll be able to start running again during the summer and work out a bit at home, since the gym at school sucks. I find it much better to be at home because I have way more control over what I eat as opposed to here where basically my snack supply consists of a variety of cookies, chips, and other, mostly chocolate-infused goods.
A little vid my wife took of me doing some quats tonight. Last set of six reps at 315lbs.
Last edited by SonderKommando (2010-05-05 20:09:59)
@Sonder; damn, my shoulders/traps would be bleeding lol!
@Zimmer, about the eating: I eat 3 'big' meals a day, and I don't stop till I'm completely filled. However, after that I'm not too sure what to eat. I usually add in some pieces of fruit, but then I'm lost. I figured eating cookies wouldn't be all that positive for me, really. Or am I wrong on that one?
About the pecs - I agree. I must say they do look a lot smaller and underdeveloped on that pic, but still. I feel that my chest workout still isn't what it should be. Care to help?
Friday routine:
Abs (different exercises..)
Regular Bench Press: Warm up-1x12(25-30kg) 1x8 (40kg) 5x5 (50-55kg)
Incline Flyes: 4x8, 13kg or so
"Pec Deck" (cables): Reps with weights 15/10/5 till exhausted
(biceps afterwards)
I randomly add in Dumbbel Press, Incline or Decline bench..
I know it isn't all that great, and I never really feel the burn in my pecs neither, so yeah..
Off to Paris now, see y'all on Saturday/Sunday!
@Zimmer, about the eating: I eat 3 'big' meals a day, and I don't stop till I'm completely filled. However, after that I'm not too sure what to eat. I usually add in some pieces of fruit, but then I'm lost. I figured eating cookies wouldn't be all that positive for me, really. Or am I wrong on that one?
About the pecs - I agree. I must say they do look a lot smaller and underdeveloped on that pic, but still. I feel that my chest workout still isn't what it should be. Care to help?
Friday routine:
Abs (different exercises..)
Regular Bench Press: Warm up-1x12(25-30kg) 1x8 (40kg) 5x5 (50-55kg)
Incline Flyes: 4x8, 13kg or so
"Pec Deck" (cables): Reps with weights 15/10/5 till exhausted
(biceps afterwards)
I randomly add in Dumbbel Press, Incline or Decline bench..
I know it isn't all that great, and I never really feel the burn in my pecs neither, so yeah..
Off to Paris now, see y'all on Saturday/Sunday!
I wouldn't even be able to hold that up.SonderKommando wrote:
A little vid my wife took of me doing some quats tonight. Last set of six reps at 315lbs.
Sad face.
Yeah but you could. Ask me to do that one year ago and I woulda sunk like a rock.DefCon-17 wrote:
I wouldn't even be able to hold that up.SonderKommando wrote:
A little vid my wife took of me doing some quats tonight. Last set of six reps at 315lbs.
Sad face.
Right folk. Here is a MASSIVE challenge for you.
I don't have time right now to read through the 39 pages of this thread, but I will over the next day/two.
I am getting married in 4 weeks, and I want to shift 7-13pounds.
I used to play 5 aside football (soccer) 4 times a week, and was shifting the weight well, but I am very injury prone, so after 4 weeks of good work I would get injured and then I would be "on the sidelines" for 2-3weeks. In that time I would then put weight back on.
My current fitness regime is not a very strenuous one because I have a groin pain. But I am walking/jogging 4.5 miles everyday, situps, pushups, light weights, and bouncing on one of those exercise balls for 30mins every evening.
My diet is the problem. What should I be eating and what shouldn't I be eating? Should I go for one of those suggested "don't eat after 2pm" diets?
My current diet is along the lines of:
no breakfast
sandwich or sub roll for lunch with something like ham salad, tuna mayo salad, egg mayo salad
dinner would be either: baked potato with tuna mayo, pasta and sauce, chicken kebab, chicken and mashed potato
Please help me bf2s.com fitness folk, you are my only hope /star wars reference
I don't have time right now to read through the 39 pages of this thread, but I will over the next day/two.
I am getting married in 4 weeks, and I want to shift 7-13pounds.
I used to play 5 aside football (soccer) 4 times a week, and was shifting the weight well, but I am very injury prone, so after 4 weeks of good work I would get injured and then I would be "on the sidelines" for 2-3weeks. In that time I would then put weight back on.
My current fitness regime is not a very strenuous one because I have a groin pain. But I am walking/jogging 4.5 miles everyday, situps, pushups, light weights, and bouncing on one of those exercise balls for 30mins every evening.
My diet is the problem. What should I be eating and what shouldn't I be eating? Should I go for one of those suggested "don't eat after 2pm" diets?
My current diet is along the lines of:
no breakfast
sandwich or sub roll for lunch with something like ham salad, tuna mayo salad, egg mayo salad
dinner would be either: baked potato with tuna mayo, pasta and sauce, chicken kebab, chicken and mashed potato
Please help me bf2s.com fitness folk, you are my only hope /star wars reference
Last edited by theDude5B (2010-05-06 01:54:18)
high protein diets are bad for you heart