i stopped increasing my squat weight (at 110kg) so i can let my other lifts catch up from my injury break.

I thought it hadnt affected my Dl that much, but it had. I did 105 not too long ago but i guess i was at my best that day. Im back to 90 now so i can just increase it steadily and with proper form.
Rest of my exercises also require some cathign up after the injury. Today imma bench 52.5kg so its goin pretty good (still)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Hahahahaha nowhere like that guy, he's a machine!

I probably was about 5-10 degrees above parallel. A little deflating but it's better to catch it now a few months in than a year from now.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

i stopped increasing my squat weight (at 110kg) so i can let my other lifts catch up from my injury break.

I thought it hadnt affected my Dl that much, but it had. I did 105 not too long ago but i guess i was at my best that day. Im back to 90 now so i can just increase it steadily and with proper form.
Rest of my exercises also require some cathign up after the injury. Today imma bench 52.5kg so its goin pretty good (still)
I got to 103.8kg on both squats and DL, then stopped 5x5 and switched to 3x8 (currently doing). Started back down at 68.8kg to build up, currently up to 86.3kg

The weird weights are due to my barbell being 8.8kg, so 95 (in plates) + 8.8 = 103.8, etc.
dont you think you shouldve gone higher before switching to a split?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I'm still doing a FBW workout, just a different routine.

It's the one from here, version 2 - http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/the-begi … t-routine/
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
I went to the doctor on Monday and she said I have borderline high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Needless to say, I have not had soda, coffee, or much else besides water since Monday. 90% of my meals have been pretty healthy and I'm trying to watch my sodium intake.

I've also started working out again, been doing cardio. I'm loving the elliptical trainer, I've already lost a pound and a half I think. I need to vary my training up though, might hit the bikes or stairmasters... not the treadmills, I hate those things.
Tried regular running?
Its pretty neat once youve gone past the first two times (you'll be in quite some pain from those) and you improve really fast.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
I did cross country in 7th and 8th grade... wasn't that great at it, didn't like it that much. I'd rather do regular biking than regular running

I'd love to love running, but nobody's ever shown me how.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
If you stick to a good diet and regular exercise your cholesterol will definitely reduce.

Just think about as being more or less a permanent lifestyle change.  Doesn't mean you can't eat the odd "bad" thing from time to time, just make it a once a week thing rather than every day.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
Exactly Jaekus, I'm already adopting that. I've known for a while that I should eat healthier and start exercising, but hearing it from the doctor and seeing the hard numbers really woke me up I guess.

It hasn't been hard either. At the 3 day mark I had a strong craving for potato chips (dunno why) but since then I've been content with eating healthier food in healthier portions.

Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2011-06-11 19:58:53)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've got to the point now where if I eat pizza I don't feel the best afterwards, so I kinda don't like junk food anymore.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York
19 minutes, 2.56miles. Did a mile in a 6 minutes before walking a little bit. My best time since I started back in mid-May. Quite happy right now.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Nice one

Totally exhausted during my workout today. I think I hadn't drunk enough water earlier in the day.

Still, managed to complete all DL at 88.8kg, overhead press at 36.3kg and almost 3x8 assisted pull ups.

Did a little less on the BB curls at the same weight as previous workout but my form was very correct this time.

Also, this ab superset I've got going is pretty nice, in a painful kinda way

I do weighted crunches, lying leg raises and decline sit ups, all 8 reps, and 3 supersets in total. I know it's not hitting my obliques but I'll get around to it.
Discovered a new tasty food.
Whenever i dont feel like consuming my daily huge amount of chicken, i just eat curd (500g).
they sell this low fat curd here (with fruit bits in em). Has maybe 100kcals+ less than the chicken and little more than half the protein, but theres just days that im not hungry enough to eat that huge plate of chicken for lunch.

Forgot to buy one with fruit, so now i have a tasteless one. Its ont gross, but its not very tasty. Added a drop of maplesyrup, ubt now it just tastes like shit. Still gonna finish it though.
Ill often have an extra when i eat this though to compensate for the protein and calories that it has less than the chicken.
Peanutbutter is often great. One of the best bulking foods imo (probably because im addicted to it)

e: when trying to lose weight/cut, i wouldnt do any of this. Curd can be a good source of protein, but 500g is too much when you want to lose weight or are on a cut (maybe like 200g max), and the PB is a big no-no on a cut imo (even the natural/sugarfree ones)

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-06-14 06:19:58)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
What's the deal with peanut butter? I see a lot of people incorporate it into their diet; what's the benefit?

I've been eating a large steak or large fillet of salmon each night, either with salad or steamed vegetables.

Also a tub of low fat cottage cheese, protein bar, scoop of whey with oats for breakfast, hard boiled eggs, chicken with salad and recently started eating the chicken salad in a wholemeal wrap...

Trying to gain muscle without the fat (it's inevitable, but I'm trying to do it as cleanly as possible)... am I doing the right thing here?
Looking for my Scooper
110KGx5 Squat and 50KGx3MP today.

Making strength gains even though my training is a bit inconsistent right now (exams..)
Looks okey to me.

The deal with PB is that its very calorie dense, easy to eat and has a lot of protein. Its also very tasty (but that might not be same for everyone). It also has some good fats and carbs (and most of the time some sugar).
Its a good snack (i sometimes eat a few spoons) or a great addition to oats or shakes and shit.

Jebus wrote:

110KGx5 Squat and 50KGx3MP today.

Making strength gains even though my training is a bit inconsistent right now (exams..)
e: nmv

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-06-14 07:30:09)

Well, my 92.5x5 DL went very smooth yesterday.
I feel like i'll be back on track with it in no time.

Almost at my 5xBW BP, just a few more weeks. Once ive reached that its all PRs from there.
Just 1 more week and i'll be at a OHP PR as well (need at least 40kg)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

Looks okey to me.

The deal with PB is that its very calorie dense, easy to eat and has a lot of protein. Its also very tasty (but that might not be same for everyone). It also has some good fats and carbs (and most of the time some sugar).
Its a good snack (i sometimes eat a few spoons) or a great addition to oats or shakes and shit.
Cool, so how much should the average person (doing a regular weight training regime) eat each day?

Jaekus wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

Looks okey to me.

The deal with PB is that its very calorie dense, easy to eat and has a lot of protein. Its also very tasty (but that might not be same for everyone). It also has some good fats and carbs (and most of the time some sugar).
Its a good snack (i sometimes eat a few spoons) or a great addition to oats or shakes and shit.
Cool, so how much should the average person (doing a regular weight training regime) eat each day?
It depends on what that person current weight/height is (and thus what his maintenance amount is, most of the time its around 2500kcals)
It aslo depends and that persons goals. Gaining? Want fat or muscle or both? Losing? Lose fat without muscle?
Its a bit tricky.
First thing to know is: Do you want to gain or lose weight?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Gain muscle. I'm not trying to lose fat at the moment (also not trying to gain it).

Not sure how many cals I have a day. I could add it up. But I am trying to eat a lot of good quality food, low in fats and carbs and a lot of protein with hopefully enough carbs too.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-06-14 07:40:18)

then you need to eat more.
High protein, medium carbs, low fat basically (very basic)
Could you give me the exact amounts and sort of a timetable of what and when you eat?

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