Say wat!?
I think the main issue with my workout program is the diet. I don't have one in particular. I eat shit loads as it is. The only conscious thing I do is have a 2 scoop protein shake after a work out and a single scoop shake the next day.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
What are your workout goals? Lose fat or bulk up with muscle?

Doing both is possible, but hard and a slow process.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York
Started my weekly 2 mile runs today. My body hurts. I lost all my stamina over the school year. Gonna step it up to 3 miles by the middle of June, then hopefully 4 by July. If anyone has any tweaks/suggestions for this, I'm all ears. I need to do a mile and a half in 9:30 by August 15th. Shouldn't be THAT hard, but like I said... all my stamina disappeared over the school year.

Should start working out at the gym once I get my second job, because I can't afford it right now. My first job doesn't start until July.
Say wat!?
bulk up for sure atm. its genuinely hard/prohibitively expensive to eat much more than I already do im 6'6" and ive got a very very fast metabolism.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York
I lost 55 lbs 2 years ago, I've got a pretty quick metabolism too since then.

Just wanna get my stamina back up before I head back to the gym.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Vilham wrote:

bulk up for sure atm. its genuinely hard/prohibitively expensive to eat much more than I already do im 6'6" and ive got a very very fast metabolism.
Wow man... heard of GOMAD? I know little about it (Gallon Of Milk A Day) but I've seen it recommended a few times to help ppl bulk up.

Jaekus wrote:

Vilham wrote:

bulk up for sure atm. its genuinely hard/prohibitively expensive to eat much more than I already do im 6'6" and ive got a very very fast metabolism.
Wow man... heard of GOMAD? I know little about it (Gallon Of Milk A Day) but I've seen it recommended a few times to help ppl bulk up.
I wouldnt recommend it.
Sure, it has a lot of calories and protein, but its a lot to drink.
Whole milk is great for gaining weight, but a whole gallon of it? Thats not for everyone. Most people woudl feel way too bloated after drinking 4l in a single day and would skip on actual food.
I drink 1L a day and thats good enough because i also eat plenty. I gain weight slowly, but surely. I also lose fat so its worth the slow gaining.
the whole concept of bulking with 6000-8000kcals a day and then cutting once youre a fat fuck is just bullshit if you ask me.
I think someone posted an article on it here a few weeks back but when you bulk like that (not caring about gaining fat) you will later on have a lot more trouble maintaining your weight as you will will gain fat a lot quicker.
So, sure you can do GOMAD, and you will gain weight if you do. But is the healthiest way to do it? No.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Tried drinking shit loads of milk to gain weight once (5'11" and 120lbs) just made me sluggish as hell and reluctant to exercise or eat anything. Didn't gain anything in the end.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Also thinking of doing some HIIT on an exercise bike at home, anyone got a rough idea what timing I should be going for? Not particularly fit at the moment and I'm hoping this will be some benefit whilst cutting fat/not gaining much muscle.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

presidentsheep wrote:

Also thinking of doing some HIIT on an exercise bike at home, anyone got a rough idea what timing I should be going for? Not particularly fit at the moment and I'm hoping this will be some benefit whilst cutting fat/not gaining much muscle.
Wouldn't know exactly but I'd say a minute at very high rpms maybe 120 and a two minute rest.
Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:


Zimmer, I've just read an article that recommends 75grams of dextrose in a post workout shake...
In order to effectively maximize the rebuilding and resynthesis of muscle glycogen in the post-workout window, you should add approximately 5 grams of carbs for every two full sets you perform in your workout. When you compare this to the other protein calc of 30 sets then you're taking in roughly 75 grams of dextrose in your post-workout shake. … xtrose.htm (about 3/4 of the way down the page)
Depends if you're trying to cut or build mate. I take the minimal amount and I'm still building. Take 20g or 30g. You don't need 75grams.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
I'm assuming the same is cool for running. 1 min flat out, 2 mins rest. Then gradually increase high intensity and decrease the rest?
Gonna stick a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down on either side of this then maybe do 10-15 mins of HIIT in the middle.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Well I've been told you rest more than you work because of the high intensity. Make sure you warm up properly and do some stretching.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Did a decent amount of warmup/stretching. Still could only do about 2/3rds of the shorter distance I usually do (about 4.2km).

Did a 5 min jog/warmup
3 mins of stretching
1 min sprint
2 min jog
4 minute rest/try not to vomit
1 minute sprint
5 minute walk
5 minute jog
5 minute stretch.

Think I was a bit unprepared for that, will try with a shorter distance and maybe smaller times later in the week.
e: though as far as cardio goes, that was the most i've ever felt myself sweat and my heart pound.

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-05-16 10:41:07)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York

presidentsheep wrote:

Did a decent amount of warmup/stretching. Still could only do about 2/3rds of the shorter distance I usually do (about 4.2km).

Did a 5 min jog/warmup
3 mins of stretching
1 min sprint
2 min jog
4 minute rest/try not to vomit
1 minute sprint
5 minute walk
5 minute jog
5 minute stretch.

Think I was a bit unprepared for that, will try with a shorter distance and maybe smaller times later in the week.
e: though as far as cardio goes, that was the most i've ever felt myself sweat and my heart pound.
That actually looks like a decent plan for me, at least to start off. As I said - I'm 165 lbs so it's not like I'm dragging much, I just need to increase my stamina.

Plus I was an idiot and didn't stretch this morning.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Dunno if it was because of that run but I just ate more carbs than I thought humanly possible before.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:


Zimmer, I've just read an article that recommends 75grams of dextrose in a post workout shake...
In order to effectively maximize the rebuilding and resynthesis of muscle glycogen in the post-workout window, you should add approximately 5 grams of carbs for every two full sets you perform in your workout. When you compare this to the other protein calc of 30 sets then you're taking in roughly 75 grams of dextrose in your post-workout shake. … xtrose.htm (about 3/4 of the way down the page)
Depends if you're trying to cut or build mate. I take the minimal amount and I'm still building. Take 20g or 30g. You don't need 75grams.
Yeah, I tend to take those articles with a grain of salt. Sometimes they aren't 100% true compared to other stuff I've read. I thought 75g was too much really, that's a LOT of dextrose.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

presidentsheep wrote:

Did a decent amount of warmup/stretching. Still could only do about 2/3rds of the shorter distance I usually do (about 4.2km).

Did a 5 min jog/warmup
3 mins of stretching
1 min sprint
2 min jog
4 minute rest/try not to vomit
1 minute sprint
5 minute walk
5 minute jog
5 minute stretch.

Think I was a bit unprepared for that, will try with a shorter distance and maybe smaller times later in the week.
e: though as far as cardio goes, that was the most i've ever felt myself sweat and my heart pound.
A couple articles I read suggest you start a 30/90 set (30 seconds sprint, 90 seconds jog) and increase the number of sets from 6 to 9. Once 9 sets isn't as challenging as it was, move the intervals from 30/60, then once that isn't feeling hard enough, go to 30/30. For me, I got to 9 sets on a stationary bike, then started upping the tension on the last sets and working backwards with increased tension (so set 9 at a higher tension, then set 8 and 9, then sets 7, 8 and 9... etc.)
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
I suppose 30/60 was what I was doing but for twice as long intervals. Will try a 30/90 set later this week and see how it goes. Thinking of doing 2 days running and 1 day on a stationary bike.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So, I need help designing a hypertrophy routine. I know little about drop sets and correctly matching exercises for supersetting. Certainly not enough to design one myself.

I've currently been doing a FBW workout for a few months now (SL5x5), all compound exercises for the past 2-3 months.

I'd like to trim some fat and I'm prepared to fix my diet so it helps this process. On the way home this morning I picked up some extra meat, some almonds for a snack and no bread this time. Cutting out as much carbs as possible, except for breakfast and post-workout. So protein and vegies from here on in till I get where I want. I've also bee drinking a fair bit lately, though weekend just gone was a bit of an exception (birthday party, had planned to drive but I was told time and time again to stay the night and then they started feeding me Jager... some people know my weaknesses too well ) and the one prior I resisted drinking more than a couple beers a night (made sure by driving so I had a proper reason). This weekend I plan to drinka minimum of alcohol.

Yeah, I've got plans and motivation. Now I need help designing the workout program

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-16 18:33:08)

You could use my old routine.
Its a pretty standard hypertrophy routine. Doenst have dropsets and superstes though, but maybe its better if you try it a couple of weeks without those, or you could add them to the routine yourself.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Does it contain a lot of compound exercises? Kinda into those more than isolation.
bench press, squat deadlift, rows and ohp.
So yeah, it does.

It also has a lot isolation exercises, but does are pretty much always going to be in there because if you dont do do a strength program you cant do everything with compound lifts.
I guess you could add dips to it and maybe chin ups. You can just add/change whatever you like, but at least it will give you something to work with.

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-05-17 03:35:29)

Its the an A/B split, same as with SL you do ABA and then BAB.

Bench press
BB incline press
Preacher curls
BB Rows

Good morning
Tri extensions
Arnie press

just do it all 3x10
I also do 2 ab exercises on A and 2 different ones on B.

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