You orrible caaaaaaan't

Kmar wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

I'm lazy waking up and getting into the gym but once I'm there I'm motivated. Been putting in negative reps in my workouts especially with biceps I can never get any soreness in them.
Have you tried drop sets (descending sets)? That usually does the trick for me.
Yeah I did drop sets on skullcrushers I was near death and couldn't manage to do 21's. I find bi's probably the hardest thing to move up in that's why I've resorted to negative reps.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kmar wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

So it's hitting to failure and then reducing weight to keep going?
Yes, drop and go.. and keep doing it until you cant lift your arms to pick your nose.

No rest between sets then, just start at a high weight till you can't lift it anymore and then go straight onto a reduced weight? And how much of a reduction?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Jaekus wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

So it's hitting to failure and then reducing weight to keep going?
Yes, drop and go.. and keep doing it until you cant lift your arms to pick your nose.

No rest between sets then, just start at a high weight till you can't lift it anymore and then go straight onto a reduced weight? And how much of a reduction?

That depends on the exercise (maybe 10 lbs or so on curls). If you are trying this on something like the bench press, make sure you have a spotter.. both to spot and to strip the weight off quick.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Right. What's the benefit? Endurance?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

A better explanation than I could give.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Looking for my Scooper
Hitting the gym again later tonight.. Took a week off so I'm really stoked to go
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+387|6486|New Haven, CT
I was considering adding the power clean to my routine on the days in which I don't deadlift. Any thoughts on this?

I'm feeling pretty good about this right now, I've gotten started with the SL5x5, and I've gotten my diet trimmed down a bit so I can hopefully lose the last few stubborn pounds.

Currently eating:

Breakfast: Oats, Greek yoghurt, honey
Snack: Tuna w/ mustard
Lunch: Mushroom soup - sometimes with a sandwich if I'm starving
Snack: Tuna w/mustard
Dinner: Chicken stir fry/couscous
Looking for my Scooper
Whoa, workout felt great.

Gotta work on my chest technique more though, hardly feel it working on any exercise...

Also did chin ups as my second last exercise, which wasn't that great either, only could get 4-5 reps in, on every set..
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ghettoperson wrote:

I'm feeling pretty good about this right now, I've gotten started with the SL5x5, and I've gotten my diet trimmed down a bit so I can hopefully lose the last few stubborn pounds.

Currently eating:

Breakfast: Oats, Greek yoghurt, honey
Snack: Tuna w/ mustard
Lunch: Mushroom soup - sometimes with a sandwich if I'm starving
Snack: Tuna w/mustard
Dinner: Chicken stir fry/couscous
If you're trying to cut down and lost some weight there is no need for the couscous at night. Carbs at night just build up in your system and turn to fat because your body doesn't use them.

It's whole wheat couscous so it's a complex carb. What should I replace it with to fill me up? Right now I'm eating at about 6, then going to the gym at 9 to be in bed by 1ish. Is that not enough time?
Looking for my Scooper
You don't eat after your workout?

Protein shake, that's about it. Maybe a granola bar. I work out so late that eating at that time seems a bit odd.
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ghettoperson wrote:

It's whole wheat couscous so it's a complex carb. What should I replace it with to fill me up? Right now I'm eating at about 6, then going to the gym at 9 to be in bed by 1ish. Is that not enough time?
You're going to the gym AFTER your dinner? That's a pretty big "no no". Are you consuming anything after the gym? You should be having a nutritious meal 1.5 hours after your workout.

I didn't know you were doing your workout after that meal, I assumed that was your last meal and then bed time.

You need to eat something after that workout (inclusive of a banana and protein shake right after your workout) or you're never going to recover properly.

That couscous serves no purpose either, eat it at 7, not 3 hours prior to your workout, that's too long a time period.

Also, where are your eggs? Cottage cheese? You need casein protein, and two tins of tuna is really not enough protein if you're trying to eat and workout. That's like 50g of protein + 30g of protein... not exactly a lot when you weight, what? 67kg? 70kg? That in pounds is about 140-150lbs, which in turn should equal 1g of protein per weight. Naturally because you're not trying to build but cut down and tone you don't need to take 150g of protein, but 90-100g will do you nicely.

Casein protein is essential, it's slow burning protein that is required just before you go to bed to recover efficiently. It clots and gels to the stomach for slower release. Tuna/Chicken etc are all fast releasing protein types. Casein is only found in milk protein (i.e. cottage cheese). Replace that "Tuna w/ mustard" with a tub (300g) of cottage cheese + tomatoes or something.

Also, if you're not getting your 8 hours sleep you're ruining your chances of really getting this workout to become effective.
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Yeah man, I just read your above post. You MUST have a banana or quick energy after a workout. Your body needs it at that point. Desperately.

Thing is, the only time of day the gym is quiet is late, 9-10. If I'm eating dinner right after that that presumably isn't the best idea, is it? At least, I know I shouldn't be eating late.

I'm ~90kg, so yeah I guess I need a lot more protein. Although I make my shake a double, so it's more like 100g protein. But yeah I get the message, it's not enough.

Say I keep to what I'm doing now, and eating before the gym, but add a tub of cottage cheese before I go to bed. Would that be better, or do I need to rework this whole thing?

I get a decent amount of sleep, although recently my sleeping patterns have been a bit off, but always 8-10 hours.
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ghettoperson wrote:

Thing is, the only time of day the gym is quiet is late, 9-10. If I'm eating dinner right after that that presumably isn't the best idea, is it? At least, I know I shouldn't be eating late.

I'm ~90kg, so yeah I guess I need a lot more protein. Although I make my shake a double, so it's more like 100g protein. But yeah I get the message, it's not enough.

Say I keep to what I'm doing now, and eating before the gym, but add a tub of cottage cheese before I go to bed. Would that be better, or do I need to rework this whole thing?

I get a decent amount of sleep, although recently my sleeping patterns have been a bit off, but always 8-10 hours.
Must you go when it's really quiet? It's just not a particularly good time to workout.

Actually, "eating late" isn't a bad thing. It's eating garbage/carbs late that is. If you had a tub of cottage cheese just before bed that would do you good. You need protein whilst you sleep. I have a protein shake and a tub of cottage about 25 minutes before I hit the sack. I've never found I put on weight with it.

If you're doubling your shake, you're better off spreading those two servings over the day. Where is your breakfast protein? You need protein in the morning, your body needs it for the rest of the day. Have an egg, or have a protein shake.

Take one scoop after a workout + a banana. Then later on have a tub of cottage cheese. Try and find low sodium cottage cheese if you can.

My gym only has one squat rack, so if I go when it's busy I spend the whole time waiting around and everything takes twice as long.

When I said eating late, I meant more coming home from the gym at 10, cooking a decent meal and then eating at 10:30 before going to bed at 1. I'd just be storing energy if I did that, right?

Oats were my breakfast protein, but I'll add a shake to that then.

Thanks Zimmer, I really appreciate the help, I'll be sure to do all that.
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+387|6486|New Haven, CT
Is milk an acceptable substitute for cottage cheese?
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ghettoperson wrote:

My gym only has one squat rack, so if I go when it's busy I spend the whole time waiting around and everything takes twice as long.

When I said eating late, I meant more coming home from the gym at 10, cooking a decent meal and then eating at 10:30 before going to bed at 1. I'd just be storing energy if I did that, right?

Oats were my breakfast protein, but I'll add a shake to that then.

Thanks Zimmer, I really appreciate the help, I'll be sure to do all that.
Oats, although they're one of the few foods that pack decent carbs and decent protein, don't have that much protein per 100g. Oats, taken on a diet, is primarily used as a source of energy (which is great for breakfast) but most certainly not a source of protein. It helps, but should not be your go-to in the morning for protein.

That's fair enough about the gym.

Eh, no you can easily eat at 10:30 before going to bed at one, you will have digested all your food by then. Storing energy? Who said you had to have carbs? That's exactly my point, your meal doesn't need to contain a source of carbohydrates. It can easily be ratatouille and tuna and no pasta/rice etc. Your body has no need for it at that time. All you'll be storing is good protein and healthy vitamins/minerals. 10:30 - 1 is 2.5 hours... that's a lot of time to digest and even enough time to have another snack.

Remember, eat smaller meals more frequently, will stop you from bloating and speed up your metabolism.
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nukchebi0 wrote:

Is milk an acceptable substitute for cottage cheese?

Milk per 100g contains on average about 3g of protein and 5g of carbohydrates and 2g of fat; whereas the same for cottage cheese contains about 13g of protein, 3g of carbohydrates and 2.5g of fat.

Does not compare. That was semi skimmed milk by the way.

Eggs in an omelette or scrambled would also be a good source of casein right? I'm not the biggest fan of cottage cheese, so if I swapped that with a 5-6 egg omelette that'd be far nicer.
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ghettoperson wrote:

Eggs in an omelette or scrambled would also be a good source of casein right? I'm not the biggest fan of cottage cheese, so if I swapped that with a 5-6 egg omelette that'd be far nicer.
Heh, sorry that was a confusing post. Eggs don't contain casein. Only milk produce does.

Suck it up and eat cottage cheese or go buy a tub of micellar casein protein.

If you have a Liddl nearby, buy the cottage cheese there - they call it cottage cheese but it is in fact quark, and it's a lot nicer than cottage cheese. I'm not a huge fan of that liquidy clumpy cottage cheese, but the stuff from Liddl is fucking awesome. It's also incredibly cheap.

I might just buy a tub if I can get it powdered. Presumably ON are a good choice?
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ghettoperson wrote:

I might just buy a tub if I can get it powdered. Presumably ON are a good choice?

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