
It's a mix of silver and rust. It's pretty old gear.
Un Moderador

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

So after months of arsing around in the gym, I've finally started the SL5x5.

How much does an olympic bar weigh? I hope like 50kg otherwise my numbers are embarrassing.

does anyone have any experience in training vertical jump? would the SL5x5 be a good place to start for someone who's never done strength training?
Yes, SL5x5 is a good place to start for strength training.

Zimmer wrote:

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

So after months of arsing around in the gym, I've finally started the SL5x5.

How much does an olympic bar weigh? I hope like 50kg otherwise my numbers are embarrassing.

does anyone have any experience in training vertical jump? would the SL5x5 be a good place to start for someone who's never done strength training?
Yes, SL5x5 is a good place to start for strength training.

ghettoperson wrote:

In that case I managed 40kg benchpress and squat, and 30kg barbell row. How do you get around squats being super uncomfortable on the back of your neck?
Also Ghetto, it's a good idea to start empty like the report says, I learnt a hell of a lot doing it properly.
If you read the guide on how to squat on it's pretty comprehensive. I taught myself that way, and everyone who i ask to check says i have sharp technique.
His way is to have the bar high on your back, resting on the muscles of your upper back when you push your shoulder blades together. Not to sound like HaiBai, but I used to have a problem doing it before SL, but after I haven't really been bothered by it at all.

Last edited by PrivateVendetta (2011-04-13 15:25:35)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've got Starting Strength, it has like 50 pages devoted to just the squat. If it is hurting the back of your neck you may have it a little too high. You should have the BB resting over your traps, and can indeed have it a couple inches lower than this whilst still maintaining good form.

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

[-DER-]Omega wrote:


does anyone have any experience in training vertical jump? would the SL5x5 be a good place to start for someone who's never done strength training?
Yes, SL5x5 is a good place to start for strength training.

ghettoperson wrote:

In that case I managed 40kg benchpress and squat, and 30kg barbell row. How do you get around squats being super uncomfortable on the back of your neck?
Also Ghetto, it's a good idea to start empty like the report says, I learnt a hell of a lot doing it properly.
If you read the guide on how to squat on it's pretty comprehensive. I taught myself that way, and everyone who i ask to check says i have sharp technique.
His way is to have the bar high on your back, resting on the muscles of your upper back when you push your shoulder blades together. Not to sound like HaiBai, but I used to have a problem doing it before SL, but after I haven't really been bothered by it at all.
I did a dry run, so to speak, before putting weight on, and then built it up 10kg at a time.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6504|Atlanta, Georgia

nukchebi0 wrote:

You burn fat more effectively if you run after you lift.
Is this true?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yes. Not before.

On your non-lifting days, you burn fat most effectively if you do your cardio/HIIT first thing in the morning, before breakfast. That's because you have no fuel (ie. food) in your body so your body has to get fuel from somewhere, so it looks to your fat stores.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6486|New Haven, CT
Got the two plate squat without difficulty today, sets of 8, 8, 6, and 6. A nice feeling, for sure.

ghettoperson wrote:

I did a dry run, so to speak, before putting weight on, and then built it up 10kg at a time.
Each to their own. I didn't have the equipment to do safe squats when i started so I started with an empty bar and added 2.5kg every time.
Felt a big difference though from start to now. When I got to a big plate on each side I was chuffed, now I do 2 plates either side and warm up with 1 plate a side.

When you say plate do you mean 10 or 20?

I might practise a little more with the weight off then. I noticed my form was going a bit on the last set because I was tired, but I guess that means I was doing it ok the rest of the time?
by big plate I meant 20kg plate, 17" diameter I think.
Make sure your form can stay good for all the sets for the first few weeks is my advice. It might suck and look weak, but I really think it helped me.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6727|Area 51

NeXuS wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

You burn fat more effectively if you run after you lift.
Is this true? … p;id=37114
You orrible caaaaaaan't
What do you think of ZMA Zimmer? I'm thinking of getting some, heard it helps you sleep better. Think I might try some of my brothers for a bit before I buy.
Looking for my Scooper
Don't use a pad. Seriously.

I've 'trained' 3 guys in the past few months, learning them the basics of the squat. All 3 complained their neck/back hurt because of the bar the first session.

I told every single one of them; give it two weeks (that is squatting 3x a week :p) and you will feel no pain. Neither of them resorted to a pussy pad.

Edit: I squat high-bar.

Last edited by Jebus (2011-04-14 06:43:16)


Jebus wrote:

Don't use a pad. Seriously.

I've 'trained' 3 guys in the past few months, learning them the basics of the squat. All 3 complained their neck/back hurt because of the bar the first session.

I told every single one of them; give it two weeks (that is squatting 3x a week :p) and you will feel no pain. Neither of them resorted to a pussy pad.

Edit: I squat high-bar.
I used to use one, but i dont have one at home. i just use a folded towel for some extra grip/support. It stopped hurting after 1 or 2 squat sessions.
Looking for my Scooper
Do you still use it?
Un Moderador

wah1188 wrote:

What do you think of ZMA Zimmer? I'm thinking of getting some, heard it helps you sleep better. Think I might try some of my brothers for a bit before I buy.
The last two studies relating to ZMA didn't conclude any sort of muscle increase or testosterone increase in the body. It's a bunch of minerals whacked together under a patented name. Not worth it.

In all honesty, there is no supplement out there that is proven to give you increased muscle gains and strength other than Creatine. Or steroids. Everything else that is claimed has no scientific proof behind it. Protein is protein; energy is energy and if used properly you can gain, but no more than taking food protein in.

If you want vitamins, get a intra workout formula that gives you energy and essential amino acids, but it's not going to improve your performance unless you're doing a correct routine. I don't take anything other than protein and an intra workout shake (simply because it has good amino acids in it and it's an energy booster throughout the workout). That and you can try a pre-workout formula if you want to (I have one, but I'm on and off it).

I've noticed significant strength gains, but that is merely because I'm pushing past my plateaus with some extra energy, then dumping the supplement. The supplement itself is giving my no extra muscle.

Creatine, however, works.

Jebus wrote:

Do you still use it?
The pad or towel??

i dont use a pad any more (as i dont have one at home), but i still use the towel, but just for some extra grip. It doesnt hurt without the towel.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Zimmer wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

What do you think of ZMA Zimmer? I'm thinking of getting some, heard it helps you sleep better. Think I might try some of my brothers for a bit before I buy.
The last two studies relating to ZMA didn't conclude any sort of muscle increase or testosterone increase in the body. It's a bunch of minerals whacked together under a patented name. Not worth it.

In all honesty, there is no supplement out there that is proven to give you increased muscle gains and strength other than Creatine. Or steroids. Everything else that is claimed has no scientific proof behind it. Protein is protein; energy is energy and if used properly you can gain, but no more than taking food protein in.

If you want vitamins, get a intra workout formula that gives you energy and essential amino acids, but it's not going to improve your performance unless you're doing a correct routine. I don't take anything other than protein and an intra workout shake (simply because it has good amino acids in it and it's an energy booster throughout the workout). That and you can try a pre-workout formula if you want to (I have one, but I'm on and off it).

I've noticed significant strength gains, but that is merely because I'm pushing past my plateaus with some extra energy, then dumping the supplement. The supplement itself is giving my no extra muscle.

Creatine, however, works.
I do rate creatine quite high, my gains increase quite a lot from it. It just makes me piss a lot though so I'd rather not take it. Got some ZMA off my brother I'm going to take it hopefully it can be my NZT like in limitless!
k, I'm doing a routine switch to 3 days (mo/wed/fri).
Right now i do an AB (mo/tue/thu/fri) with

Bench press    3x10
BB incline press    3x10
curls    3x10
Preacher curls    3x10
BB Rows    3x10
Deadlifts    5x5

And B:
squats    3x10
Good morning    3x10
Skullcrushers    3x10
Tri extensions    3x10
OHP    3x10
Arnie press    3x10

And on both 2 ab exercises.

Now how do I properly split this over 3 days?
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Bench press    3x10
BB incline press    3x10
OHP    3x10
Arnie press    3x10

curls    3x10
Skullcrushers    3x10
Tri extensions    3x10
Preacher curls    3x10

BB Rows    3x10
Deadlifts    5x5
squats    3x10
Good morning    3x10

Hmm best I can think of you'd probably struggle in the shoulders from the chest exercises though. It seems weird that you only have one exercise for some muscle groups. The tri's and the back.

wah1188 wrote:

Bench press    3x10
BB incline press    3x10
OHP    3x10
Arnie press    3x10

curls    3x10
Skullcrushers    3x10
Tri extensions    3x10
Preacher curls    3x10

BB Rows    3x10
Deadlifts    5x5
squats    3x10
Good morning    3x10

Hmm best I can think of you'd probably struggle in the shoulders from the chest exercises though. It seems weird that you only have one exercise for some muscle groups. The tri's and the back.
Skullcrushers and tri extensions for triceps and DL and rows for back
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Haha my bad! Maybe one more for each. Dips and lat pulldown/seated row for back?

Last edited by wah1188 (2011-04-14 14:24:30)

Im not one for machines, but that said, i have a home gym so lat pulldowns are out of the questions. Im actually quite happy with the exercises i'm doing now. I know that normally you need to switch up the exercises a bit when doing a routine change. But this isnt a full blown routine change, im just switching from 4 days to 3 days as it puts less strain on my elbow (which is acting up again lately). It will also help me lift a bit more, because i notice my lifts arent doing that great now that im doing 2 days in a row (even though i do different exercises).

But im not sure if just dividing my current exercises is enough, as i would like to bench press and squat twice a week now that i have some more rest days. But i have the whole weekend to more or less divide my exercises over those 3 days
okey so heres what i thought of real quick:
incline bench press
preacher curls

Arnie press
BB rows

Tri extensions
Good mornings
Bench press

This way i do becnh press and squats twice and without doing squats and deadlifts on the same day.
Doing 2 muscle groups each day and an extra squat on mon and bench press on fri.

I might change the order in which i do it later this weekend

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