I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I think my arms are getting stronger. Did 5x5 49kg BP today, the BB did move a little and the last couple reps were slow but whilst challenging I didn't come close to stalling. Definitely felt tight in my tris afterwards though, so I think you're on the money Zimmer about strengthening my tris.

I'm also finding with most exercises of the 5x5, the final two sets are generally slightly easier, like I've harnessed more strength by this stage, rather than being harder (except for military presses). Does anyone else experience this, and why?

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-03-28 04:12:46)

Go Cougs!
+691|6453|Washington St.
lol I upped my bench press yesterday by 20lbs (10 on each side... herp) and on the last rep of the last set I couldn't do it and I had to drop the bar behind my head. I felt like a complete bag of douche.
Spotters = safety

don't know about why you're getting stronger with the last few sets sorry
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah it's weird. On the second set I was thinking "gee, if it's feeling this hard now what's it going to be like on the fifth set?" But on the fifth rep on the fifth set the bar moved up slowly but surely, put it on the rack, stood up and felt like I could do another set after a few minutes break (I didn't of course).

Also, the first two sets of bent over rows felt harder than normal. The following three sets felt easier than the last time I did the same workout with 2.5kg lighter weight (1.25 per side)

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-03-28 05:07:43)

hm, I cant really do a proper chinup. Last time I had them in a routine i really injured my elbow which cost me a week of working out. But i do want a good bicep exercise to replace it.
Advice on preventing elbow pain when doin a 'proper' chin up will also be very much appreciated.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Jaekus wrote:

Yeah it's weird. On the second set I was thinking "gee, if it's feeling this hard now what's it going to be like on the fifth set?" But on the fifth rep on the fifth set the bar moved up slowly but surely, put it on the rack, stood up and felt like I could do another set after a few minutes break (I didn't of course).

Also, the first two sets of bent over rows felt harder than normal. The following three sets felt easier than the last time I did the same workout with 2.5kg lighter weight (1.25 per side)
I experience this too actually, including on overhead press.  why?  i have no idea
Un Moderador

Kampframmer wrote:

hm, I cant really do a proper chinup. Last time I had them in a routine i really injured my elbow which cost me a week of working out. But i do want a good bicep exercise to replace it.
Advice on preventing elbow pain when doin a 'proper' chin up will also be very much appreciated.
That's a weird place to get pain when doing a chin up. You sound like you have tennis elbow or something.

Do preacher curls to replace chin ups

@HaiBai, Jaekus - It's because after the first two sets, your body gets used to the bent over row motion and adapts better when lifting (it's a strange position for your body to be in, and your back can be quite stiff even warmed up). So once you've pushed through those two sets, the next 3 come more naturally and your body copes better with the range of motion and position.

For Over head press I couldn't tell you why. I gradually start failing on my last set of OP or any shoulder exercise. Look into how you're doing it, maybe your technique is wrong. Or is correct and then gets screwed in the last few sets, which makes it easier.
Been really feeling the workouts recently. Had a week off the other week, and had my first workout of the week yesterday after my two day rest, and am really feeling it. DOMS and everything.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Overhead presses just get harder.
Squats and bent over rows always seem to get slightly easier. I do two sets of reduced weight to warm up on squats, so I'm not sure. And I'm paying attention to my form the whole time. It's not 100% perfect on every rep, but I do try.

Zimmer wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

hm, I cant really do a proper chinup. Last time I had them in a routine i really injured my elbow which cost me a week of working out. But i do want a good bicep exercise to replace it.
Advice on preventing elbow pain when doin a 'proper' chin up will also be very much appreciated.
That's a weird place to get pain when doing a chin up. You sound like you have tennis elbow or something.

Do preacher curls to replace chin ups
yeah i know, it is sort what i imagined a tennis arm to feel like. It also reminded my father of it when i told him about it (he plays tennis, I don't).
I did 2 to test if it was possible in my rack (it was) and i already felt the discomfort in my elbow.

Thanks, I'll try preachers.
Un Moderador

Kampframmer wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

hm, I cant really do a proper chinup. Last time I had them in a routine i really injured my elbow which cost me a week of working out. But i do want a good bicep exercise to replace it.
Advice on preventing elbow pain when doin a 'proper' chin up will also be very much appreciated.
That's a weird place to get pain when doing a chin up. You sound like you have tennis elbow or something.

Do preacher curls to replace chin ups
yeah i know, it is sort what i imagined a tennis arm to feel like. It also reminded my father of it when i told him about it (he plays tennis, I don't).
I did 2 to test if it was possible in my rack (it was) and i already felt the discomfort in my elbow.

Thanks, I'll try preachers.
Strap it. There are plenty of neoprene elbow supports out there.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've been thinking lately of maybe doing some core/ab exercise, any recommendations?
I've noticed my posture has improved as my core has become stronger, so I want to target my core some more to aid this process.
Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:

I've been thinking lately of maybe doing some core/ab exercise, any recommendations?
I've noticed my posture has improved as my core has become stronger, so I want to target my core some more to aid this process.
Reverse crunch, bicycle crunch, plank, single leg deadlift, side plank, single leg lowering.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Thanks mate. Just do them to failure, or do them in sets?

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-03-28 09:09:54)

Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:

Thanks mate. Just do them to failure, or do them in sets?
Planks to failure. Straig leg deadlift and crunches in sets. If you can, superset the reverse crunches with bicycle crunches. One works your obliques and the other works your upper abs.
Looking for my Scooper
Raged hard at the gym today.

A girl I know was finished with her workout, I guess. Comes up to me while I was benching and slapped her towel in my face to 'scare' me. Luckily I was holding the bar hard, cause I can't imagine what the consequences would've been if I let it drop..

Racked it, got up and raged hard at the girl.. Seriously, do those things think?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Zimmer wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

hm, I cant really do a proper chinup. Last time I had them in a routine i really injured my elbow which cost me a week of working out. But i do want a good bicep exercise to replace it.
Advice on preventing elbow pain when doin a 'proper' chin up will also be very much appreciated.
That's a weird place to get pain when doing a chin up. You sound like you have tennis elbow or something.

Do preacher curls to replace chin ups

@HaiBai, Jaekus - It's because after the first two sets, your body gets used to the bent over row motion and adapts better when lifting (it's a strange position for your body to be in, and your back can be quite stiff even warmed up). So once you've pushed through those two sets, the next 3 come more naturally and your body copes better with the range of motion and position.

For Over head press I couldn't tell you why. I gradually start failing on my last set of OP or any shoulder exercise. Look into how you're doing it, maybe your technique is wrong. Or is correct and then gets screwed in the last few sets, which makes it easier.
i still fail towards the end of OHP, but it just feels more comfortable i guess, probably because of the reason you states
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6728|Area 51

Jebus wrote:

Raged hard at the gym today.

A girl I know was finished with her workout, I guess. Comes up to me while I was benching and slapped her towel in my face to 'scare' me. Luckily I was holding the bar hard, cause I can't imagine what the consequences would've been if I let it drop..

Racked it, got up and raged hard at the girl.. Seriously, do those things think?
The new girls of today, get them now!

Brains not included
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Jebus wrote:

Raged hard at the gym today.

A girl I know was finished with her workout, I guess. Comes up to me while I was benching and slapped her towel in my face to 'scare' me. Luckily I was holding the bar hard, cause I can't imagine what the consequences would've been if I let it drop..

Racked it, got up and raged hard at the girl.. Seriously, do those things think?
Did you spank her?
should'a OHP'd her ass
Looking for my Scooper
Her boyfriend was down the weights section, and let's just say he's, well, pretty huge, so I had to keep it down a bit..
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Once I had a buddy spotting me on the bench in the gym. I was hitting my last rep and approaching muscle failure.. he was busy checking out a girl on the other side of the gym, and slowly, but surely my left arm gave out whilst my right arm pushed through. The weights slid off one side. Nobody got hurt, but the asshole thought it was pretty funny ..lol

another time a different guy was spotting me on one of the old benches, where the bars are right by your head when you lay back on the bench. The guy is tell me to "push it" with great emphasis .. it's then that i see this slowly hanging bit of spit coming from his mouth. My eyes got real big and I shook my head to the left to avoid the spit (and hit the support bar with my head), I quickly jerked my head back to the right (and hit the support bar with my head) . He took the weight and we both proceeded to laugh our asses off.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6900|Oxferd Ohire
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

I actually think i hit my head four or five times while I quickly shook it to avoid the spit. Do you know the benches I am talking about..lol
Xbone Stormsurgezz
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6900|Oxferd Ohire
i believe i do

i want to run but its so cold out. it shouldnt be below freezing this late in march
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Thanks mate. Just do them to failure, or do them in sets?
Planks to failure. Straig leg deadlift and crunches in sets. If you can, superset the reverse crunches with bicycle crunches. One works your obliques and the other works your upper abs.
Another couple questions, so I know I'm doing this right...

1) Should I be doing this routine on one of my workout days, or on their own day?
2) When you say superset, how many reps per set? How many sets?

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