Rivers of it, flowing under your feet. Oceans of urine and mud flows of fecal matter.
Interesting that we manage to keep it away from our sight and smell.
Ever think about the shear tonnage produced on a single day from a medium sized town?
Ever stop to add up the number of days, times that by the average number of dumps to realize your own contribution to the vast, underground rivers of shit?
I think its a fascinating subject tbh. From the groan and plop, to the extraction of various elements to its finale destination in a landfill a highly compressed ' superturds '.
Lets explore this, shall we?

Modern plants do a wonderful job in making the waste drinkable. Where I live recycled sewage water is released into the drinking water, and it's all good!
Some people have weird fetishes and habits in regards to poop.
One of lifes particular horrors has to be being a sewage worker in a third world country;
I don't care so much to hear about your own, and if you must comment on that kindly limit your discussion to terms defined in this chart;

I tip my hat to the science and hard work that goes into making our cities seems clean and not poopy smelling. To all those in the shit industry, I salute you.