Goddamn what a practise today! Had too little to drink during the day and I almost blacked out due to dehydration during the practise. Water is muy good atm
Taekwondo (I took ATF and WTF) is pretty useless as a practical form of self-defense (low guard, too many kicks), but is so active that it made for an excellent way to stay fit and limber. Along with the WTF flavor, I took Hapkido (from the same instructor) which is a bit more utilitarian, but still risky (to yourself) to have to implement unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing. Neither of the schools did anything to prepare students for the emotional shock of being in a fight and actually getting hit.
My dad knows kung-fu
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!