Uzique wrote:
uncomfortable keyboard? with the exception of my mechanical keyboard my macbook keyboard is the nicest kb i have ever used. especially considering it's a laptop. good luck finding a keyboard and mousepad that are nicer than the macbook's backlit keyboard and touchpad. you won't. and yeah that plastic shell... oooh boy! go fork out $400 extra for your 1980's prototype IBM lenovo aesthetic then, then put OSX and maybe even linux on it and be extra cool because you didn't cave in and join the mindless sheep
p.s. every single macbook / macbook pro available today now has an aluminium unibody - no plastic. and you'll be hard pressed to find a better designed exterior for a laptop. please link me if you do though!¬!!!
I use macbooks a lot, most of my friends have them. I despise the keyboards. My Dell Inspiron 1521, which I have had for probably about 5 years is much nicer to type on (for me at least). Macbook keyboards look very nice, but I find them to be a huge pain to type on. I have no need for a backlit keyboard, and have never seen any evidence that the touchpad is noticeably better than any other laptop. I couldn't care less about the case, thinkpads may be less attractive than macbooks, but that doesn't justify paying any more to me. I went through apple's site today, and I couldn't find a macbook within my price range that I liked. I really only need OSX for a few things, and can't imagine using it as a primary OS. There are plenty of mindless sheep who buy Macs, I'm sure even you wouldn't deny that. There are definitely benefits to buying macs over PCs, but the majority of mac owners didn't research any of that before buying.
Anyways, My Inspiron is shitting itself. I can't even run windows on it without it crashing every 30 minutes or less, and I'm not sure it's going to be able to keep running on fedora for much longer because the CPU goes to 100% every time I launch such programs as Skype and VLC. I need a new laptop, and I would like that to be able to run OSX. I have looked at macbooks, and they are too expensive. So if anybody can help me find a laptop that I can get OSX running on, I would be appreciative.