Freezer7Pro wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
Surely they work off a waveform plot of the sound. You wouldn't get nothing added - certainly you wouldn't get 0s on the end like you've shown, because that is a different number (unless it's a little endian representation). You just have more sample points of that waveform expressed in a higher resolution. It'll just be a case if artificially filling in gaps between existing sample points - which should make for a better quality output, depending on how well it is done.
Yes, just saying that it's adding zeroes at the end isn't quite accurate, but I think it demonstrates the point quite well.
Regarding the sample rate conversion, I can't quite see how any digital signal processing can fill in the gaps better than the filter on the analogue output.
analogue doesn't have to fill in any gaps...
Bit depth (to the extent that I understanding [working professionally with digital audio equipment]) is a measure of how often a sample gets taken of the (audio) waveform, and the bit rate is a measure of the bandwidth.... i.e 16/44.1kHz means 16 samples per
t, with a bandwidth of 44.1 kHz (about 0-44.1 kHz freq). 24/98 has 24 samples/
t with a bandwidth of 96kHz.
So, the 'extra' bit depth doesn;t get tacked onto the end. It gets evenly distributed over the waveform...
Here's a graph:
The green line is the (audio) waveform, the blue dots are the digital samples. (Yellow is under-the-curve area.... calculus anyone?)
"upconverting" as it is, tries to re-approximate those blue dots, so there's more of them.
I edited the previous image to not have the area, or original line.... go ahead, and try to add it in. Better yet, add in more blue dots,
then try to re-approximate the line: