A census worker was found hanged with the words " FED " gouged into his chest.
Here is a sure fire recipe for general public anger;
mis-manage and bankrupt nearly every social safety net, through duplicity with corrupt bankers destabilize the world markets and destroy pension values, allow the wholesale manipulation of all commodities. Have a farcical immigration policy that selectively punishes private companies who don't play along by greasing the hands of politicians while victimizing both the immigrants by collecting tax with holding and not paying tax returns and dis-enfranchise the regular population by giving these illegals priority in our hospitals with no apparatus to make them pay for their services. Send out constant conflicting messages about basics such as law and order by allowing tax cheating insiders to fill the cabinets and positions of those in power while having the IRS suck the life out of the small business man who has issues even putting food on the table.
Here is a sure fire recipe for general public dependency;
through the above shenanigans cast millions into poverty. Keep consolidating the monetary policy and substance into the hands of mega corporations who outsource jobs. Keep extending un-employment benefits to create the MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES: a unsustainable and doomed fiscal reality for America as millions now depend on the government for their shelter, food and medical care.
Let things go to such a state of hell and incompetence that the whole system collapses creating a vacuum into which a NEW WORLD ORDER will step. One of the government, by the government and for the government, which will inevitably perish because these people CREATE NOTHING.
They don't grow food, they don't build houses and they don't ship goods, and they never can for a cost that will be feasible. hence it is DOOMED TO FAIL.
While I certainly don't condone the murder of federal workers I can understand the rage that is leading us to a place that THIS WILL BECOME COMMON PLACE AND WILL BE USED AS THE EXCUSE TO ASSERT TYRANNY.
A crisis created to explode the size and power of the government is what this is, all of it. From TARP to swine flu to global warming. Every excuse is used to harvest more and more wealth from the public. A road to ruin, a reckless drive over a cliff.
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art … gD9AT92400
Well, we obviously have some real genius at work there folks.keystone cops wrote:
FBI spokesman David Beyer said the bureau is helping state police with the case.
"Our job is to determine if there was foul play involved — and that's part of the investigation — and if there was foul play involved, whether that is related to his employment as a census worker," said Beyer.
Here is a sure fire recipe for general public anger;
mis-manage and bankrupt nearly every social safety net, through duplicity with corrupt bankers destabilize the world markets and destroy pension values, allow the wholesale manipulation of all commodities. Have a farcical immigration policy that selectively punishes private companies who don't play along by greasing the hands of politicians while victimizing both the immigrants by collecting tax with holding and not paying tax returns and dis-enfranchise the regular population by giving these illegals priority in our hospitals with no apparatus to make them pay for their services. Send out constant conflicting messages about basics such as law and order by allowing tax cheating insiders to fill the cabinets and positions of those in power while having the IRS suck the life out of the small business man who has issues even putting food on the table.
Here is a sure fire recipe for general public dependency;
through the above shenanigans cast millions into poverty. Keep consolidating the monetary policy and substance into the hands of mega corporations who outsource jobs. Keep extending un-employment benefits to create the MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES: a unsustainable and doomed fiscal reality for America as millions now depend on the government for their shelter, food and medical care.
Let things go to such a state of hell and incompetence that the whole system collapses creating a vacuum into which a NEW WORLD ORDER will step. One of the government, by the government and for the government, which will inevitably perish because these people CREATE NOTHING.
They don't grow food, they don't build houses and they don't ship goods, and they never can for a cost that will be feasible. hence it is DOOMED TO FAIL.
While I certainly don't condone the murder of federal workers I can understand the rage that is leading us to a place that THIS WILL BECOME COMMON PLACE AND WILL BE USED AS THE EXCUSE TO ASSERT TYRANNY.
A crisis created to explode the size and power of the government is what this is, all of it. From TARP to swine flu to global warming. Every excuse is used to harvest more and more wealth from the public. A road to ruin, a reckless drive over a cliff.
Only the United States government could create a problem of this magnitude.Obama wrote:
Only government can solve a problem of this magnitude.
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art … gD9AT92400