everything you own will stink, you will stink. When you leave everything you take with you will continue to stink.
Of course it's bad for you, what a stupid thing to say. Regular air + pollutants + cigarette smoke is obviously going to be much worse for you than regular air + pollutants.Lai wrote:
I haven't ever seen a single shred of proof that second hand smoking contributes significantly to the development of any physical health issues. If you're in a box with a group of smokers for a prolonged period of time,.. maybe, but casual second hand, no. Living in a semi-big city is much worse for your health.Gooners wrote:
Yeah but regardless, he has allergies and the smoke will likely aggravate them, and furthermore, second hand smoke is bad for your health You're going to have to ask em to do it outside.Spidery_Yoda wrote:
Most of my flatmates at uni did. They tended to do it near windows. Even when they didnt by the end of the year I was just used to it.
Regarding the allergies, I agree with you fully though.
Reciprocity wrote:
everything you own will stink, you will stink. When you leave everything you take with you will continue to stink.
word. l2googleLai wrote:
I haven't ever seen a single shred of proof that second hand smoking contributes significantly to the development of any physical health issues.
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Smoking bans in public places can reduce the number of heart attacks by as much as 36 percent, offering fresh proof that the restrictions work, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
They urged widespread bans on smoking in enclosed public places to prevent heart attacks and improve public health.
"This study adds to the already strong evidence that secondhand smoke causes heart attacks, and that passing 100 percent smoke-free laws in all workplaces and public places is something we can do to protect the public," James Lightwood of the University of California-San Francisco, whose study appears in the journal Circulation, said in a statement.
Secondhand smoke kills an estimated 46,000 Americans every year from heart disease alone, the CDC and Heart Association say
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090922/ts_ … moking_ban
you will most likely get used to it after while, but it will effect your health. my mom never lit a cig in her life but my dad chain smoked. the dr said her lung cancer was most likley from his second hand smoke.
GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
It doesn't matter. Then you are the only smart man in there. If they smoke, they MUST respect others that DON'T smoke...teddy..jimmy wrote:
Yeah...unfortunately I'm outnumbered as a non-smoker and they might woop out the whole 'well you're the only one who doesn't smoke' argument.
they must?
is there a law the police can enforce?
ain't gonna happen.
teddy just find somewhere else dude.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
when i used to smoke i always looked around if people around me were uncomfortable with it (eventhough in Italy its not really that big of a deal as almost everybody smokes). For example if there is a baby or a kid at the table next to me at a br or restaurant i don't smoke, or a person asks me if i could not smoke i stop smoking, not a big deal.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
yeah its their choice, they can smoke as long as the only one inhaling the smoke is the smoker, not some allergic guy who never smokes. I have asthma, and I am fine with smokers as long as they go outside to smoke.aerodynamic wrote:
then you must also respect the smokers.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
It doesn't matter. Then you are the only smart man in there. If they smoke, they MUST respect others that DON'T smoke.
But i hate it when people stay in the middle of smokers and complain "FFS MAN! that smoke is killing me!!", so? we are outside and there is plenty of fresh air around, move away....

To make people like you whineRed Forman wrote:
no, youre the one being the dick. you know that shit stinks and sticks to clothes, furniture, etc. why would you even smoke inside?Wreckognize wrote:
I smoke. Cry about it.
If you ask me nicely I'll go outside, but if you're a dick about it than fuck you.
erm...nobody has smoked anywhere i have lived. we kick their asses outside. enjoy your sick flem cough though. its sexy.I'm Jamesey wrote:
To make people like you whineRed Forman wrote:
no, youre the one being the dick. you know that shit stinks and sticks to clothes, furniture, etc. why would you even smoke inside?Wreckognize wrote:
I smoke. Cry about it.
If you ask me nicely I'll go outside, but if you're a dick about it than fuck you.
bad asses itt
hushph1shman420 wrote:
bad asses itt
Both my parents are chain-smokers. My mother smokes because she is depressed and has a very hard life because of the way her husband treats her. My stepfather smokes because he's addicted. My biological father used to smoke, but does not any more due to his elderly mother whom he is caring for forbidding him from doing so.
I've lost Four family members due to cigarettes. People are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
I've lost Four family members due to cigarettes. People are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
That's false.ISortGlass wrote:
IPeople are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.
i smoked from 8 yrs old to 22 yrs old and quit
My family can't. Especially my mother.DrunkFace wrote:
That's false.ISortGlass wrote:
IPeople are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.
If you ask them to not smoke indoors I'm sure they will be cool with it. Most of my friends smoke and it isn't really an issue. Half the time I go outside with them anyway just to chat.
your family lacks motivation and willpower, quitting smoking isn't so hardISortGlass wrote:
My family can't. Especially my mother.DrunkFace wrote:
That's false.ISortGlass wrote:
IPeople are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.
Indeed. It's won't, not can't.I'm Jamesey wrote:
your family lacks motivation and willpower, quitting smoking isn't so hardISortGlass wrote:
My family can't. Especially my mother.
Same goes to people who think they "can't" run distance. Of course you can, your body is perfectly able. Your mind is the limiting factor.
Both your parents got pregnant?DrunkFace wrote:
That's false.ISortGlass wrote:
IPeople are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.
Yes, moron.Peter wrote:
Both your parents got pregnant?DrunkFace wrote:
That's false.ISortGlass wrote:
IPeople are never going to quit smoking, there isn't any use in telling them not to. The only way to quit is never to start. Thank god I don't.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.
Way to have a sense of humour.DrunkFace wrote:
Yes, moron.Peter wrote:
Both your parents got pregnant?DrunkFace wrote:
That's false.
Both my parents smoked but quit when they got pregnant.
3 of my aunties and 4 of my uncles have also quit. And 3 more are trying.

Cigars, the real man's cigarette.
Hahaha that's a proper mad shigar