Really?Skinnister wrote:
English wear too much clothing
Really?Skinnister wrote:
English wear too much clothing
LOL oh man its at this point in time that I truly love living in the US simply for its weather. Can get to 100 degrees in the summer or be -10 in the winter. But hey atleast we get all kinds of weather. Except hurricanes they can go fuck themselves we got hammered last year.shaga_delik wrote:
Only 80 percent of the time? You must live down South in the tropical part then? :-) Us Northerners still think the sun is some kind of mythical sky God......
And US northerners think you northernes should be quiet... j/kshaga_delik wrote:
Only 80 percent of the time? You must live down South in the tropical part then? :-) Us Northerners still think the sun is some kind of mythical sky God......
Hollow_Man I believe thats a French Tactic. I would'nt wanna claim to do anything that has the word French in it.-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:
The Great British plan is for the next world war; send the entire American Army against the enemy so both forces get wiped out, then the UK's Armed Foces Take over both sides & Conquer All!
Last edited by shaga_delik (18 years, 11 months ago)
We realised (as America will hopefully one day) that it's a stupid idea to take over the world by force and opression. Better to sort out the problems in your own country than make enemies by murdering others.Junior_Mud wrote:
I know this it out of the blue, but maybe some brits out there can help me out...
Where would england be if it was able to take and hold its old world nations (Scotland, ireland etc) and if it didn't lose the States in the revolutionary war, and didn't let australia become a big ass prison, and lose that island (madagascar I think) and lose Hong kong etc.. do you think we'd all be brittish/english by now?
any and all thoughts.
(not meant to be a flame)
Last edited by ex-static (18 years, 11 months ago)
i agreechuckle_hound wrote:
We realised (as America will hopefully one day) that it's a stupid idea to take over the world by force and opression. Better to sort out the problems in your own country than make enemies by murdering others.Junior_Mud wrote:
I know this it out of the blue, but maybe some brits out there can help me out...
Where would england be if it was able to take and hold its old world nations (Scotland, ireland etc) and if it didn't lose the States in the revolutionary war, and didn't let australia become a big ass prison, and lose that island (madagascar I think) and lose Hong kong etc.. do you think we'd all be brittish/english by now?
any and all thoughts.
(not meant to be a flame)
And by the way, England could never take the Scots. We'd kick their sassenach asses.
Seriously! Holy Jebus! Where didja get this? Smally85 got it right. Let it freakin' go. There are 350 defensive/uber US posts that intoduce this bs. Be thankful... and just stay on topic, plz!arabeater wrote:
Its kinda funny that everybody makes fun and hates America....
Well im from South Africa so I can talk what we call dutch/english or afrikaans which is a mixture of both languages from when the dutch and english ruled south africa many years ago.ex-static wrote:
I wish we, Dutch people, weren't so stupid to trade New York for Indonesia . Maybe then you all would be talking Dutch.
Umm.. no. It's because we're a Democtratic Republic and only 15% of the people vote. It's the most vocal 15% and since we need majority to elect any one, that menas that the government is lected by about 8% of the total population.tehmoogles wrote:
So, if it's so hard to govern, isn't that the reason that America is so badly governed?
teabagger!Skinnister wrote:
Well im from South Africa so I can talk what we call dutch/english or afrikaans which is a mixture of both languages from when the dutch and english ruled south africa many years ago.ex-static wrote:
I wish we, Dutch people, weren't so stupid to trade New York for Indonesia . Maybe then you all would be talking Dutch.
Last edited by shaga_delik (18 years, 11 months ago)
**COUGH** Chav.hurricane2oo5 wrote:
england rulez man. mansfield massive !!!!
off topic sry, arabeater, France and Germany are our allies not the 51st and 52nd states of America, they're autonomous nations making decisions that benefit them, we invaded Iraq on a neocon lark, they didn't get the think tank memo, u r a tool! Where's the !@##$%&*()!@$%&* benefit U !@#$%^&*() TOOL?!?! sry, back to topic plzarabeater wrote:
I agree that Germany never would have invaded the British Isles(mostly because of bad leadership not because they werent capable of doing it) because of your RAF and the U.S. Eagle Squadron. I just think the U.S. deserves more respect than it gets from our allies. Whenever one of our allies gets into trouble ie. France or England, they come pleading for our help but whenever the U.S. needs help everybody just sits back and pretends they have nothing to do with us. Thats completely selfish. Granted when I was in Iraq I did see more Royal Marines (those guys are awesome btw) than from any other nation, so I cant give England too much hell, but as for Germany, France and the rest of our so called Allies I cant say the same.
West Stains Massive!N[]thing wrote:
**COUGH** Chav.hurricane2oo5 wrote:
england rulez man. mansfield massive !!!!
tea bagger, he must be a 16yr old CHAV, sorry wrong forum for you read the heading DEBATE AND SERIOUS TALK not talk shit and slag others off.makeuser wrote:
teabagger!Skinnister wrote:
Well im from South Africa so I can talk what we call dutch/english or afrikaans which is a mixture of both languages from when the dutch and english ruled south africa many years ago.ex-static wrote:
I wish we, Dutch people, weren't so stupid to trade New York for Indonesia . Maybe then you all would be talking Dutch.
Last edited by raz (18 years, 11 months ago)