It will feature an NVIDIA Tegra processor with 2 ARM11 cores and 8 other dedicated cores. These 8 cores are for video, audio and functions like telephony. Two more than with the Zune HD by the way. The sreen will be 3.3″ in size (0.3″ smaller than the iPhone) and will have an OLED multi-touch display with haptic feedback running on a resolution of 800 by 480 pixels. The device can be connected to your TV through a tiny HDMI connector. The buttons on the bottom are start or call, back, send and end or hang up. In addition, it will feature a 3-megapixel camera on the back, quite average. An assisted GPS system, a light sensor, accelerometer and compass. These last features are obviously all for Microsoft to compete with the Apple iPhone. The telephony connection will be GSM/GPRS/EDGE for 2G and UMTS/HSDPA for 3G. It will connect through a wireless WiFi 802.11b/g connetion to the Zune Marketplace and music from the store or the HD/FM radio tuner can be heard on typical 3.5mm headphone jacks. It will be released somewhere in 2010.
It will feature an NVIDIA Tegra processor with 2 ARM11 cores and 8 other dedicated cores. These 8 cores are for video, audio and functions like telephony. Two more than with the Zune HD by the way. The sreen will be 3.3″ in size (0.3″ smaller than the iPhone) and will have an OLED multi-touch display with haptic feedback running on a resolution of 800 by 480 pixels. The device can be connected to your TV through a tiny HDMI connector. The buttons on the bottom are start or call, back, send and end or hang up. In addition, it will feature a 3-megapixel camera on the back, quite average. An assisted GPS system, a light sensor, accelerometer and compass. These last features are obviously all for Microsoft to compete with the Apple iPhone. The telephony connection will be GSM/GPRS/EDGE for 2G and UMTS/HSDPA for 3G. It will connect through a wireless WiFi 802.11b/g connetion to the Zune Marketplace and music from the store or the HD/FM radio tuner can be heard on typical 3.5mm headphone jacks. It will be released somewhere in 2010.
Xbone Stormsurgezz