lolghettoperson wrote:
I bet those guys were conservatives though. Liberals are too worried about how best to scrounge money off the state to help people out, even if they're trapped in a burning car wreck.
apparently you missed my intentions of my response. I will explain, his post was was an attempt at sarcasm directed toward me of course. I responded by defusing his idiocy with an agreement, thus leaving him with nothing to say.Diesel_dyk wrote:
Wow, A couple of guys do something incredibly dangerous and incredibly brave with the most noble of intentions and they are indeed heroes and then two other lame a$$ retards come crawling out of the woodwork to usurp this brave act to spew some vile hate crap. You set up this OP, then flip it into another garbage thread where you try to define conservatism into your own little hate filled world. I have to tell you I am a conservative and you guys definitely are not.lowing wrote:
I agreeghettoperson wrote:
I bet those guys were conservatives though. Liberals are too worried about how best to scrounge money off the state to help people out, even if they're trapped in a burning car wreck.
Man you two need to grow up, I don't think there is a ounce of common sense between the two of you.
/close thread
Until he decided to try and argue with me for not arguing with him. See how it all played out now.
If you look at the OP, I posted this thread with the best intentions of recognizing these people. Then of course, all of my buddies on this forum felt the need to try and redirect it into something else.
look even Cameron Poe came down from the mountain to recognize this troll post for what it was. How are things on the mountain Cam?CameronPoe wrote:
lolghettoperson wrote:
I bet those guys were conservatives though. Liberals are too worried about how best to scrounge money off the state to help people out, even if they're trapped in a burning car wreck.
At least there are some good people in your America.lowing wrote:
selfless, caring, involved.
Heroes at their best.
understood... it seemed like a weird tangent to a feel good OP. I gotta get my internet filters checked, an alcohol flush seems appropriatelowing wrote:
I responded by defusing his idiocy with an agreement, thus leaving him with nothing to say.
Guess what? That's how D&ST is these days. Get with the times, good debate has long gone.Diesel_dyk wrote:
Wow, A couple of guys do something incredibly dangerous and incredibly brave with the most noble of intentions and they are indeed heroes and then two other lame a$$ retards come crawling out of the woodwork to usurp this brave act to spew some vile hate crap. You set up this OP, then flip it into another garbage thread where you try to define conservatism into your own little hate filled world. I have to tell you I am a conservative and you guys definitely are not.lowing wrote:
I agreeghettoperson wrote:
I bet those guys were conservatives though. Liberals are too worried about how best to scrounge money off the state to help people out, even if they're trapped in a burning car wreck.
Man you two need to grow up, I don't think there is a ounce of common sense between the two of you.
/close thread
The video in the OP is all about Israel... I'm presuming it's been changed from what you originally posted?
I dunno Braddock, I hit it again and it came up the as it should, a fire rescue from a burning car.Braddock wrote:
The video in the OP is all about Israel... I'm presuming it's been changed from what you originally posted?
Who are you by the way? PhD going well?
Oi.ghettoperson wrote:
Guess what? That's how D&ST is these days. Get with the times, good debate has long gone.Diesel_dyk wrote:
Wow, A couple of guys do something incredibly dangerous and incredibly brave with the most noble of intentions and they are indeed heroes and then two other lame a$$ retards come crawling out of the woodwork to usurp this brave act to spew some vile hate crap. You set up this OP, then flip it into another garbage thread where you try to define conservatism into your own little hate filled world. I have to tell you I am a conservative and you guys definitely are not.lowing wrote:
I agree
Man you two need to grow up, I don't think there is a ounce of common sense between the two of you.
/close thread
No need to make it worse, mkay?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Hey ya know what, with few exceptions compared to my postings, I do pretty well in keeping a good debate going. I am not the one who usually goes off on a tangent and starts attacking people. If anything, I am one of the most abused people on this forum in regards to accusations and personal attacks. All of those 20 page threads that I am credited with is made up of people such as yourself using them to spout off insults, hit and run posts, or simply smart ass comments. So if you have a problem with DST then I suggest you take it up with the crowd you most often agree with.ghettoperson wrote:
Guess what? That's how D&ST is these days. Get with the times, good debate has long gone.Diesel_dyk wrote:
Wow, A couple of guys do something incredibly dangerous and incredibly brave with the most noble of intentions and they are indeed heroes and then two other lame a$$ retards come crawling out of the woodwork to usurp this brave act to spew some vile hate crap. You set up this OP, then flip it into another garbage thread where you try to define conservatism into your own little hate filled world. I have to tell you I am a conservative and you guys definitely are not.lowing wrote:
I agree
Man you two need to grow up, I don't think there is a ounce of common sense between the two of you.
/close thread
Most pointless thread to ever grace this forum. People do good and bad everyday. Some is reported and others not.
sorry ya feel that way, feel free to leave the thread.rammunition wrote:
Most pointless thread to ever grace this forum. People do good and bad everyday. Some is reported and others not.
Great post!
No, I don't. A jihadist does intentional harm to others to achieve their agenda. These guys climbed into a vehicle of a stranger, knowing it was seconds from killing them via explosion, to rescue a boy. Your comparison is nothing more than an attempt to discredit Lowing somehow, not debate. Or you are a jerk because if that was your SUV and your kid was trapped I would hope you considered their actions heroic.Red Forman wrote:
Well by that definition jihadists are hero's. Do you agree?
Malloy must go
Are they comissioned firefighters or volunteer firefighters?Red Forman wrote:
The two who saved them were firefighters. They might have been off duty, but that's their job.
Malloy must go
It doesn't matter.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Are they comissioned firefighters or volunteer firefighters?Red Forman wrote:
The two who saved them were firefighters. They might have been off duty, but that's their job.
But couldnt any firefighter make the claim that the situation was too dangerous and with no protective equipment it was just not happening? I mean, anyone with a set would obviously help but this Red Foreman guy seems to think that there is an obligation. It may be their job but I think this is an instance where men have gone above and beyond the call of their duty.S3v3N wrote:
It doesn't matter.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Are they comissioned firefighters or volunteer firefighters?Red Forman wrote:
The two who saved them were firefighters. They might have been off duty, but that's their job.
Malloy must go
It's America, so he's more enlightly over weight.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
The videographer sounds like he's been running a damn marathon
Good on them for putting others above themselves. None of this bystander effect bullshit that plagues so many people.
Got to say it was brave of them, hope the kid is ok and he remmebers fuck all of it.
...or maybe the camera guy was just scared shitless. lolChorcai wrote:
It's America, so he's more enlightly over weight.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
The videographer sounds like he's been running a damn marathon
Good on them for putting others above themselves. None of this bystander effect bullshit that plagues so many people.
Got to say it was brave of them, hope the kid is ok and he remmebers fuck all of it.
Or maybe he saw a burning car in the street and thought the IRA had struck.Turquoise wrote:
...or maybe the camera guy was just scared shitless. lolChorcai wrote:
It's America, so he's more enlightly over weight.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
The videographer sounds like he's been running a damn marathon
Good on them for putting others above themselves. None of this bystander effect bullshit that plagues so many people.
Got to say it was brave of them, hope the kid is ok and he remmebers fuck all of it.
Malloy must go
Imagin if the boy wasn't rescued. Who would want to tape that? Sick cameraman I say.
Gotta respect those who risked their lives, probably have families themselves.
Best people in the world!
Gotta respect those who risked their lives, probably have families themselves.
Best people in the world!

Everyone has the ability to be a hero, whether or not when the time comes they actually go beyond the call of duty is up to them. I've helped someone out in a car accident, called the paramedics done all that shit, does that make me a hero? Nope, I just done what I would have wanted done to me if I was in their position.lowing wrote:
yes, it is their job to run into burning buildings and drag people out, it is their job to scale doen cliffs to rescue stranded hikers, it is their job to save lives, we have a word for it, it is called hero.Red Forman wrote:
The two who saved them were firefighters. They might have been off duty, but that's their job.
I'm loving these "This is my [country]" threads. I'm very happy that people are still willing to help complete strangers in these selfish times. I'm soooooooo sick of everyone looking out for number 1

Nope helping someone out who got into a car accident, calling the paramedics does not make you a hero, hell I did that just last week, (no shit).Zombie_Affair wrote:
Everyone has the ability to be a hero, whether or not when the time comes they actually go beyond the call of duty is up to them. I've helped someone out in a car accident, called the paramedics done all that shit, does that make me a hero? Nope, I just done what I would have wanted done to me if I was in their position.lowing wrote:
yes, it is their job to run into burning buildings and drag people out, it is their job to scale doen cliffs to rescue stranded hikers, it is their job to save lives, we have a word for it, it is called hero.Red Forman wrote:
The two who saved them were firefighters. They might have been off duty, but that's their job.
However, diving into a burning car that could explode at any second to save a mother and her children, one of which was trapped in the car, yeah that makes you a hero, and your attempts to make light of it, or even compare it with what you ( and I) did does not change that fact.
Yeah, they're clearly quite different things, not sure how you can even draw a comparison between the two.lowing wrote:
Nope helping someone out who got into a car accident, calling the paramedics does not make you a hero, hell I did that just last week, (no shit).Zombie_Affair wrote:
Everyone has the ability to be a hero, whether or not when the time comes they actually go beyond the call of duty is up to them. I've helped someone out in a car accident, called the paramedics done all that shit, does that make me a hero? Nope, I just done what I would have wanted done to me if I was in their position.lowing wrote:
yes, it is their job to run into burning buildings and drag people out, it is their job to scale doen cliffs to rescue stranded hikers, it is their job to save lives, we have a word for it, it is called hero.
However, diving into a burning car that could explode at any second to save a mother and her children, one of which was trapped in the car, yeah that makes you a hero, and your attempts to make light of it, or even compare it with what you ( and I) did does not change that fact.
Not sure what the other guys there were doing, they didn't seem to get especially involved with the rescuing, but still decided it'd be a good idea to hang out near a car that could have blown up any second.