Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6600|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Boy drinks petrol to become Transformer

A nine-year-old Chinese boy has been left seriously ill after drinking petrol in order to turn him into a Transformer-type robot.

Xiao Fang, from Xingwen in eastern China, reportedly drank the petrol in secret, sipping it as he ate food in the belief that it could help him emulate the powers of robotic superheroes such as the Transformers.

However he has been left critically ill and has suffered serious nerve damage.

A doctor treating him said: "I am amazed he kept it down."

The boy's parents admitted their suspicions had been aroused by a strange smell.

"I wondered about the smell of petrol in our home," said Xiao Fang's father.
Northern numpty
+194|6573|Boulder, CO
Thank god he doesn't smoke!

Granted he is 9 but still.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6600|6 6 4 oh, I forget

+3,611|6747|London, England
Wow he must've got wasted
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6766|Your moms bedroom
wtf, dumbass... you need the allspark to become transformer

Last edited by Locoloki (2009-07-21 07:13:42)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now he can hardly walk.

Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6565|King Of The Islands

I blame Flecco.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6600|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Another sauce sez it was a 14yo.
A 14-YEAR-OLD boy drank gasoline for five years to obtain "energy" - just as his idols "Bumble Bee" or "Optimus Prime" do in "Transformers," the Sichuan-based West China Metropolis Daily reported yesterday.

After the boy, in Yibin City, southwest Sichuan Province, had watched the animated TV series, he began to drink gasoline to become a "valiant fighter" like "Optimus Prime," his father told the newspaper.

"He began to drink gasoline five years ago, when we found he liked smelling lighter fuel," he said.

The boy's mother owned a grocery stall, selling small goods such as lighters.

In 2004, she often found lighters missing two or three days after she'd bought them. She later found that her son had been stealing them.

The parents talked to their son and asked him not to do it again. "But afterwards we found our motorcycle's gasoline was always disappearing, and one day when we found the boy had drunk a half bottle of gasoline stolen from the motorcycle, we were too shocked to say anything," the father said.

IQ dropped

They locked the motorcycle away after that but the boy began to steal gasoline from neighbors and was drinking more and more - two or three bottles at a time.

"Since my son started to drink gas, his IQ has dropped sharply and now he can't figure out simple addition and subtraction," the father said.

"Before that, he was a very smart boy, and he could even repair the television. But now he does not know the answer of 7 plus 17."

The worried parents finally took their son to hospital where they were told the boy had a mental disorder and a strong "gasoline dependence."

"The gasoline contains a lot of lead, which can do harm to people's brains. To make thing even worse, the boy is in the physical development stage, and the lead has caused serious damage to his body," Peng Houquan, a doctor from a hospital in Yibin, said.

"Transformers" is now a Hollywood blockbuster movie franchise and the second live-action film is currently breaking box office records in China.

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" has gained 400 million yuan (US$58.4 million) in the country, breaking the record set by "Titanic" 10 years ago.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

How can you get a strong "gasoline dependence."

The town bike
azns, always drinking petrol
O' HAL naw!
+470|6704|Columbus, OH
The boy's parents admitted their suspicions had been aroused by a strange smell.
The Dad: hey son why does your ass smell like gas
Son: In a couples of days I will tranforms and roll out of this shit hole
Mom: lolwat
What the fuck.

inb4 GASODKA - That bad ass vodka you've been waiting for!
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6811|Espoo, Finland

Ultrafunkula wrote:

They locked the motorcycle away after that but the boy began to steal gasoline from neighbors and was drinking more and more - two or three bottles at a time.
Oh, he's drinking gasoline, lets just lock the bike away and he'll be fine.

I drank gasoline when I was about 4yrs old on a bet. It made my mouth tingle and it was cold. I don't remember much after that.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6600|6 6 4 oh, I forget

King_County_Downy wrote:

I drank gasoline when I was about 4yrs old on a bet. It made my mouth tingle and it was cold. I don't remember much after that.
And this guy gets to be a mod??? Tsk tsk...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

King_County_Downy wrote:

I drank gasoline when I was about 4yrs old on a bet. It made my mouth tingle and it was cold. I don't remember much after that.
Maybe somebody spiked it with something?

I also ate lots of wall candy. Some know it as lead paint, but I like my version better. Yum! Why do I hear voices? What?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
'Light 'em up!'

dain bramaged
+51|6247|Punta Gorda,Florida
lead paint chips were a great bed time snack.   i ate them and im normal  its everyone else that's not..at least thats what the voices in my head tell me.

wut? oh ok

you learn the true meaning of life when you see houses and cars blow by like leaves on a windy day.

What a fucking badass kid. Gotta admire his determination.
+786|6246|Ontario | Canada
+2,187|6694|Mountains of NC


AUTOBOTS ........................ SMOKE OUT


mtb0minime wrote:

What a fucking badass kid. Gotta admire his determination.
Word, that kid will go far with determination like that. Well, would have. Now he's a vegetable I guess it limits job options somewhat.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6704|Columbus, OH
If they watched old-school Transformers, they would of known transformers require Energon in Energon Cubes not gas.
It doesn't take a television repairman to figure that out. Now they have to live with people mocking them with the transforming sound effect.

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