Flecco wrote:
Ty wrote:
One thing I can't stand about MMORPGs, (okay fine, one of the many things I can't stand about MMORPGs,) is the unquestionably epic cinematic trailers. I mean that trailer looks kick arse but when in game it'll be no more than another inventory-micro-managing grind-tastic "God-I-wish-I-was-WoW" game that's more addictive than actually fun.
1) Eve.
2) MMOs usually have massive production values.
3) All Blizzard trailers are epic. People are just ripping off their style tbh.
I'm sorry, but are you highlighting EVE as an example of a game that
doesn't revolve around "inventory-micro-managing-grind-tastic" play?
. Sure, EVE doesn't wish it was WoW- it veers hugely off course into a darker corner of the MMO universe: the unnecessarily complicated and utterly boring inventory-micro-managing-grind-tastic MMO. At least the more standard examples of the genre (even those that comply with Ty's rather general summary) give you something pretty to look at and play around with. EVE involves staring at the same 5-prerendered 2D backgrounds, whilst flying around planets with the polygon-count of blurry golfballs, shooting the same 3-4 lasers/missiles at small dots that you track onto in the horizon. EVE only distracts the players from the utterly monotonous and mind-numbing grind with pointlessly complicated mechanics that revolve around completely superfluous-features to the MMO genre. Mega fail, in short.
Last edited by Uzique (2009-07-12 04:19:03)