I greatly enjoy BF2 and play it a lot, but I used to play DC and BFV a lot too, and one thing I miss a lot is the mortars. What I think they should do is either, take out the artillery and put in manual artillery such as the MLRS and the Howitzer and mortars, or just add mortars anyways. So my point is, I would love to see mortars in BF2. What do you guys think?
the more the merrier .. more vehicles more classes more everything please
It would have to be a LAW(Light Anti-Tank Weapon) Since that is one of the few mortars still in use.
the LAW is a shoulder fired rocket from the vietnam era.
try the WCC mod its wot i used b4 i played online.
the LAW is now obolete. and yes i think mortars would be pretty cool to add.
Think you can send me a link? I might check that out. And to whoever said that the LAW is a mortar, the LAW is not a mortar, it is a one time use, shoulder fired, anti-tank rocket launcher, so yeah. I would appreciate a link.timboon wrote:
try the WCC mod its wot i used b4 i played online.
Last edited by shspunkrockr (2006-02-05 00:35:14)
And also, there a lot of mortars still in use. Both in the US armed forces and our allies/enemies, and thy are very effective weapons too, allowing you to lob some rounds into an area, killing or peppering with shrapnel, anyone who may be in that area, and then packing up and moving out to evade any attention you might have attracted, all withen a few minutes. Or in video game cases, seconds._j5689_ wrote:
It would have to be a LAW(Light Anti-Tank Weapon) Since that is one of the few mortars still in use.
I agree, mortars would be pimp. But there are those people who would mortar whore then. In desert combat, i saw this one guy in a scud launcher who found the golden angle so the scud would travel all the way across the map and he got someting like 104 kills in one round
Make the mortar for engineer only