Home wrote:
lowing wrote:
Home wrote:
But really, who gives a shit what you (watch me spell this one right) foretell? If someone as ignorant and misinformed as yourself can be successful in life, I'm pretty sure I will be too.
The reason legislation has been enacted against this trend is because, unfortunately, you're not the only idiot in America who can't handle other people dressing too differently than yourself. Seriously, you want a style of dress to be illegalized? You should find something more useful to spend your free time on.
And just to clarify, I don't sag so much that I have to "grab my dick" to hold my pants up.
I never said you were supposed to give a shit about what I thought. In fact, it is quite clear that fools who can't run from the police because their pants are falling down don't care about anything at all. I have no problem with it.
What exactly am I misinformed about?
You can dress differently all ya want, and I can think you are a fool for dressing where your fuckin pants are worn on the outside of your underwear. you think this is cool, and you say I am misinformed??
If you are as smart as you claim, then I will assume you can read, by that assumption I know you read where I was not in favor of legislation against it.
I am quite sure you will do well in life, I will also play the odds and bet you will not do so with your pants fastened around your fuckin ankles and your t-shirt dragging the ground.
Hey I appreciate the spelling lesson. How many time did you run spell checker, JUSt to make sure you were not gunna look like a asshole?
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. You are misinformed when you correlate "sagging" to shortcomings in life that you are going to have to pay for. The trend of wearing your pants a certain way is trivial and unimportant in the big picture, and it seems you are only as concerned about it as you are because you don't like the group of people (not implying race here) who partake in it. I think we have bigger issues to worry about.
I didn't run spell check at all, but hey, who knew saggers could spell, right?
so you think I am concerned about it because you think I don't like the group of people who partake in it, BUT you are not implying race. I see, so what is it, YOU are implying then?
Anyway, just to be clear, I don't give a shit about any "group of people", I hate it regardless of whatever "group of people" adopts it. Or do you think my opinion about would change based on the "group of people"?
Also, like I said, I am playing the odds here, and the odds are on my side, that if you are a sagger, you are probably worthless, it is up in the air if you are to remain so.
Also when do you expect to give up the look? When you have decided to stop being a sheep and following the idiocy of the masses? Or when the fashion world dictates it to you?
Last edited by lowing (2009-07-04 13:26:38)