… 14246.htmlThe Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the strip search of a 13-year-old student violated the constitutional protection against unreasonable search and seizure.
The court ruled 8-1 that Arizona school officials violated Savana Redding's Fourth Amendment rights when they searched her down to her bra and underpants. Officials were looking for pain relievers, which they didn't find.
However, the court also softened the potential blow by ruling the individual officials who oversaw Redding's search couldn't be held personally liable.
I think if anyone should be held liable for the strip search it would be the officials who performed it and not the school system. They must have known what they were doing to the kid wasn't reasonable by any stretch. I don't like lawsuits based on anything but I really hope the poor girl gets some kind of compensation for what happened. At that age you useully aren't comfortable with your body and having a bunch of adults search you must make things a few times worse.
So what do you think?