… ck_check=1Russia is ready to dramatically cut its nuclear stockpiles in a new arms pact with the United States if Washington meets Russia’s concerns over missile defence, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.
”We are ready to reduce by several times the number of nuclear delivery vehicles compared with the START-1 pact,” he told a news conference in Amsterdam.
”As far as warheads are concerned, their numbers should be lower than envisaged by the Moscow 2002 pact,” he added.
He was referring to an interim pact called the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) which commits the sides to further cuts in their arsenals to between 1,700 and 2,200 warheads by 2012.
A new arms pact to follow the 1991 START treaty, which expires on Dec. 5, is at the centre of efforts by Mr Medvedev and US President Barack Obama to improve bilateral ties which sank to post-Cold War lows under the previous U.S. administration.
Still enough to destroy the Earth several times over but I guess it's a good thing as long as the Russians don't fuck up and lose a bunch of them.