'Light 'em up!'

Roc18 wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Anyone else think this screenshot of Armored Kill looks like Heavy Metal from BC2?

Heavy Metal
Reminds me a little of that other map from BC2, forget the name, with the little village up the hill and the open fields, as well as the first level of BC1s singleplayer.

There's more info being released on it tomorrow.
Harvest Day

That's the one.

Kept thinking Operation Harvest but there's no Amish.
Yeah they need to come out with a BC2 map pack, I would pay for that.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
I miss the scale of destruction in BC2.  While you could argue that the BC series was a console spin off, not a true BF game, bla bla bla, at least it truly innovated on a pretty unprecedented scale for an fps.  Yes, it was more infantry focused, and the vehicle combat was not as diversified as in BF3, but it retained the sandbox, play it your way atmosphere that defines the series. 

BF3 is essentially the worst of Battlefield all in one package.  It's vehicle combat is too understated, and the sandbox playstyle is pretty much gutted.  No real destruction, shoddy map design, unlock-based progression.  I miss the simplicity of having only 2-3 sights per weapon.  I hate the fact that every kit has access to two dozen smg's and shotguns.  Not to mention the equipment system sucks.  Want a grenade launcher?  Oh, you have to get rid of the medic pack.  Want to use a mortar strike?  Oh, you have to sit alone in the corner of the map like a noob. (instead of the more logical option of calling one in with binocs).  Want to shoot down some aircraft?  Oh, you have to sacrifice the ability to take out ground vehicles. 

I got carried away there.  I can't wait to see what this AK pack will turn out to be on console.  I'm curious to see if the 24 player limit will make these maps unplayable.

Last edited by Spearhead (2012-08-01 12:06:01)

+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA
Haters gonna hate!
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

Spearhead wrote:

No real destruction
Well, in BC2, after several minutes, most levels became reduced to a pile of dust and rubble.
That was fine with the infantry-based game play.

In BF3, with its many more vehicles and possibilities to equip them with unlocks, this would quickly turn out to a slaughtering on most maps.
Imagine a map like Firestorm, where all of the large warehouses and high buildings are destroyed.
It would end up with everyone sniping across the map with tanks, helis, AA and everything.
The entirety of he map basically becoming a glacis, whit no cover to hide.

However, they could have made some more of the smaller buildings destructible.
Also, it would be nice to have the new HD destruction from the CQ DLC added to the vanilla maps, especially for the interior of larger buildings.

Spearhead wrote:

unlock-based progression
Ehrm, that's how it has worked since BF2.

Personally, I liked the unlock system in BF2142 best.
Especially the feature of 2 separate unlock trees per class.
That way, you could quickly gain one of the better weapons for one class early on, while having the drawback of accessing the other tree much harder later in the progression.

Spearhead wrote:

I miss the simplicity of having only 2-3 sights per weapon.
It's ok that the added a bit more unlocks.
I just don't like the fact that you can equip all of the accessories on almost all of the guns.
Who the hell would use a 12x scope on a carbine? Or even an assault rifle?
Also, I would remove anything more than red dot/holo sights for shotguns.
And extended mags make no sense at all for shotguns with tube and drum magazines.

Also, the different pistol varieties should be consolidated into one unlock with multiple accessory unlocks, just like the guns.

Spearhead wrote:

I hate the fact that every kit has access to two dozen smg's and shotguns.

Spearhead wrote:

Not to mention the equipment system sucks.  Want a grenade launcher?  Oh, you have to get rid of the medic pack.  Want to use a mortar strike?  Oh, you have to sit alone in the corner of the map like a noob. (instead of the more logical option of calling one in with binocs).  Want to shoot down some aircraft?  Oh, you have to sacrifice the ability to take out ground vehicles.
That's ok in my opinion.
I don't want walking tanks with an arsenal of guns and endless ammo for each of them, like in Doom or Quake.

I would like to see some running speed/sprinting differences between the classes though, especially the support class, with its machine gun, hundreds of rounds and infinitely more ammo in the bags.
plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California
I think Battlefield 2142 nailed the balance of infantry vs. vehicles and the unlock system.

For a quick fix in BF3 remove all the star-ranks. Lower it to the basic ranks, and remove pistol+silencer/tac and make those unlock like with other weapons through kills. Remove camouflages from the ranking system and have those available from the start. Then make it a lot more points in between ranks so that ranking up actually means something. Make ribbons harder to earn, etc. Remove shit point bonuses like comeback, avenger, savior, etc. What the fuck are those? I don't need to be rewarded for not doing shit. It's like a participation award, those are shit and only losers get participation awards.

I don't know what to say about the vehicles. I hate it. BC2, BF2, and BF2142 all did better with vehicles and BC2 was mostly infantry based.

Make support run slowest, like 75% it's current speed; keep assault and engy the same, and increase recon to 125%. Give recon the C4, mortars, and claymores.

Make M4A1 and M4 stats separate, along with M16A3 and M16A4.

etc... this game needs a lot of fixing.

Oh and to make this game perfect, add Call of Duty World at War's "War" mode. That was the best game type I've ever played. Never had more fun that that, ever.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Remove shit point bonuses like comeback, avenger, savior, etc. What the fuck are those? I don't need to be rewarded for not doing shit. It's like a participation award, those are shit and only losers get participation awards.
Actually, I'd like to see teamwork actions get more points.

In fact, points for kills could get reduced drastically to a fraction of what they are now, unless you kill someone during a squad/team effort.
E.g. if you stay close to your squad members (more points) or team members (less points).
This would reduce silly one-man-army Rambo gameplay as well as lone wolves.

Kill streaks and silly stuff like that should be scrapped altogether.
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Oh and to make this game perfect, add Call of Duty World at War's "War" mode. That was the best game type I've ever played. Never had more fun that that, ever.
Not familiar with the "War" mode.  Was it like "Supply Lines"?
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Sounds like the control point mode in TF2 basically.

I'd like to see a comeback of the Assault Lines mode from BF2142, which is the perfect mix between conquest and linear control point shifting.
'Light 'em up!'

I'd like to see a variation of Assault Lines again. Never got to play it too much but I enjoyed it.
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA
Isn't Assault Lines the precursor to Conquest Assault?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

globefish23 wrote:

Well, in BC2, after several minutes, most levels became reduced to a pile of dust and rubble.
That was fine with the infantry-based game play.

In BF3, with its many more vehicles and possibilities to equip them with unlocks, this would quickly turn out to a slaughtering on most maps.
Imagine a map like Firestorm, where all of the large warehouses and high buildings are destroyed.
It would end up with everyone sniping across the map with tanks, helis, AA and everything.
The entirety of he map basically becoming a glacis, whit no cover to hide.

However, they could have made some more of the smaller buildings destructible.
Also, it would be nice to have the new HD destruction from the CQ DLC added to the vanilla maps, especially for the interior of larger buildings.
Well, it's also the way destruction works in real life.... I think going back and UNDOING something they had already spent so much time developing was a huge mistake.  Sorry, I just don't buy the idea that a flattened city would be "unfair" to anyone.... I see it as having huge potential.  It's the way war IS, and this is a game called BATTLEFIELD.  That's why there's something called "balance" and "proper game design". 

Spearhead wrote:

unlock-based progression
Ehrm, that's how it has worked since BF2.
Nope, in BF2 you ranked up, then got unlocks.  Now your rank hardly means anything because you can just unlock everything anyway.  I enjoyed unlocking something once in a blue moon, now I'm just like "ok watev"

That's ok in my opinion.
I don't want walking tanks with an arsenal of guns and endless ammo for each of them, like in Doom or Quake.

I would like to see some running speed/sprinting differences between the classes though, especially the support class, with its machine gun, hundreds of rounds and infinitely more ammo in the bags.
Its okay to make what used to be standard class equipment more inaccessible than before? In BF2, when you were Assault, you had a gl.  boom.  No bullshit.  If you were spec-ops, you had C4.  Making the classes actually matter is important to a BF game, but in BF3 they have been trivialized.

Last edited by Spearhead (2012-08-02 11:40:38)

+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
All valid concerns, 9 months ago

GeoEnvi wrote:

Isn't Assault Lines the precursor to Conquest Assault?
Other way around
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

jord wrote:

All valid concerns, 9 months ago
Never surrender
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

Roc18 wrote:

GeoEnvi wrote:

Isn't Assault Lines the precursor to Conquest Assault?
Other way around
In Assault Lines, the enemy starts out with all flags and only the first can be captured.
Once captured, the next flag or multiple flags (depending on the flag layout) open up.
The enemy base can't be captured until the last regular flag is captured.

Conquest Assault just means that one team has no un-cap base, but instead starts out with all flags captured.
The game ends immediately, if they don't have any flags left and no squad leader/member left to spawn on and recapture a flag.

globefish23 wrote:

Conquest Assault just means that one team has no un-cap base, but instead starts out with all flags captured.
The game ends immediately, if they don't have any flags left and no squad leader/member left to spawn on and recapture a flag.
That brings back memories of everyone spectating that last PLA player on Wake Island, yelling into the chat because he wouldn't capture a flag.

globefish23 wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

GeoEnvi wrote:

Isn't Assault Lines the precursor to Conquest Assault?
Other way around
In Assault Lines, the enemy starts out with all flags and only the first can be captured.
Once captured, the next flag or multiple flags (depending on the flag layout) open up.
The enemy base can't be captured until the last regular flag is captured.

Conquest Assault just means that one team has no un-cap base, but instead starts out with all flags captured.
The game ends immediately, if they don't have any flags left and no squad leader/member left to spawn on and recapture a flag.
I thought Assault Lines was the enemy had one uncap that only unlocked if all the other flags on the map were captured. And if that locked flag is captured they lose.

If what you're saying is right then Assault Lines was a precursor to Rush mode.

Last edited by Roc18 (2012-08-02 23:34:31)

plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California

GeoEnvi wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Oh and to make this game perfect, add Call of Duty World at War's "War" mode. That was the best game type I've ever played. Never had more fun that that, ever.
Not familiar with the "War" mode.  Was it like "Supply Lines"?
5 flags
Have to take flags in a specific order one at a time
the team to get the first flag gets "momentum" which makes capping the next flag faster
If you cap the next flag, the team that had momentum loses it or gains more momentum.
When you cap the last flag the game is over

It provides intense team-based fighting for control of an area, then you need to quickly move together as a team to capture the next one before you lost your momentum. It was a great game mode and I'd love to see it in more games.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA

TopHat01 wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Conquest Assault just means that one team has no un-cap base, but instead starts out with all flags captured.
The game ends immediately, if they don't have any flags left and no squad leader/member left to spawn on and recapture a flag.
That brings back memories of everyone spectating that last PLA player on Wake Island, yelling into the chat because he wouldn't capture a flag.
And that last player, flying around in the J10 InvinciJet, attacking USMC ground forces, and rearming with occasional supply drops via commander on the beach.

The only thing more frustrating that this was everyone shouting for that last PLA player to cap/suicide and realizing there WAS NO LAST PLA PLAYER!  The game was glitched into the painfully slow PLA Ticket Bleed!

Enterprising USMC players took the opportunity to explore Wake, pose for group pictures on the bridge, and park their jeeps in knee-deep water while wrenching away to work on their Repair Points.

Ahhhh.... the Halcyon Days of 2006.

GeoEnvi wrote:

TopHat01 wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Conquest Assault just means that one team has no un-cap base, but instead starts out with all flags captured.
The game ends immediately, if they don't have any flags left and no squad leader/member left to spawn on and recapture a flag.
That brings back memories of everyone spectating that last PLA player on Wake Island, yelling into the chat because he wouldn't capture a flag.
And that last player, flying around in the J10 InvinciJet, attacking USMC ground forces, and rearming with occasional supply drops via commander on the beach.

The only thing more frustrating that this was everyone shouting for that last PLA player to cap/suicide and realizing there WAS NO LAST PLA PLAYER!  The game was glitched into the painfully slow PLA Ticket Bleed!

Enterprising USMC players took the opportunity to explore Wake, pose for group pictures on the bridge, and park their jeeps in knee-deep water while wrenching away to work on their Repair Points.

Ahhhh.... the Halcyon Days of 2006.
<3, I always hated the j-10 but I loved being that last pilot
Is there any way to know as a helicopter gunner when the pilot released their flares? Other than being on voice chat with them? Cause I never hear the sound of the pilot releasing theirs. So I release mine while they release theirs thinking that the pilot didnt release any since I didn't hear anything and then the pilot gets mad that I didn't flare after them when I did, just at the same time.

Also I tried changing the camera view but the stupid helicopter doesn't allow 3rd person view as a gunner in the helicopter.

Last edited by Roc18 (2012-08-03 11:17:16)


Roc18 wrote:

Is there any way to know as a helicopter gunner when the pilot released their flares? Other than being on voice chat with them? Cause I never hear the sound of the pilot releasing theirs. So I release mine while they release theirs thinking that the pilot didnt release any since I didn't hear anything and then the pilot gets mad that I didn't flare after them when I did, just at the same time.

Also I tried changing the camera view but the stupid helicopter doesn't allow 3rd person view as a gunner in the helicopter.
in bf2 you could hear when the pilot dropped flares altho you couldnt benefit from it, other than bailing.
+0|4598|Weatherford, TX
BF2 was an incredibly better game, best of the franchise IMO.

What I don't get is this, with all the problems we have relating to BF3 right now, why are we talking about BF4's release already?

I mean on one side, you could say no one will want BF4 since BF3 is this terrible. With all the wall glitching on metro and the fact that there's only one true I/O map on hardcore and the nerfing of the jets and so many other vehicles. You would almost not want to pick up the next one because it seems like when DICE comes around to an update all they do is nerf guns... The only GOOD nerf they did was tone down the USAS with frags, nothing else needs to be nerfed or changed. Certain guns are good at certain things for certain reasons. TV missiles on xbox are near impossible to use too, which frustrates me personally because I loved them in BF2.

Now on the flipside to that rant, would it be better to just trash BF3 as a whole and start over in BF4?? Just take what they learned from the community and how bad BF3 was and scrap it and make a new game?

What do you guys think... because I think both options are crap but if I had to pick one I would speed up dev. on BF4 and get it right this time. Seems like right now they are trying way too hard to appeal to the call of duty players by adding all of these childish things like getting an unlock every 5 minutes so that you feel like the game is giving you a pat on the back while you sit in the back of metro sniping, not playing the objective, and holding a solid 0.25 K/D... But now im ranting... lol
It's sexy to watch girls eat bananas because you know the potassium will prevent cramps while they make your sandwich.
+3,936|6813|so randum
what the fuck is this insane stop-start lag
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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