Well thankfully they are making TVs less effective, removing the one last aspect of the game I was still enjoying.
Do they not understand that making a game more casual typically equates to making a game that is also more boring? The sad truth is, they realize it all too well. It's a product with a built-in shelf life, like just about anything else you can buy these days.
Sure, there are people who have nothing better to do than sit around and sink their time into something mindless. But I think a lot of people are like me, and actually want some substance to their games...at 6 months in, I was still learning a lot in BF2 and sinking (too much) time in on a daily basis...6 months into BF3, and there is nothing that makes me want to ever play for more than a round or two at a time, and finishing a single round is often more than this tired soul can take.
Even with EA looming over their shoulder, and DICE's already questionable history of (un)finished releases/painful patching, I really didn't think they could botch it this bad, let alone continue to do so with aplomb. Thankfully they really stepped up their game, and are now full experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. /rant
Do they not understand that making a game more casual typically equates to making a game that is also more boring? The sad truth is, they realize it all too well. It's a product with a built-in shelf life, like just about anything else you can buy these days.
Sure, there are people who have nothing better to do than sit around and sink their time into something mindless. But I think a lot of people are like me, and actually want some substance to their games...at 6 months in, I was still learning a lot in BF2 and sinking (too much) time in on a daily basis...6 months into BF3, and there is nothing that makes me want to ever play for more than a round or two at a time, and finishing a single round is often more than this tired soul can take.
Even with EA looming over their shoulder, and DICE's already questionable history of (un)finished releases/painful patching, I really didn't think they could botch it this bad, let alone continue to do so with aplomb. Thankfully they really stepped up their game, and are now full experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. /rant