Uzique wrote:
it does make a difference because there is no sense of qualitative prestige or achievement in the game when everyone is a colonel with a tiny pixellated digit underneath their rank. i made a post about this on the bf3 forums and received a lot of support. the ranking system is dumb. like or not, a major reason to carry on grinding pub play in bf2 was to rank up to the next rank and attain a new level of exclusivity. the fact is that after the first 50 hours of gameplay you are a colonel means your 'rank grind' for the rest of bf3's lifespan (100 hours? 250? 1000?) is just staring at a number. it's shit and it's lazy. the whole point of a ranking system is to indicate seniority/superiority over other players - the "oh shit this guy has a lot of experience racked up" kinda effect - and in bf3 that sense of ranking hierarchy is totally lost. at the end of the day the current ranking system is built on the condition that an average console gamer can't be expected to invest more than 50 hours on a couch to get all unlocks/weapons/ranks and feel 'happy'.
I can't understand why all the lower ranks have 123456701243289136 stars ( also colonoel) on each rank , but not for example the luitenants, captain , and major ... why did they stop with the "stars" on each rank AT THE WRONG END??
okay if you have to grind 10 stars on private , but the highest rank should be pretty exlusive , now it's just like all the other 50hours+ ranks with A NUMBER!