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COVER'S GETTING ROPY! the sniper isn't firing it all. Worked in the trailer. Why not here? Is it because I crawled ahead of my squad?
lol the sniper isn't firing it all. Worked in the trailer. Why not here? Is it because I crawled ahead of my squad?
When I get there I'll shoot the pot plants before the sniper goes.

During one of the melee sequences, the game wanted me to press e. E! Nothing in my reconfigured controls says "E." The game just figured it was still an accessible key. It gave me enough time, but scrambling for it felt pretty fucking awkward. What am I supposed to do next time, pick my ass? Oh well, I didn't buy the game for the campaign.
"to close canopy"
Too bad the game doesn't know how to type INS. Had to punch random keys before I found out which reassigned key I was supposed to hit. Seems less glitchy than BF2 when it first came out, though. Especially considering campaigns can be a pain to polish.
Too bad the game doesn't know how to type INS. Had to punch random keys before I found out which reassigned key I was supposed to hit. Seems less glitchy than BF2 when it first came out, though. Especially considering campaigns can be a pain to polish.
This game is real shitty to play when you're first starting out and playing against people with a bajillion unlocks and gadgets.
Campaign's pretty much condensed Battlefield. "STAY IN THIS AREA OR THE GAME WILL KILL YOU."
sqaud deathmatch is fuuuun
What really baffles me is why they even bothered to include any kind of single player component. All its done is make their critical reception way worse.
So what if some people year olds dont have Xbox live. Lets face it, CoD is crap in multiplayer compared to BF but the real distinction is.... Battlefield started as multiplayer FUCKIN ONLY. Why waste the resources, disc space and critical reception on a derivative campaign when you could instead hire those people to make the best, brightest & beautiful multiplayer ever made? (which is what probably 95% of us bought it for)
So what if some people year olds dont have Xbox live. Lets face it, CoD is crap in multiplayer compared to BF but the real distinction is.... Battlefield started as multiplayer FUCKIN ONLY. Why waste the resources, disc space and critical reception on a derivative campaign when you could instead hire those people to make the best, brightest & beautiful multiplayer ever made? (which is what probably 95% of us bought it for)
Bought for multiplayer. Don't mind singleplayer, its a nice break. Been looking for a good co-op campaingn for awhile, so we'll see how that is.
it seems like there's a lot of rubberbanding in tight space.
No-one has discussed flashlights yet.
They don't seem anywhere near as bright now. But I havent run across many yet, so I could just be gettin lucky.
In other words, you cant make out the person, but your whole screen doesn't turn white.
In other words, you cant make out the person, but your whole screen doesn't turn white.
Last edited by Nic (2011-10-26 01:31:11)
that's because they're a massive deathwish. i don't think i've come across a single person with a flashlight who i haven't killed straight away yet, and that's saying something (read: terrible)The A W S M F O X wrote:
No-one has discussed flashlights yet.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
yeah the game feels laggy as shit even on 60-70fps and a < 50ms ping. rubberbanding and lots of geometry clipping. this is pretty much the number one thing ruining the infantry gameplay in bf3.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
it seems like there's a lot of rubberbanding in tight space.
Last edited by Uzique (2011-10-26 02:07:30)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I heard that rumour.PigPopTart wrote:
BF3 has single player?
Overall I'm enjoying the multiplayer, perhaps more than I thought I would. Rush on the infantry maps is a flaming pile of awful but on the bigger open maps it's a lot of fun. Equally I will never step foot in a 64 man conquest server that runs one of the city maps, those just turn into giant cluster fucks.
Having said that though we can't forget how bad certain maps were with certain amounts of players in BF2, I adored Mashtuur and Sharqui with 32-50 players but you couldn't pay me to play them with 64.
In other news has anyone run into servers where you have every unlock? We found one yesterday and all I can say is that the Littlebirds become whirling machines of death and destruction.
What? Those maps were fantastic with 64p. More targets.
also, is anyone else hugely underwhelmed by the medals? okay, fair enough, throw all the 'congratulations! you killed someone and played for an entire round!' ribbons at me all you want... but the medals should try to drag the game's life out a bit. "spend 20 hours in a helicopter". . i hope that's just the first-rank of the medal (i.e. bronze) and i'm missing something...
this is a really bad sign, imo. in bf2 it started out with all of the awards being hugely unrealistic to get. in bf3 they're basically given to you for taking a passing interest in each thing. a medal should represent a specialisation and a certain level of experience and skill in that area (stat-padding not counting, obviously), not the fact you've 'had a go' for a while and should therefore be rewarded. dumb idea.
this is a really bad sign, imo. in bf2 it started out with all of the awards being hugely unrealistic to get. in bf3 they're basically given to you for taking a passing interest in each thing. a medal should represent a specialisation and a certain level of experience and skill in that area (stat-padding not counting, obviously), not the fact you've 'had a go' for a while and should therefore be rewarded. dumb idea.
Last edited by Uzique (2011-10-26 02:32:09)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I was disgusted with all the ribbons, medals and awards you get every fucking time you fire a gun, reload, walk, spawn, look up or do anything. Why even have them in there? There's no sense of "achievement" if you end up with 3 medals after 2 rounds. AND WHY PUT IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING SCREEN? FUCK THAT! HEY HERES ANOTHER AWARD FOR SHOOTING SOMETHING, MAN! PUT IT OUT OF THE WAY LIKE BF2, MY SCREEN IS FULL OF RIBBONS AND GUNS AND UNLOCKS THE WHOLE FUCKING ROUND.
So far the minimap, commrose, awards and the non-stop parade of useless fucking asshole retard "team-mates" are my only major grievances with the game. Otherwise I think it's enjoyable.
So far the minimap, commrose, awards and the non-stop parade of useless fucking asshole retard "team-mates" are my only major grievances with the game. Otherwise I think it's enjoyable.
Yeah. The medals are a bit easy to get. Should be min 50hrs in each. And more for some. 20 might seem reasonable for the cars and stationary AT, but not for anything else. Would be nice if they would move the notifications that you got one off to the side as well.
Hopefully the teamates one will get better as people learn the maps.The A W S M F O X wrote:
I was disgusted with all the ribbons, medals and awards you get every fucking time you fire a gun, reload, walk, spawn, look up or do anything. Why even have them in there? There's no sense of "achievement" if you end up with 3 medals after 2 rounds. AND WHY PUT IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING SCREEN? FUCK THAT! HEY HERES ANOTHER AWARD FOR SHOOTING SOMETHING, MAN! PUT IT OUT OF THE WAY LIKE BF2, MY SCREEN IS FULL OF RIBBONS AND GUNS AND UNLOCKS THE WHOLE FUCKING ROUND.
So far the minimap, commrose, awards and the non-stop parade of useless fucking asshole retard "team-mates" are my only major grievances with the game. Otherwise I think it's enjoyable.
I just got bf3 in the mail, i was expecting it tommorow so this is a pleasant surprise.
Sigh, I'm on a hunting trip till Sunday.. at least the wife picked up my preorder!
well shit, i might have received it today but i can't play it until tommorow.
Now it's just looking at me.
Oh you cruel, cruel game
Now it's just looking at me.
Oh you cruel, cruel game
I'm half tempted tonight to get a copy...
I almost was tempted to fire up BC2, for old times' sake...
I almost was tempted to fire up BC2, for old times' sake...
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