& i'm not saying any of you shouldn't or won't enjoy this game... hell, the amount of bf2s hype-bandwagons for shitty games that have occurred in the last 4-5 years, as all of you wander red-eyed and forlorn with dry mouths around that virtual wilderness. at this point you guys will foam at the mouth over anything. i imagine sonder has already drop kicked his new puppy over the goals at his local football field and benched 3 hooters girls in foaming anticipation. this community is tragically searching for a game to replace the buzz and community centrality of bf2. maybe bf3 will do that for you, with its battlelog and cutesie little battlefield 3 facebook feature. will there be a place for the TOP's to grief in this game? yeah, because there will be plenty of fucknoobs playing without a clue, just agape at the pretty graphics that their new hyper-overpriced $2,000 gaming computers cost them. that's their standard of 'satisfaction' - not 'how hard can i push this game and how skilled can i become'. because it honestly doesn't feel like there is a skillcurve to this... it's just "enjoy the spectacle we have created for you to partake in". the trouble with spectacles is that they wane and lose their impressive factor on a diminishing return. in 2-3 months this game will still be popular, though, because it's battlefield 3. it has been the biggest marketing success since world of warcrack turned up with its sly grin and trench-coat stuffed with coloured toys and wonders. will the elitist jet-raping luciens and infantry-humping igs of the gaming world still be playing it then? nope. but i guess the horizon of 'game success' has changed now, from a pc enthusiast measure of skill, quality and learning curve to a console mass-market measurement of quantity, hype and money pocketed. hurra, hurra.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.