Kmarion wrote:
We should not have normal relations with them until they address their civil rights issues. Same goes for every other oppressive state on this planet. Believe it or not the United States is still a very desirable global partner. Because of this we are in a position to make a real difference. This isn't so much about nukes as it is about equal rights and civil liberties for all. That was our charter as a nation. In this sense lately we have been going in the wrong direction.
Ideally, I agree, but before we can do that, we'd have to end our ties with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and China, which isn't going to happen.
Besides, more often than not, our concerns are economic, not social. We make a big show of supporting democracy and human rights, but in the end, we spend more time subverting governments that aren't convenient to our business interests (like in Latin America during much of the Cold War) or allying with oppressive regimes that serve a business or strategic purpose (like Saddam in the beginning).
So, much as it would be nice to have relations based on human rights and such, that's probably not going to happen much.
If it's any consolation, all those countries in Europe that bitch at us for not being concerned enough about human rights are doing the exact same thing. Invading Iraq was a stupid idea, but it's not like the Oil for Food Scandal was moral (thanks, France).