Background: I'm only commenting on the Youtube Video.
Reason: Due to my training, experience and the way I think, it is the only credible piece to this whole subject. So in your response don't bring up this article said blah blah blah. I view all articles on the Internet as opinions and or bullshit, especially concerning Law Enforcement. If you want to get into that debate, we sure can. I require one of three things to make judgement on a subject such as this. They are, video, audio or a sworn statement before a Judge.
Experience as a Police Officer; Three Years as a Sworn Deputy Sheriff and 2 years as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, in total 5 years. I'm also currently a Corporal.
I cannot pass judgement if the traffic stop was legal or not, no credible evidence has been given.
I cannot pass judgement if the Paramedic warranted an arrest based upon infractions of the law, the Trooper's dash cam will no doubt tell the whole story.
However, this is where it becomes tricky and my Flame suit comes in handy.
I'm not going to quote the laws directly, but if you absolutely insist, i will take time out of my life to dig them out for you. However you have to keep in mind, Montana Laws will differ greatly from Oklahoma.
Once the officer initiated the arrest, regardless if it is warranted or not, you do not have the right to resist. Plain and Simple. Now comes into play courts, judges, lawyers, jury trials.. After the officer has imitated the arrest he must place the offender in restraints, detain the individual and give a notice to appear (a ticket). The NTA is filed with the Prosecuting Attorney and a report recalling the situation and showing proof is then given to the Prosecuting Attorney.
Recall the video of the trooper saying You are under arrest.
The arrest procedure has been initiated.
But wait.. One trooper places hands on the Paramedic. The paramedic passively resists by pulling his arm away and tries to re-enter the ambulance. This is resisting arrest, a misdemeanor.
After the Troopers regain control of the Paramedic, one trooper places his hand upon the neck region forcing the paramedic's body to the back of the ambulance. He is now partially restrained. This were a trooper should be placing metal wrist lock restraints aka hand cuffs on the individual.
Recall the video, an ass chewing occurs and the Paramedic is no longer restrained, he re-enters the ambulance.
Now I can pass some judgement. The alleged assault on the paramedic was justified right up until the officers released him, by means of not placing the Paramedic in custody (hand cuffs, restraints). Thus is makes it assault.
I'm going to pass judgement on the Troopers in general by means of tactics.
Like i said earlier I have no credible evidence of why the traffic stop was initiated and why the black paramedic was deemed to be arrested.
When the Troopers initialed the arrest, the amount of force used was acceptable. I'm definitely not getting into a Continuum of Force debate with you people.
Not completing the arrest turns this whole thing into a huge assault, lawsuit waiting to happen. All the Troopers had to do was restrain him, issue the NTAs and let him go. Or if he was being a "good boy" issue the NTAs (Which complete the arrest procedure and now its on the Troopers and Prosecuting Attorney's back to prove the ticket(s) were justified.
Now I'm looking at the fucktard running around with his Camera Phone. He should have been restrained or removed from the scene. He is could have been a danger to the trooper's welfare. When I started watching the video, I knew it wasn't going to end well simply because the troopers weren't aware of their surroundings.
With that being said, its an extremely messed up situation handled poorly by the Troopers and the Paramedics. I'd really like to view the dash cam of the trooper's vehicle to deliver a final judgement.
On a side not, if you're still reading. An unwritten rule about EMS/Fire Departments/Doctors/Nurses unless they fuck up so severely they harm another human being, you don't involve an arrest or ticket. If its something as minor as a traffic infraction.. pull the driver to the side and chew some ass. Why you might ask? When a cop gets shot/stabbed/fucked up, who saves the Cop? A goddamn EMT/Nurse/Doctor. IF your house is burning and you just gave the engineer a ticket for driving his pumper truck 2 miles an over the speed limit. Kiss your house good bye.
Sweet Chocolate Covered Jesus I'm tired.