In Three Steps.
Step One; Marginalization
Allow the undermining of the economy by getting away from a commodities back asset plan to one made of an " agreed upon value " system, such as a paper currency. While giving tax credits to large corporations to facilitate outsource manufacturing also allow them generous property tax credits in exchange for their building big box mega malls. As the giganto corporations attract new retail businesses to these super centers offer the promise of community college and training for " jobs of the future " to the former owners and offspring of small box brick and mortar stores who slowly dwindle and lose their sales to the big box corporations. All the while keep the borders unsecured enough to allow mass numbers of peoples in who will be marginalized and exploited, yet paradoxically there will be exclusive rights they will have. They will be allowed to operate businesses and compete against so called ordinary citizens. They will be hired throughout all segments of society; as small companies employees, as civil corps labor, as nannies to the politicians wives and housekeepers in the halls of justice. Then, allow through a combination of deregulation and regulation force banking entities to loan fiduciaries to preposition marginalized peoples, citizens and non citizens. Distort the normal flow of capitalism by allowing the " ballooning" of commodities. This will cause cynicism and dishonesty in the markets as investors know the game is jigged and maneuver to exploit the latest fraud. The inevitable collapse of commercial real estate follows the destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base, mandated bad loans to illegal immigrants and other credit marginalized citizens as well as fraudulent distribution of bogus " mortgage backed securities " lead to the financial shunning of the dollar, thereby marginalizing the buying power of average U.S. citizens, thereby marginalizing the very foundations of our nation by the very concept of honesty being a given in transactions, cash on the barrel head, accountability, respectability and a deal being a deal.
Step Two; Fraud
Borrow as much money as possible to fund current fiscal responsibilities from other government and bank industries with no intention whatsoever of ever paying them back, unless hyper inflation causes marginalization of the debt. Have U.S. citizens become contributors to and dependants of unfunded and looted social security and Medicaid programs. Invent new laws while promising the enforce them better than before.
Step Three; Take Over
Despite the reality that government is not efficient at running anything, that always spends four times more than projections, that created the financial worldwide turmoil, take over major privately owned businesses. Repeat the mantra that the problem is so big, only government can handle it.
The BK of GM may cause 6 million lost jobs, making the losses double what they have been so far.
He may be saying " Change we can believe in. "
But the real goal is defined imo in the title to this rant.
Step One; Marginalization
Allow the undermining of the economy by getting away from a commodities back asset plan to one made of an " agreed upon value " system, such as a paper currency. While giving tax credits to large corporations to facilitate outsource manufacturing also allow them generous property tax credits in exchange for their building big box mega malls. As the giganto corporations attract new retail businesses to these super centers offer the promise of community college and training for " jobs of the future " to the former owners and offspring of small box brick and mortar stores who slowly dwindle and lose their sales to the big box corporations. All the while keep the borders unsecured enough to allow mass numbers of peoples in who will be marginalized and exploited, yet paradoxically there will be exclusive rights they will have. They will be allowed to operate businesses and compete against so called ordinary citizens. They will be hired throughout all segments of society; as small companies employees, as civil corps labor, as nannies to the politicians wives and housekeepers in the halls of justice. Then, allow through a combination of deregulation and regulation force banking entities to loan fiduciaries to preposition marginalized peoples, citizens and non citizens. Distort the normal flow of capitalism by allowing the " ballooning" of commodities. This will cause cynicism and dishonesty in the markets as investors know the game is jigged and maneuver to exploit the latest fraud. The inevitable collapse of commercial real estate follows the destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base, mandated bad loans to illegal immigrants and other credit marginalized citizens as well as fraudulent distribution of bogus " mortgage backed securities " lead to the financial shunning of the dollar, thereby marginalizing the buying power of average U.S. citizens, thereby marginalizing the very foundations of our nation by the very concept of honesty being a given in transactions, cash on the barrel head, accountability, respectability and a deal being a deal.
Step Two; Fraud
Borrow as much money as possible to fund current fiscal responsibilities from other government and bank industries with no intention whatsoever of ever paying them back, unless hyper inflation causes marginalization of the debt. Have U.S. citizens become contributors to and dependants of unfunded and looted social security and Medicaid programs. Invent new laws while promising the enforce them better than before.
Step Three; Take Over
Despite the reality that government is not efficient at running anything, that always spends four times more than projections, that created the financial worldwide turmoil, take over major privately owned businesses. Repeat the mantra that the problem is so big, only government can handle it.
The BK of GM may cause 6 million lost jobs, making the losses double what they have been so far.
He may be saying " Change we can believe in. "
But the real goal is defined imo in the title to this rant.