We are on a path to reaching technological singularity whereby technological advances happen almost instantaneously and perhaps eventually beyond human control.  I recommend reading The Age of Intelligent Machines by Ray Kurzweil.  He is one of the leading minds in AI research, especially regarding reproducing biological functions.  His painting of the future is both chilling and exciting regarding human/computer interaction.  It's really so interesting I can't begin to go on and I know people here won't read a ridiculously long post but I can assure you that it is worth the read.  It is science liberally mixed with spirituality which provides what I think is an easier understanding because he gives it a kind of humanist twinge on what he sees as an inevitable computer intelligence age of enlightenment.

You should also check out Super Intelligent Machines by Bill Hibbard for a more rational (albeit boring) approach to the idea of human/technological singularity.  I obviously enjoyed Kurzweils overly optimistic and more transcendental approach but Kurzweil is definitely the potatoes to Hibbard's mea...well you get the picture.

By the way Ray Kurzweil predicts the year 2030

A look at Transcendent Man, new documentary about Mr. Kurzweil and his almost maniacal quest for immortality and his sentimental yearn to recreate his father.