Have a death packet put together?
If not, do it -Today. It's much easier on the family if it's cut and dried in writing by you.

I'm going to be cremated, and will find a way for some of my ashes will be used in cement park benches at FSU, the rest will go with my wife who has decided to be buried with them. But I told her if it creeps her out too much -to just dump em in the closest water source.
I would have done a search, but I don't care for the people that posted (if such a topic exists) a time ago my have different answers now.
If not, do it -Today. It's much easier on the family if it's cut and dried in writing by you.

I'm going to be cremated, and will find a way for some of my ashes will be used in cement park benches at FSU, the rest will go with my wife who has decided to be buried with them. But I told her if it creeps her out too much -to just dump em in the closest water source.
I would have done a search, but I don't care for the people that posted (if such a topic exists) a time ago my have different answers now.
Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2009-05-20 20:10:18)
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.