It would be nice if UBAR had:

1)Descritption of claymore range, both of blast and of trigger, and a description of the radius, as I understand it's cone shaped...
2) Description of Vehicle weapons,  particularly helicoptr, as it would be nice to get a nice info page on the TV missle and how those guys fire it all the way from the TV station on Sharqi and hit the  MEC helipad....

+0|6958|Your Mom's House
Im sure I've mentioned this in other posts, but incude some information about Body Armor please.
Cut Throat
+-1|6948|Gold Coast,Australia

roguegeneral wrote:

The crieteria for the MID EAST RIBBON and FAR EAST RIBBON
I'm a little suprised no one still doesn't know the criteria for these awards.The generic criteria is time in theater and time in service.
I have played all the maps from all sides= time in theater.Time in service the real requirement  is 250 hours global. I recieved both ribbons after  I hit the 250hr mark... I play karkand all the time was checking stats and saw the new ribbon i got mid east ribbon. That was the weekend I hit 250 hrs globally. I went and played 1 china map I received the far east ribbon. Neither ribbon showed in the game I think  or I wasn't paying attention but they were in my stats once the round ended...

Mid East ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
MEC map rotation= time in theater

Far East Ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
China map rotation=time in theater

the requirements for time in theater is just a total of playing the maps not how long just that u have played them once  I think...
I suspect these are correct and would like credit for these ribbons since  u have no info on these as of yet..

wrong look at my ribbons then time played
+20|7000|government yard in trenchtown.

Cut Throat wrote:

roguegeneral wrote:

The crieteria for the MID EAST RIBBON and FAR EAST RIBBON
I'm a little suprised no one still doesn't know the criteria for these awards.The generic criteria is time in theater and time in service.
I have played all the maps from all sides= time in theater.Time in service the real requirement  is 250 hours global. I recieved both ribbons after  I hit the 250hr mark... I play karkand all the time was checking stats and saw the new ribbon i got mid east ribbon. That was the weekend I hit 250 hrs globally. I went and played 1 china map I received the far east ribbon. Neither ribbon showed in the game I think  or I wasn't paying attention but they were in my stats once the round ended...

Mid East ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
MEC map rotation= time in theater

Far East Ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
China map rotation=time in theater

the requirements for time in theater is just a total of playing the maps not how long just that u have played them once  I think...
I suspect these are correct and would like credit for these ribbons since  u have no info on these as of yet..

wrong look at my ribbons then time played
That was an old post before the patch.. the requirements changed.
I've just recieved my basic sniper combat badge - took 10 kills... Spec Ops took only 5 a Ubar says
Seems they didn't register though
I cant get my Veteran Medic and Veteran Assault combat badges, according to UBAR you need 15 hours total and 20 kills IAR. Well, I got my veteran Engineer combat badge and I dont have half the hours in my engineer as I do Medic or Assault. Now that I think about it, this sounds like another bug.

addict10n wrote:

I cant get my Veteran Medic and Veteran Assault combat badges, according to UBAR you need 15 hours total and 20 kills IAR. Well, I got my veteran Engineer combat badge and I dont have half the hours in my engineer as I do Medic or Assault. Now that I think about it, this sounds like another bug.

Support      05:02:30
Sniper              21:33:46
Special-Ops   18:10:58
Engineer        18:59:06
Anti-tank       20:55:28
Assault          39:49:37
Medic            77:56:41

Looks to me like you're eligible for *any* of the vet class-based combat-badges with the exception of support.
But yet I dont have them, and I've been trying. I'll probably receive them when Im not trying, thats how it usually works.
Okay, guys, one of my clan members had 48.000 points and still missed the knife badge. We where discussing the update and I told him that he should get all his basic skills as soon as possible. He got it before the 50.000 points and his progress bar was empty. He went over the 50.000 points and got promoted to Sergeant Major. During the patch he did not have his knife badge and he did not get promoted to First Sergeant. Therefor I must conclude that when you do not have the basic badges when you are being promoted, then you will always get the lower rank of the 2 available @ 20.000 and 50.000.
Kermit was here...
Agree. But in fact the alternative Ranks are no "lower ranks"...just other versions. If you want to have them, then you will get the basics.
First sergent requires purple heart on top of badges, and 2nd Lieutenant has less points than Sergeant Major of the Corps.
edit sp

Last edited by Coryphaeus (2005-10-10 10:39:13)


maldar wrote:

roguegeneral wrote:

The crieteria for the MID EAST RIBBON and FAR EAST RIBBON
I'm a little suprised no one still doesn't know the criteria for these awards.The generic criteria is time in theater and time in service.
I have played all the maps from all sides= time in theater.Time in service the real requirement  is 250 hours global. I recieved both ribbons after  I hit the 250hr mark... I play karkand all the time was checking stats and saw the new ribbon i got mid east ribbon. That was the weekend I hit 250 hrs globally. I went and played 1 china map I received the far east ribbon. Neither ribbon showed in the game I think  or I wasn't paying attention but they were in my stats once the round ended...

Mid East ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
MEC map rotation= time in theater

Far East Ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
China map rotation=time in theater

the requirements for time in theater is just a total of playing the maps not how long just that u have played them once  I think...
I suspect these are correct and would like credit for these ribbons since  u have no info on these as of yet..

I know that it is not  250 hrs of global time as I have both ribbons and about 180 hrs of play.  I think that it is 150 hrs and 30 hrs in those armies as I received my Far East at about 30 hrs in that army and I was at about 150 hrs of play at the time.  Some sites also state a kill streak and total kills, Island Gamers for example.
I've played 30 hours all together and I've got them all. Can't be 150 hrs.

BTW. You can add this to UBAR: My friend discovered this, you can actually DESTROY mines with the apc


Last edited by WCASD (2005-10-12 02:00:55)

[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|6936|Hamburg, Germany

Coryphaeus wrote:

First sergent requires purple heart on top of badges, and 2nd Lieutenant has less points than Sergeant Major of the Corps.
edit sp
No purple heart but i'm First Sergeant....
I know for a fact the requirements for First Sergeant Rank are incorrect.

I had a support ticket open at EA Support. He told me my current score (i am already Master Sergeant) was not enough to make it to First Sergeant. However i have all the req. mentioned on ubar (all basic badges and such)

So i pointed the GM to this website. He told me that the info here was not entirely correct.

Unfortunately he would not tell me what the exact requirements are. He did however give me some hints. He told me i didnt qualify yet because of certain kit score, points and time tallies.

So i started to do some comparing stats with 3 First Sergeants. My conclusion so far is that you probably need to play either medic or support for a certain time. This will obviously result in higher resupply/revive score.

I guess that Gunnery Sergeant rank is not a requirement, otherwise he would have told me it was not possible to achieve the rank.

Shuriken wrote:

I know for a fact the requirements for First Sergeant Rank are incorrect.

I had a support ticket open at EA Support. He told me my current score (i am already Master Sergeant) was not enough to make it to First Sergeant. However i have all the req. mentioned on ubar (all basic badges and such)

So i pointed the GM to this website. He told me that the info here was not entirely correct.

Unfortunately he would not tell me what the exact requirements are. He did however give me some hints. He told me i didnt qualify yet because of certain kit score, points and time tallies.

So i started to do some comparing stats with 3 First Sergeants. My conclusion so far is that you probably need to play either medic or support for a certain time. This will obviously result in higher resupply/revive score.
I am very confident in my source of information, and until they stop dancing around the point and come out with an official guide to the requirements for various ranks/awards/etc, then I would appeciate it if they'd stop blowing smoke up our collective asses.

Additionally, I can tell you from this guy or perhaps this one that medic/support points have jack shit to do with getting the rank. And if they do, it's so insignifcant as to not even matter. (What, 10 heal points to get First Srg? Sure...)
i got the expert combat medic badge and after checking my score i only had 33 kills, the thing on ubar says that it takes 40 kills with the med kit. i do have over 100 hrs with the kit though so that part might be right, also it might just be medic instead of all the expert badges, i saw the sniper one was difrent so maybe medic is also. anyway just fyi, sry dint think to get a screen shot but if you find my stats it should update soon with the badge

chuyskywalker wrote:

Shuriken wrote:

I know for a fact the requirements for First Sergeant Rank are incorrect.

I had a support ticket open at EA Support. He told me my current score (i am already Master Sergeant) was not enough to make it to First Sergeant. However i have all the req. mentioned on ubar (all basic badges and such)

So i pointed the GM to this website. He told me that the info here was not entirely correct.

Unfortunately he would not tell me what the exact requirements are. He did however give me some hints. He told me i didnt qualify yet because of certain kit score, points and time tallies.

So i started to do some comparing stats with 3 First Sergeants. My conclusion so far is that you probably need to play either medic or support for a certain time. This will obviously result in higher resupply/revive score.
I am very confident in my source of information, and until they stop dancing around the point and come out with an official guide to the requirements for various ranks/awards/etc, then I would appeciate it if they'd stop blowing smoke up our collective asses.

Additionally, I can tell you from [url=]this guy[/url] or perhaps [url=]this one[/url] that medic/support points have jack shit to do with getting the rank. And if they do, it's so insignifcant as to not even matter. (What, 10 heal points to get First Srg? Sure...)
If you look at my playerstats Shuriken.NL (through you will see i got all the req. prior to being promoted to master sergeant. So i guess something must be wrong. Anyhow, i will keep you guys posted on my progress. I will start doin some serious medic whoring. And if i get the promotion before getting to 50.000 points i will let you guys know
another thing i hink mioght need tweeks is the veteren combat medals for the kits, i have 16+ hrs as spec ops, and have have several rounds where i only used it and got well over 20 kills, up around 35-40 and it still never poped up. i also dont think its just the server needing to update cause i made sure i had 15+ hrs a few days back and have tryed to do it since then, perhaps the time requirement is 50?
Pew Pew!
+216|7009|San Francisco

Tryeal wrote:

another thing i hink mioght need tweeks is the veteren combat medals for the kits, i have 16+ hrs as spec ops, and have have several rounds where i only used it and got well over 20 kills, up around 35-40 and it still never poped up. i also dont think its just the server needing to update cause i made sure i had 15+ hrs a few days back and have tryed to do it since then, perhaps the time requirement is 50?
Nope, I have the vet combat for spec ops, and just got my vet for engineer and I am barely over 15 hours.

Shuriken wrote:

And if i get the promotion before getting to 50.000 points i will let you guys know
You won't. You will only get promoted to one or the other rank when you hit 20,000. If you don't have the badge reqs when you hit that number, you miss out.

Additionally, before you say the next thing you're bound to say, no you probably didn't meet the reqs when you made the rank. You, like a slew of other players, probably earned the knife or pistol badge in the same round -- and EA didn't record the lower badge. This means that when 20k came around you didn't actually meet the req because you, techincally, did not have that award.

chuyskywalker wrote:

Shuriken wrote:

And if i get the promotion before getting to 50.000 points i will let you guys know
You won't. You will only get promoted to one or the other rank when you hit 20,000. If you don't have the badge reqs when you hit that number, you miss out.

Additionally, before you say the next thing you're bound to say, no you probably didn't meet the reqs when you made the rank. You, like a slew of other players, probably earned the knife or pistol badge in the same round -- and EA didn't record the lower badge. This means that when 20k came around you didn't actually meet the req because you, techincally, did not have that award.
Correct, i earned pistol badge and veteran at the same time. That's why i had a support ticket open with EA. After they fixed the badge i wanted them to fix my rank. Thats when they came up with the story i didnt qualify due to several other reasons.

Last edited by Shuriken (2005-10-11 23:43:23)

Radioactive Glo
+130|6999|A Small Isle in the Tropics

i still cant figure it out. the new UBAR says that to get a Basic Sniper Badge (that darn missing badge haunts me to no end) requires just 5 kills IAR. Well, I did 7 last night IAR in Sharqi Penin map and still no badge (the kills got registered on BFHQ). I know I got my score screwed on a GameArena server weeks back with 11 kills IAR, drumroll, but no badge (didnt turn on BFHQ at all). Just wondering if that screw up is now messing up my ability to get the Basic Badge.
chuyskywalker says he got the info directly from the source - But when I got my sniper badge (after the patch and very recently) I got it on my exact 10th kill as sniper (not 5). I had 9 kills and gunned down a Hummer with 2 people:

You killed xxx
Congratultaions, You've been awarded...
You killed xxy

So UBAR must be wrong there or the servers just didn't know the correct number of kills required...


Shuriken wrote:

Thats when they came up with the story i didnt qualify due to several other reasons.
Ah, well I still firmly believe that they're bullshitting us with that "other reasons" line.

chuyskywalker wrote:

Additionally, I can tell you from this guy or perhaps this one that medic/support points have jack shit to do with getting the rank. And if they do, it's so insignifcant as to not even matter. (What, 10 heal points to get First Srg? Sure...)
Both of em got purple heart, and my stats are above all of em, but yeah you got got it and no purple heart, maybe its a death streak? Yeah you are and im not i cant figure it out. here's mine,

I cant find it well maybe we can make a list of really close stats, first sergent and master, maybe we can pin soemthing down.

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