Spearhead wrote:
I know politics sucks doesn't it? The Democrats are sheep and the "public" is a bunch of fucking idiots... but not when a Republicans president. Then its treason to say stuff like that.
Oh ya, and, uh, fuck you. Since thats all you've contributed to the forums in the past few days "LOL I saw this one black guy and he dont know shit and he thinks Obama's a messiah so thats why you liberals suck"
honestly man. Name some people who are not "fucking idiots" who voted for McCain then. You do realize that if Obama is really as bad as you say he is, then the GOP is the fuck up of the century. They are getting nowhere saying the same shit you are.
DAST has been getting worse and worse with each passing month. ESPECIALLY since the election and all the righties started bitching before Obama was even in office...
Treason to say? Hardly. How about the General "betray"s lines. How about Biden and Bama claiming the troop surge was a failure and the war lost? Who's declassifying CIA reports? In light of that, the left can't even stomach to hear how big a f' ups they are as they stab to silence talk radio. Free speech anyone? What's a Constitution?
Let's not forget tens of millions voted for McCain. They all have voices too, they are speaking up too. You probably know them as 'tea bag parties' -as the leftist media has given them the shaft in terms of media exposure. There were 100's of thousands protesting this Boob with the keys to the our treasury. Was is covered? Yea, as tea bag parties. Dems class is non-existent. But send cindy sheehan to the ranch and -jesus it's front f'n page. Let's appoint some more Newsweek people and bail out the boston globe.
Upset about how DAST is going now? Fine, post some good things about Obama then.... Like how his bailouts worked... Oops, they didn't. Well there's the transparent governemnt. Ooops, that pesky huge ass rushed through budget... How about the no lobbiest in his ... Oops. Well, At least he's restored honor in all of his appointments.. Oops -they don't pay their taxes. Well, at least Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions and Venezuela likes us again... Right -he did this by cutting the military budget? Ugh..
At least Obama can give a good speech -on the fourth of May, to dead veterans in the room, who he's all ready introduced? Jeeze man, it's time to take back the free pass you've given this Marxist Twat.
Damn straight I started bitching before he took office. Why? Because I knew he'd pull this kinda crap. O is a horrible president, perhaps the worst this country has seen to date. I really wish Bill was back in office. I told you all so.
Spearhead wrote:
Oh ya, and, uh, fuck you. Since thats all you've contributed to the forums in the past few days "LOL I saw this one black guy and he dont know shit and he thinks Obama's a messiah so thats why you liberals suck"
Oh the race card. People need to get over the fact that Obama is the first black President. The bottom line is that he is a President and should be juded as one. And at 100 days in he's full of fail.
Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2009-05-11 18:37:17)
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.