$997m at the box office for Dark Knight. Do you think it could've broken a billion if it hadn't been pirated so much?
Yeah, it was shit anyways.HaiBai wrote:
Really no point in pirating The Dark Knight.
I don't think it was shit. I just don't think it was all it was hyped up to beDefCon-17 wrote:
Yeah, it was shit anyways.HaiBai wrote:
Really no point in pirating The Dark Knight.
QFTLittle BaBy JESUS wrote:
I don't think it was shit. I just don't think it was all it was hyped up to beDefCon-17 wrote:
Yeah, it was shit anyways.HaiBai wrote:
Really no point in pirating The Dark Knight.
Needed moar slow motion, i loved wolverine based on this one fact. Slow motion EVERYWHEREWinston_Churchill wrote:
QFTLittle BaBy JESUS wrote:
I don't think it was shit. I just don't think it was all it was hyped up to beDefCon-17 wrote:
Yeah, it was shit anyways.
But I saw it 3 times in theatres, I think I gave them enough money already
Wreckognize wrote:
No one pirates Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa because we're trying to get shit into Madagascar not out of it amirite?
Me, kinda, since I don't have the money to spend on them.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
How many of those are people downloading movies that they don't want to spend money on?
How many of those people ending up paying for the movie in the end?
How many of those people got an interest in the series/genre after pirating the movie and paid for other, similar movies?
Not everything can be measured in plain statistics?Finray wrote:
Me, kinda, since I don't have the money to spend on them.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
How many of those are people downloading movies that they don't want to spend money on?
How many of those people ending up paying for the movie in the end?
How many of those people got an interest in the series/genre after pirating the movie and paid for other, similar movies?
Not me.