Dude is probably trolling tho'
Dude is probably trolling tho'
Uh...HaiBai wrote:
Obviously this was a joke...it's a star of david...and it would be "satanic" not "satanist"
well people are pretty dumb you never know
like the one guy that got a tattoo of some chic and she turned out way ugly in inkColCarnage wrote:
well people are pretty dumb you never know
Some people think the Star of David is evil.
Fuck 'em.
Fuck 'em.
Well it's no surprise that the Star of David looks so similar to the Satan symbol, even though it was Jews that created all of this stuff and for some reason they placed themselves as the prime enemy of Christianity and Islam for the most part
always turning everything into a debate about religionMekstizzle wrote:
Well it's no surprise that the Star of David looks so similar to the Satan symbol, even though it was Jews that created all of this stuff and for some reason they placed themselves as the prime enemy of Christianity and Islam for the most part
silly ay-rabs.
@ op - lawl
one triangle up, one triangle down.
Are Jews the ones where there are always two of them, a master and an apprentice? Or am I thinking of something else?
Ninjas. I see where you went wrong, though.ghettoperson wrote:
Are Jews the ones where there are always two of them, a master and an apprentice? Or am I thinking of something else?
mafia996630 wrote: