Genetical disposition like this is not attached to races I think.
Just throwing something out there and I DO NOT necessarily agree with it but I figured I would throw it out there. 

Pit bulls are a more agressive breed of dog then say a poodle.  Same species different breed.
Sorry you got me wrong i said that genetical disposition LIKE THIS is not attached to races. Maybe it was not clear enough so I ll explain. Things like the color of your skin are attached to races but I didnt see some proof yet to make me think that aggressive potential is especially big in some human "race". Therefor I think this is not in a way attached to races that all blacks would be more aggressive or would commit more crimes.

Besides blacks and whites are not really a different "race" if you use Linné s system for defining the species while poodles and pitbulls are (I think).

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-02 10:39:03)


Beatdown Patrol wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Now to get back on topic.  What keeps you from committing crimes? definitely isn't the death penalty and harsh penalties like conservatives would make you think.  Criminals don't sit around and say..."Hmmmm....I had better not do this crime or I am going to be given the death penalty".  In order to do that, the criminal would have to know criminal law and how many of us supposedly "EDUMACATED" people know the consequences of a criminal act?

It is also amazing at the lack of fairness in the law for certain crimes.  How can a crooked executive like Bernard Ebbers bilk investors and retireee of hundreds of billions of dollars and get 25 years, but somebody in the hood can rob a couple of banks for a few thousand dollars get 40+ years?

I don't commit crimes because I don't have to.  You had better believe that like anybody else...if it were a matter of survival and I had to eat or have shelter above my head, I am going to do what is necessary to survive.  If I had to steal in order to eat, I probably would.  If I had to steal in order to have clothes on my ass, I probably would.  I honestly don't know what situation I would have to be in to feel the necessity to murder somebody, but I would be stupid to believe that I am incapable of such an act.  ANYBODY is.  That is why you hear people say "Gee...he was so nice, I never would have thought he would have done that."  after somebody snaps and takes a stroll with a Bushmaster, firing on anything that moves.

- Beatdown
The death penalty is not a deterant, it's vindication to the victim and to society.  If you break the law you should be punished and based on the severity of the crime you should be punished justly so.

Same with Martha Stewart.  She dumped her stock on an unsuspecting buyer and gets what?... a month?

As for the stealing to eat... we have soup kitchens that offer free food everyday.  But I agree, I would steal to feed me and/or my family.

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

If you were kind of trying to speak "in his logic" and dont actually say not believing in god is like not believing in Hitler then this would be OK I guess. To me it sounded as if you were a religious fanatic.

Back to the topic: What keeps one from committing crimes?

Moral values which are passed on by one s parents + good social and economic situation in which one grows up + genes that tell everyone (some more, some less) not to kill each other because the survival of the species needs to be ensured. Of course it would be wrong to say blacks' genes make them more likely to commit crimes. Genetical disposition like this is not attached to races I think.
Sickle cell anemia?  I think research should be done. … nemia.html

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-02-02 10:46:17)

I personally believe the black crime thing is not specifically a race issues, it is merely coincidence. To expand on that, you have to look back into history for hundreds of years.

The matter of fact here is that dating back to the times of the earliest civilized societies, Africa was not one of them. In terms of pure societal and civil progress/advancement, Africa along with much of the Middle East has always been many decades and in some cases a century or more behind what at the time was considered the most advanced societies, mainly based in Europe. An advanced society can of course be defined subjectively based on technological advancement, advancements in the structure and role of the government (or even the existence of a government in the first place), organized labor, criminal regular via a system of laws, etc.

And this advancement and progress of society for any geographical region is obviously affected by other nearby regions. No doubt many societies in Africa and the middle east were held back by common factors such as war, religion, geographical bias towards (or away from) survivability in the sense of how the land can aid in survival of a society (more on this later), and influence or control from neighboring societies among others. The simple truth of the matter is, many societies in Africa and the middle east were very much inhibited by the land they occupied, and as a result, their progress in the field of societal advancement was slowed.

Is it any coincidence that the most civilized societies throughout history lived in areas that had good natural resources, good land for farming, good access to a more complete food chain (animals, fish) and good areas in which to build on?

I personally believe if you put any society into Africa back in the day it was originally populated, that same "race" would be in the same place African americans are now. The progress of the race was held back by many factors, many centuries ago, and has slowed their advancement since. The high crime rate by blacks nowadays is merely a long-last side effect of all this. If you want to look at the British that came to North America to settle it, direct corrolations can be made in the typical society behavior of those people compared to african americans 50-70 years later.

All humans are bred with certain animalistic tendancies which are weeded out, very slowly, over time. The simple fact is that the current group of african americans were held back by geographical and societal factors many centuries ago, and they are simply "catching up" in terms of advancement of their race. This is why there is noticable progress. The same can be said of many societies in the middle east that exhibit a lot of the same tendancies towards violence.

If you swapped the white people that were in Europe 700 years ago with the black people in Africa 700 years ago, it would be the whites that were brought to America as slaves, and the whites who committed 7 times more murder per capita today. It is merely coincidence that it is the blacks, and it is only an issue of time before enough progress in the advancement of the race occurs to weed out the tendancies that lead to this type of behavior. Yes, social programs, aid for the poor, etc. can help this along, but ultimately it is just a matter of time.

In the long run, after many decades and centuries more of advancement on the part of all societies, behavior that leads to murder and crime will be nearly bred completely out of all races, and argument like this will be completely moot.

So, I blame the actual continent of Africa, it's climate, it's geography, it's lack of abundant farmland and natural resources (compared to areas such as America, Europe and the far east) as well as the influence of unruly neighbors who just happen to be more technologically advanced and used that to take advantage of the people they could.

There is no gene in blacks that isn't in every other human being, it just hasn't been surpressed to the same extent as it has with whites, for example.
+101|6926|Southern California

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002. - Bureau of Justice Statistics
page 38

Also read:

This has become an epidemic.  What can Americans do to prevent this?  Do you think it's poverty that leads people to commit crimes or is it just plain animalism?

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
WARNING: The following reply includes a 2 paragragh rant

Based on your leading questions it is clear you are a smart product of a traditional education - not everyone can take a couple articles and twist the finite value to support their broad sweeping opinion, or just stir up trouble.

This is a guess: Whites were 98% more likely to commit White Collar crimes resulting in millions/billions/trillions of dollars in lost pensions, profits, investments and jobs.  In fact in my lifetime I don't ever remember a high profile white collar crime that didn't include a pale face(s). I ask the past 230 yrs what race has commited the most damaging white collar crimes to america in terms of economic impact and social affect?  ENRON destroyed tens of thousands of jobs, indirectly caused deaths, cost millions in tax dollars to resolve the impact and that was only a few white asses.  The answer is never mentioned but is evidence of massively "Godless" criminal mentalities and I bet they were all the offspring of married couples and highly educated. It appears to me that education and religion only change the level of and physicality of crimes commited and the ability to avoid prosecution or conviction.

As to your 70% out of wedlock that is not a racial or ethnic value of Americans with African ancestry. Marriage is a recognized institution in Africa so the probable wedlock issue is the Welfare rules in the U.S. that reward poor single women with children over poor married couples with chidlren.

Next time you research crime statistics add the Millions of dollars and thousands of people adversely affected in non-physically violent crimes.

Just to clear up any wrongly assumed motivations I am a pale face too. Race doesn't commit crimes people do.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-02-02 10:55:56)

Let me begin by telling the author of this thread that his racism disgusts me.  It is my belief that people like you contribute more to the problem than to the solution.  Now, to the important thing that I have to say:  Crime can, has and always will be undeniably connected to poverty.  The White Male (Me, you, George W.) owns this country, and have the biggest say in who succeeds.  This generally means that the racist jerks (whether they be closet of announced racists) allow more success for the white male population than any other population in the country.  Sometimes the poor individuals that can't seem to make it any other way turn to burglary, murder, etc.    (Also though, if you look at serial killer statistics, an overwhelming majority of them are WHITE males.)  However, you cannot overlook the undeniable crimes being committed against more people here.  A black man in the ghetto may be statistically more likely to commit murder than I, a white suburban male, but that black man is only affecting a handful of lives, where as the crimes of, say, president george w. are affecting entire countries.  Entire countries vs. handfuls...Which battle is more important to you?
cfhdavid, define racism and then explain my 'racist' remarks.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Sickle cell anemia?  I think research should be done. … nemia.html
Yes sickly cell anemia is a disease which is based on a defect in the genetic code. And like I said before aggressive potential is partially defined by genetics too. But you couldnt conclude that all blacks have particular genes making them more aggressive without any proof if that s what you re trying to allude to.

Another one who missed the "Genetical disposition ---->LIKE THIS<-----" in my previous post.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-02 11:30:32)

First, BeatDown, well said.  I'm "not a minority" (whatever that means) and this thread has pissed me off too much to give a rational statement like you did.

Second, Tank, you started a thread that has nothing to do with BF2, and is just to either piss people off or get them to think.  So, altho I disagree 100% with the interpretation of the stats you provided, good job.

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Sickle cell anemia?  I think research should be done. … nemia.html
Yes sickly cell anemia is a disease which is based on a defect in the genetic code. And like I said before aggressive potential is partially defined by genetics too. But you couldnt conclude that all blacks have particular genes making them more aggressive without any proof if that s what you re trying to allude to.

Another one who missed the "Genetical disposition ---->LIKE THIS<-----" in my previous post.
Sorry, I meant I think research in the possiblitity of genetics being an issue should be done.
Did I get you right? You think it should be further investigated if all or most of the black people basically have something like the "crime-gene"?

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-02 12:00:58)

If alcoholism/obesity/etc. is going to be blamed on genes then why not?

Armagedon, I'm trying to make people think before they believe the BS they hear from 'pundits'.  Personal responsibility is what I'm getting at.  And I'm using arguments from other spectrums of society on the topic at hand.  Bottom line, socioeconomics doesn't pull the trigger.
She looked 18 to me officer
LMFAO, anyone who even thinks of engaging this moron in a debat is the bigger moron.  Let the thread die, and hopefully natural selection will takes it's corse and kill this idiot too.
Horseman 77
When you consider the population percentage that is black in the USA it is a staggering figure.
A greater proportion of Blacks are cuaght in crimes.
A greater proportion of Blacks are convicted in crimes.
A an even greater proportion of Blacks are sent to prisons.
The prisons are almost exclusively black.

cfhdavid wrote:

where as the crimes of, say, president george w. are affecting entire countries.  Entire countries vs. handfuls...Which battle is more important to you?
ROTFLMAO, And what crimes are these?  People like you bring great humor to my life, I'm sure that you still spend hours online talking about how "W" stole the election from Algore.  Yes please tell us how W is a criminal, Sadam Husien is a saint, OBL is in line to be the next pope, and the poor boys that flew those planes into the towers and the Pentagon are really heros that were fighting against the oppression of the US and we just got what we deserved.  I don't really care for the path he has taken us down in Iraq, but please, place your facts on the table when you are calling someing a criminal.  Exactly what law has he broken and why haven't charges been filed against him?????

Stealth42o wrote:

LMFAO, anyone who even thinks of engaging this moron in a debat[sic] is the bigger moron.  Let the thread die,[sic] and hopefully natural selection will takes it's[sic] corse[sic] and kill this idiot too[sic].
I see you failed English.

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-02-02 12:33:53)


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002. - Bureau of Justice Statistics
page 38

Also read:

This has become an epidemic.  What can Americans do to prevent this?  Do you think it's poverty that leads people to commit crimes or is it just plain animalism?

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
Racism: n

   1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
   2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

While parts of your statement are fine, you have two incendiary remarks "pure animalism" and "lack of god".  These both fall under the first definition of racism, belief that a particular race is better than others in that you compare blacks to animals and ask if their problem is from godlessness.  I have dutifully defined and pointed out your racist statements, now I make a statement of my own to the racists out there:  You can be helped.  The best way to eliminate this sickening state of mind is EDUCATION.  Go to school.  Grow up.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6944|San Francisco

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002. - Bureau of Justice Statistics
page 38

Also read:

This has become an epidemic.  What can Americans do to prevent this?  Do you think it's poverty that leads people to commit crimes or is it just plain animalism?

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
Your racist comments include the "epidemic" comment and likening Blacks to animals with the "animalism" quip.  And then you end up dragging your morals straight into it with your comments on "wedlock" and "lack of god."  This is direct flame-bait, and putting such an open spin and assumption on the information is not an intelligent way to ask the opinions of others.

cfhdavid wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002. - Bureau of Justice Statistics
page 38

Also read:

This has become an epidemic.  What can Americans do to prevent this?  Do you think it's poverty that leads people to commit crimes or is it just plain animalism?

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
Racism: n

   1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
   2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

While parts of your statement are fine, you have two incendiary remarks "pure animalism" and "lack of god".  These both fall under the first definition of racism, belief that a particular race is better than others in that you compare blacks to animals and ask if their problem is from godlessness.  I have dutifully defined and pointed out your racist statements, now I make a statement of my own to the racists out there:  You can be helped.  The best way to eliminate this sickening state of mind is EDUCATION.  Go to school.  Grow up.
The lack of God in the stated context is in no way, shape, or form racist.  It is a moral issue relating to the understandings of the theology preached by people like Christ, Paul, and may others.  If I said blacks can't believe in God because they are black then that would be racist.  But then it would be totally against the preachings of Christ as eternal life was opened up to "first the Jews, then to the Gentiles" of which all are that are not the former.  Pure animalism is what I hear others describe the problem.  I should have quoted it and it is my fault for not.  Thus, you are mistaken is your accusation.  And if you read any of my other posts you would realize that I have many black friends because I played sports in a predominately black high school.
Horseman 77

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

This shouldn't spark flames since I didn't just make unsubstantiated claims.  I provided factual evidence to start serious talk of a problem in the US.
Oh no He didn't want to cause trouble. lol

  The overall goal should be for America to strive to help blacks gain opportunities by being able to compete in the white collar workplace. 


.  We already live with an unspoken stigma that we are inferior in certain tasks and are forced to work twice and three times as hard as whites to gain recognition. 


We are also more likely to be forced to work in blue collar jobs with little or no hope of advancement.


If you think that things like this don't happen...just look at the areas where blacks have been extremely successful like sports.  Only in the past 5 - 10 years have professional football teams started fielding black quarterbacks and coaches.  Basketball is predominantly black and only recently have black coaches started making inroads.


There is still a lockout on blacks from becoming team owners.


...and finally, it is a well known fact that the justice system does not favor blacks or any other minority.  You do wrong in this country as a black person and you will rarely be given a second chance or a minimal sentence.   Those with money


will always have the ability to obtain greater legal representation that will have their client's best interest at heart.

  With a justice system that favors the affluent and powerful..

" favors the affluent and powerful " THERE ,YOU SAID IT YOURSELF ITS NOT ABOUT COLOR ITS ABOUT MONEY $$$$

- Beatdown
Its time to move on. If it was just some base that had to be touched or a special button that needed to be pushed it would have happened by now, even if by accident. All this drama. Move on. Its America anyone can make good here if they want to. No excuses allowed.

Marconius wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002. - Bureau of Justice Statistics
page 38

Also read:

This has become an epidemic.  What can Americans do to prevent this?  Do you think it's poverty that leads people to commit crimes or is it just plain animalism?

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
Your racist comments include the "epidemic" comment and likening Blacks to animals with the "animalism" quip.  And then you end up dragging your morals straight into it with your comments on "wedlock" and "lack of god."  This is direct flame-bait, and putting such an open spin and assumption on the information is not an intelligent way to ask the opinions of others.
Pronunciation: "e-p&-'de-mik
Function: adjective
Etymology: French épidémique, from Middle French, from epidemie, n., epidemic, from Late Latin epidemia, from Greek epidEmia visit, epidemic, from epidEmos visiting, epidemic, from epi- + dEmos people -- more at DEMAGOGUE
1 : affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time <typhoid was epidemic>
2 a : excessively prevalent b : CONTAGIOUS 4 <epidemic laughter>
3 : of, relating to, or constituting an epidemic <the practice had reached epidemic proportions

Read my previous post apologizing about not quoting "pure animalism".  Wedlock and lack of God go hand in hand with the understanding of the preachings of Christ, Paul, and many others.  And furthermore, the wedlock comment is a fact from the US Census.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6944|San Francisco
I understand and saw your apology.  The problem here is that the context in which you used 'epidemic' and in which you brought in your own christian beliefs can very easily be interpreted as being racist and condescending, as noted by the reactions of the others in this thread.  It's all a matter of how you set up what you were asking.
I live in Atlanta and more than not go to church in the South.  And since Martin Luther King used Christianity to get his message of peace across I tried to use Christianity to get my point across. 

I used epidemic because every night i turn on the news i get to see who killed who and who committed what crime and 4 times out of 5 it is black on black violence.  It affects me and my friends because we can't hang out at the 3-dollar cafe because for fear of getting shot.  So, epidemic was used in the context of most Altantans are affected directly or indirectly by these murders/crimes.

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-02-02 13:22:15)

Thread Ender
+58|6973|New Hampshire
I think a lot of it has to do with the statistics.  Look at the South, the block of the country from virginia, west to ohio, then southwest towards Texas.  In that part of the country, if you're a black man who can be linked in any way to a murder or crime, you have almost no chance of appealing it.

Read "Death of Innocents" by Sister Helen Prejean and you'll see what I mean.  Theres a piece in it about a man who could not be acquitted of murder and sentenced to death, even though his lawyer was so inept as to sleep during his trial and even help the prosecutor put his OWN client away.  There was almost no evidence against this man, and he was killed even with DNA evidence that proved his innocence.

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