Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

ilyandor wrote:

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
God? there is no God idiot, i hate religious people, i cannot understand why you have to hide everything behind a freak of someones imagination!!
you gotta be a real IDIOT to think there is no GOY you noob dork!
gimme proof then if you are so sure, until then im free to think whatever i want to... and I think any god is a Hoax!

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
God? there is no God idiot, i hate religious people, i cannot understand why you have to hide everything behind a freak of someones imagination!
and no im not black, im a tall, blonde, blue-eyed magificent specimen of the swedish pop. but i dont have anything against coloured people, your "statistics" are just as real as those Bush used for Iraq or those Hitler used accusing the jews....
u suck!
Hitler didn't exist.  He was created propaganda by a political party.

Grow up.
It's just balance dudes. The white population, of which I am one, is reaping the whirlwind for hundreds of years of persecution and oppression. I mean jesus it was only like 45 years or so ago that blacks had to sit in certain places in the states. It's bound to swing in the direction of the minorities for a while and then at some point it will all balance out. Probably when we realise that we're all just people and colour is fucking irrelevant!!
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
God? there is no God idiot, i hate religious people, i cannot understand why you have to hide everything behind a freak of someones imagination!
and no im not black, im a tall, blonde, blue-eyed magificent specimen of the swedish pop. but i dont have anything against coloured people, your "statistics" are just as real as those Bush used for Iraq or those Hitler used accusing the jews....
u suck!
Hitler didn't exist.  He was created propaganda by a political party.

Grow up.
oooook, i think i have had enough of your ignorance right about now... come on! no one can be so stupid, please this is the "Debate and Serious Talk"-section, try to keep it serious, and with that comment you must be joking...

Last edited by spacepelle (2006-02-02 08:31:35)

That bit about Hitler was a joke right?
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

To the OP, what about the fact that most serial killers are white males between the ages of 25-35?

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

To the OP, what about the fact that most serial killers are white males between the ages of 25-35?
Those are psychological problems there.  Extremely hard to identify.  But what does that have to do with the OPost?

dirtyepics wrote:

That bit about Hitler was a joke right?
If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

dirtyepics wrote:

That bit about Hitler was a joke right?
If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
no, you moron!! It is a FACT that Hitler existed, there are films, photos and a something called WW2 to prove it, however there is no proof that "Christ" ever existed!!!

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

dirtyepics wrote:

That bit about Hitler was a joke right?
If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
no, you moron!! It is a FACT that Hitler existed, there are films, photos and a something called WW2 to prove it, however there is no proof that "Christ" ever existed!!!
If you base history on films and photos then you are completely retarded.  What about written records?
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
no, you moron!! It is a FACT that Hitler existed, there are films, photos and a something called WW2 to prove it, however there is no proof that "Christ" ever existed!!!
If you base history on films and photos then you are completely retarded.  What about written records?
now my moronic friend you are just avioding the subject, obviously written records are imoprtant, which both history and religion can provide, but why are there no photos or films to prove the existance of god?

and before you sa it,  yes i know that the whold "Christ" thing is believed to happen a long time ago when it didnt  exist any cameras or such, but then where has god or christ or whoever you base your belief on been for the last couple of hundred years? you cant provide any proof for any meta-physical fenomenon, but you can prove for exampel hitler, and until i get some hardproof on god's existance, ill hate all of you "believers"!
Ok but 5 mins ago I decided to believe that I was Robert De Niro and they wouldn't let me on the fucking film lot.....if you see what I'm getting at.

I know what you both mean but Hitler prob wasn't a very good example.
He still can't prove Hitler existed.  He can provide photos of a guy that the propaganda people used for the image of their ideas. 

Also spacepelle, can you see gravity?

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
No I ll tell you what s the difference:
Hitler existed. Fact! I dont think we need to talk about this.
There is no proof that god exists or that Jesus is the son of god or whatever. No there in no proof at all dont try to say there would be any proof. That s why it s called "belief". Unfortunately you can also not prove there is NO god.
But you could also claim that the world itself doesnt exist, that we dont exist, that we all live in the Matrix or whatever, that Hitler didnt exist, that the world was created yesterday but you were created with all your memories, that a huge flying spaghetti monster (search google for this) created the world in 7 days and you couldnt prove whether all of this is true or not. Believe what you want to believe it s up to you but dont mix up supernatural stuff with explicable things.
I could also assume that YOU dont exist so its pointless to discuss with you anymore it would be the same argument as if you d say hitler didnt exist. A basic rule for me is to think the most plausible option should be seen as true.
And about this "Lack of god is making you more likely to commit crimes"
I for my part can act moraly without any god.

Hmmm but we shouldnt make this a religious debate......

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-02 09:21:11)

Dude there's film footage of Hitler.
The more important question is not the amount of people that are killed by african americans compared to the rest of the population but what is the Kill to death ratio of blacks compared to the rest of the population.
All kidding aside whoever said its socioeconomic hit it square in the nose. Havent you ever seen the movie trading places with dan akroyd. Just take a look at the big picture of the entire african american history in the united states use some creative thinking.
hey "wannabe" how old are you?

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
No I ll tell you what s the difference:
Hitler existed. Fact! I dont think we need to talk about this.
There is no proof that god exists or that Jesus is the son of god or whatever. No there in no proof at all dont try to say there would be any proof. That s why it s called "belief". Unfortunately you can also not prove there is NO god.
But you could also claim that the world itself doesnt exist, that we dont exist, that we all live in the Matrix or whatever, that Hitler didnt exist, that the world was created yesterday but you were created with all your memories, that a huge flying spaghetti monster (search google for this) created the world in 7 days and you couldnt prove whether all of this is true or not. Believe what you want to believe it s up to you but dont mix up supernatural stuff with explicable things.

And about this "Lack of god is making you more likely to commit crimes"
I for my part can act moraly without any god.

Hmmm but we shouldnt make this a religious debate......
Your point on existence is what i was making.  But you failed to see my point that proof is in the eye of the beholder.  He's going on the notion that if I haven't seen God then He doesn't exist.  Well he hasn't seen Hitler either.  By his logic, he has seen the man people claim is Hitler only.

Now to get back on topic.  What keeps you from committing crimes?
Beatdown Patrol

spacepelle wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

dirtyepics wrote:

That bit about Hitler was a joke right?
If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
no, you moron!! It is a FACT that Hitler existed, there are films, photos and a something called WW2 to prove it, however there is no proof that "Christ" ever existed!!!
I think you are missing Wannabe's point.  He was responding satirically to being called an idiot by somebody for believing in God or making a statement involving God.

The point is...there are far too many things in history which there is nothing but "written proof" that we take as fact.  George Washington and the American Revolution.  Napolean and the French Revolution.  The Roman Empire and their domination of Europe.  Hell...Agamemnon and the Trojan War.  Their are no films or photos of those people, those eras, or those events.  Is that proof that those people didn't exist?  That those events didn't take place?  Of course not.

Perhaps his use of Hitler was not the best example to make his point, but I do get his point.

In regard to Spacepelle's comments, I find it somewhat sad that you "hate" believers of faith.  How is it that their belief has any bearing on what you do in life?  If a person chooses to believe in the tooth fairy and it gives them the inspiration to live in a moral and ethical manner, why should I really care?  I am just trying to understand your inflamatory statement(s) and your rather one-sided reasoning on the issue.

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2006-02-02 09:29:28)

Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
Believe what you want to believe it s up to you but dont mix up supernatural stuff with explicable things.
i agree with ArMaG3dD0n, and as for this discussion - im out, you cannot discuss something proper with someone like tank_whore... good night.

Last edited by spacepelle (2006-02-02 09:31:12)


spacepelle wrote:

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If he can choose not to believe Christ existed I will choose to believe Hitler didn't exist.  Fair?
Believe what you want to believe it s up to you but dont mix up supernatural stuff with explicable things.
i agree with ArMaG3dD0n, and as for this discussion - im out, you cannot discuss something proper with someone like tank_whore... good night.
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

In regard to Spacepelle's comments, I find it somewhat sad that you "hate" believers of faith.  How is it that their belief has any bearing on what you do in life?  If a person chooses to believe in the tooth fairy and it gives them the inspiration to live in a moral and ethical manner, why should I really care?  I am just trying to understand your inflamatory statement(s) and your rather one-sided reasoning on the issue.
yes im sorry for all the hating, but my world is black-white, i hate or dont hate...
and as for believing in meta-physical things, not just religious but ghosts and what not, i think its idiotic hence i hate it and those who believe...
Beatdown Patrol

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Now to get back on topic.  What keeps you from committing crimes? definitely isn't the death penalty and harsh penalties like conservatives would make you think.  Criminals don't sit around and say..."Hmmmm....I had better not do this crime or I am going to be given the death penalty".  In order to do that, the criminal would have to know criminal law and how many of us supposedly "EDUMACATED" people know the consequences of a criminal act?

It is also amazing at the lack of fairness in the law for certain crimes.  How can a crooked executive like Bernard Ebbers bilk investors and retireee of hundreds of billions of dollars and get 25 years, but somebody in the hood can rob a couple of banks for a few thousand dollars get 40+ years?

I don't commit crimes because I don't have to.  You had better believe that like anybody else...if it were a matter of survival and I had to eat or have shelter above my head, I am going to do what is necessary to survive.  If I had to steal in order to eat, I probably would.  If I had to steal in order to have clothes on my ass, I probably would.  I honestly don't know what situation I would have to be in to feel the necessity to murder somebody, but I would be stupid to believe that I am incapable of such an act.  ANYBODY is.  That is why you hear people say "Gee...he was so nice, I never would have thought he would have done that."  after somebody snaps and takes a stroll with a Bushmaster, firing on anything that moves.

- Beatdown
As said before this isnt a race issue its a socioeconomic issue.  I believe if you could pull up murder statistics on poor vs not poor you would find similar results as the black vs white statistics (ie the murder % for poor whites is similar to poor blacks).  Although most poor whites do not live in the inner city which I believe is also a major factor in the increased murder rates.  You cant blame incresed murder rates on just being poor.  The major contributing factor is upbringing, as stated before 70% of all black births are out of wedlock.  Now just being born out of wedlock does not mean you are doomed to a horrible upbringing, but you would be lying to yourself if you didnt say it didnt increase the odds of it.  When you are brought up with good morals you are less likely to murder.  Also you can take the whole opression of the blacks out of the pictures because they arent killing rich white people, they are killing each other. 

Just FYI I used less and more alot.  I never said something was 100% happening either way.  There are always execeptions to the rules, (ie crimes of passion). 

I also decided to omit the drug issue which I believe is the leading factor in all of this, but once again is tied to the socioeconomic issue. 

So how to fix this, the blacks need to get out of the poor socioeconomic class most of them are in.  I dont have any statistics to back this up but I do believe more are more blacks are moving into the middle class.  Why?  Personally I feel with all the hispanics coming up they will replace many blacks in the lower socioeconomic class, but not entirely and not in the immediate generations because they are coming in to get out of poverty.
If you were kind of trying to speak "in his logic" and dont actually say not believing in god is like not believing in Hitler then this would be OK I guess. To me it sounded as if you were a religious fanatic.

Back to the topic: What keeps one from committing crimes?

Moral values which are passed on by one s parents + good social and economic situation in which one grows up + genes that tell everyone (some more, some less) not to kill each other because the survival of the species needs to be ensured. Of course it would be wrong to say blacks' genes make them more likely to commit crimes. Genetical disposition like this is not attached to races I think.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-02 10:04:43)

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