Since Ramm was less than polite in his titled thread, i have decided to repost...a bit more politely. … 977002.stm
p.s. No ranting or raving please, this is not meant to be an extension of the closed topic. … 977002.stm
Discuss.Israel's new ultra-nationalist foreign minister has said it is not bound by a US-sponsored 2007 agreement to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians.
"The Annapolis conference, it has no validity," Avigdor Lieberman said.
He was speaking at a handover ceremony at the foreign ministry, prompting his predecessor Tzipi Livni to interrupt and diplomats to shift uncomfortably.
At Annapolis, each side agreed to further discussions aimed at creating an independent Palestinian state.
Palestinian officials described Mr Lieberman as an "obstacle to peace" whose policies would rebound negatively on Israel.
p.s. No ranting or raving please, this is not meant to be an extension of the closed topic.