Bailouts are happening. People are bitching about the fact their money is being used unwisely.
Generally, I agree there should be several requirements if money is given...
...but at what point is the government beginning to meddle with a private organization?
My thought - bailout money should be used to buy voting rights for stock, making the government able to vote their agenda. Of course, this means that we can have "hostile takeovers" by the government. I like this better then here's a check...and then waiting for the senate hearings after the fact.
Generally, I agree there should be several requirements if money is given...
...but at what point is the government beginning to meddle with a private organization?
My thought - bailout money should be used to buy voting rights for stock, making the government able to vote their agenda. Of course, this means that we can have "hostile takeovers" by the government. I like this better then here's a check...and then waiting for the senate hearings after the fact.