I think he's saying that guns have the sole use of killing or incapacitating (I don't really count plinking as a legitimate use of a gun), whereas golf clubs, knives, baseball bats, cars etc, are designed to be used in a very specific, non-violent way (even a machete isn't meant for hacking off limbs). A gun, on the other hand, doesn't take you anywhere, doesn't cut your food, usually doesn't help you play sport, etc. And note that very few people will automatically link a golf club with killing someone by bludgeoning.imortal wrote:
Actually, I believe that would be your point. My point is, if you want a ban because they are 'dangerous,' then you are starting in the wrong spot or you have blinders on. By the 'dangerous' argument, you would have to ban automobiles, or at least severly restirct them. The fact that you don't suggest this gives lie to your argument from the start. You just want to ban guns, and are looking for an excuse to justify your position. All I did was poke a hole in your reasoning.cl4u53w1t2 wrote:
so, you would have to stop the selling of cars, knives, airplanes, baseball hats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, petrol etc.imortal wrote:
Doesn't that make cars more dangerous? The very fact that there are at least as many automobiles out there as guns, and that they are so easily operable in a maner they were not designed for, and able to take so many lives seems to me like they are even worse than guns are. They are also obtainable without anything more than a credit check. Everyone assumes a car is 'safe,' takes them for granted, and people die.
Remember, I am the one who wants to keep all of this stuff legal; I am not the one suggesting banning anything here. Oh, and how many times to I have to say that it is not a matter of 'need.' If you ask "what do you need it for?" then you don't understand the concept of freedoms.
(By the way, I'm not debating on whether guns should or should not be banned, so let's not start some massive flamefest rebuttal by someone who just got ticked off at whatever I said, right?)
On another note, though, why won't a tazer be better than a gun in the case of self defence? If a person comes to your house with a gun, he's not going to be able to shoot you through the wall, and should he come in, you can just taze him when he does come in. If he's shooting through the window, well, would you pop up your head to take a shot back? This is assuming that you have an automatic weapon for self defence, which you're unlikely to carry on person.
*reiterate that I'm not buying into debate, just interested
Last edited by some_random_panda (2009-02-27 22:42:54)