OK, haven't been on for a while,
LOL johnnykill I made it all pompous for a laugh you dumbass.
Tyfferra: err, yeah, I kinda overstated some things there, pretty much I only revive when it's convenient, most people aren't worth reviving, I don't keep track of people who I should put effort into.
Tempelridderen: ROFL, you just don't have a clue do you?
Hyper: ROFL, jetpilots can go f### themselves, friendly jets destroy my blackhawk full of teammates, enemy jets do some nasty damage to my tanks. I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP.
Alert Medic: nuh uh, shock paddles totally re-attach limbs, remove bullets and shrapnel and give the patient 3 weeks of IC and 5 years of rehab in 1 quick shock IRL. What fricken n00b made this about some game?
Ovarium: you don't have to be quick to take a medics kit and revive him, there's 15 fricken seconds! You know what else is teamwork? Anything that helps your team win, that includes snipers!
jonnykill: you a moron, you stole his kit, which was probably the only one he was any good with, so he stole your tank, the only thing your good with, you wanted your tank back, he wanted his kit back!
I now play support and barely touch medic, why the change? I found a cool gun!
But still, medic snipers have a place on your team, especially if they are scoring better than real snipers!
Oh, one more thing: Don't run around finding the biggest friendly gun nearby and dance infront of it! Support guns do not fire through you harmlessly!