This There are no real health benefits to being castrated only a shit-ton of risk. If you get testicular cancer, unless it metastesises the worse scenario is you losing that ball, doesn't really make sense to chop it off early on the off chance you'll need to in future. Prostate cancer usually hits when we're old and stopped caring. Without your balls you're gonna start looking like a woman, fat is gonna get redistributed to your breasts and hips, your bone is gonna lose it's strength, your muscles will waste...and that's just the stuff that's proven. The sudden hormonal imbalance could give you psychoses, depression, insomnia, just ask menopausal women.
If you're afraid of having a sex drive there are drugs they give to sex offenders (LOLpwnt) which you could ask your doc for. Tell them you're worried you're gonna go on a rape spree/ having gender identity issues. If you wanna avoid STD's get a subscription for WoW, job done.
If you're afraid of having a sex drive there are drugs they give to sex offenders (LOLpwnt) which you could ask your doc for. Tell them you're worried you're gonna go on a rape spree/ having gender identity issues. If you wanna avoid STD's get a subscription for WoW, job done.
Last edited by Aries_37 (2009-02-19 05:29:29)