Hurricane2k9 wrote:
I hate my damn job but it's impossible for a skillless 17 year old to get one nowadays. That's the only reason I haven't quit; the job is relatively secure in that I'm one of the better employees.
Anyone else wishing they could get new jobs?
I'm wishing it was easier to get employees who are willing to work.
"Yeah, I need some work so I can get paid! Oh, I don't want to come in today. Do you really need me? Hey, I know you have a bed of hot mix that's in danger of cooling to the point where it's unusable, but I'm hungry so I'm going into this restaurant for lunch. Well, we've been out since 6AM and it's already NOON, so when are we going home? By the way, are we working this weekend? Are we done yet? Man, I'm worn out. Yeah, I had the last two weeks off, but I'd like this weekend off...hi, this is so-and-so, are we working tomorrow? Hey, this is so-and-so again. I know you've got tomorrow planned out, but it looks like I can't make it."
I thought there was a big recession going on, so shouldn't people want to try harder to keep their jobs? Stuff like this is tough on a small business with few employees, and it's not as if we underpay, either. It's not fair to the on-site foreman either. I like to establish friendships with new employees, put a good deal of effort into training them, and it puts me on the spot to have to play devil's advocate with the company owners to keep them on.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-02-13 20:20:37)