LividBovine wrote:
Obviously he values the candidate'ss other views more so than the bailout. Unless he says he will not vote for anyone that votes for a bailout, and then votes for one, he is not a hypocrite. It really just comes down to how strongly someone values that one talking point over all the others. I personally lost a lot of repsect for most Republicans over this whole bailout thing. My values still match up much more so with them overall though. I would never have considered voting for Obama based on his views on a lot of issues.
P.S. Don't call me a moderate (or anything close to it). I will listen to Hannity tomorrow and start spouting all kinds of Right Wing talking points at you.
It doesn't matter. He puts himself out as this strongly anti-bailout person, goes and shit talks the left and the democrats about supporting the bailouts, and then goes and votes for someone who voted for the bailout itself. That's hypocritical, plain and simple.
Bob Barr lined up with his views way, way more than McCain does...yet he didn't vote for him because he's so blinded by politics.
Barr advocates repealing the Sixteenth Amendment, which would effectively abolish the income tax and the Internal Revenue Service. He would replace the current tax system with a form of consumption tax, and mentions the Fair Tax as a possible alternative. "Meaningful tax reform begins with reining in government spending."[1]
Since Noing's a strongly anti-tax person and extremely greedy when it comes to his money, I'd imagine he'd love this.
United Nations
Barr calls the United Nations "an enormous disappointment" and asserts that the "U.S. should push to roll back the UN’s functions and slash America’s financial contribution".[8]
Noing's always complaining about the UN (not that he doesn't have a reason to, tbh), so I'd imagine he'd also love this.
Barr advocates the abolition of the Department of Education as well as elimination of federal grants and regulation; he also supports the repeal of the No Child Left Behind act. He believes the education should return to the local level. He supports state-level tax credits to parents who educate their children via private education or homeschooling. He believes the quality of education will benefit more from a competitive market-based system than from a government-controlled system."[15]
Lookie thar! Less government involvement! Sounds just like Noing's style!
Gun ownership rights
Barr supports the right to bear arms as an individual right. "I oppose any law requiring registration of, or restricting the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition to law-abiding citizens."[9]
Oh look, guns for all! This oughta make him REAL happy.
Environmental policy
Barr believes the free market needs to be the foundation of the United States' energy policy. Supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.[17]
A staunch pro-Free Market politician who believes in drilling? Ho-lee shit! Noing must be creaming in his pants right now.
But no. He didn't vote for Bob Barr, who lines up with nearly all of his views on everything. He voted for John McCain. Because he's a hypocrite.
Keep calling Obama a socialist, only makes you look like you're still stuck in Sarah Palin's magical tundra world. And stupid, of course. When someone still has to repeat campaign rhetoric 3 weeks into an administration, you know they're REALLY grasping at straws.